
  1. 关爱女孩行动的社会背景及其公共管理学分析

    Social Background of Cherishing Girls Action and the Analysis of Public Administration

  2. 多视角拓展“关爱女孩行动”

    Multidimensional Expansion of the Action of Caring Girls

  3. 关爱女孩行动试点工作中存在的主要问题及其对策研究&以湖南为例

    Research on the Main Problems and Countermeasures of " Caring for Girls " & A Case Study of Hunan

  4. 文章就关爱女孩行动试点工作中存在的主要矛盾和亟待解决的问题进行了初步的探讨,提出了解决问题的对策建议。

    The article discusses the principal contradiction and problems urgently awaits to be solved in the experiment site work , and proposes countermeasures .

  5. 关爱女孩行动旨在扭转重男轻女的传统观念,消除性别歧视,以期实现全社会性别平等的发展目标。

    The action of " cherishing girls " aims at reversing the traditional conception of weighing men against women , which has been handed down from our feudal society .

  6. 计生委官员张建谈到这些措施时表示:“这说明近年来开展的综合治理措施取得一定成效,如打击‘两非’行为、关爱女孩行动等。”

    Discussing the measures , NPFPC official Zhang Jian said : " This fall reflects the effectiveness of the comprehensive measures that China has taken in recent years , such as crackdowns on non-medical sex determinations and sex-selective abortions , and care-for-girls campaigns . "