
  • 网络Great Kanto earthquake
  1. 1923年的关东大地震(TheGreatKantoquake)中,东京死了13万人。

    The great Kanto quake of 1923 killed about 130,000 people in Tokyo .

  2. 在1923年的关东大地震后,穿着和服的人往往成为被抢劫的对象。

    After the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake , Kimono wearers often became victims of robbery .

  3. 相较之下,1923年发生的关东大地震,虽然震级只有7.9,却造成142800人丧生,是日本历史上造成死伤人数最多的地震。

    Surprisingly , Japan 's deadliest earthquake , the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 , only had a magnitude of 7.9 , and yet it killed 142800 Japanese residents .

  4. 当日本发生关东大地震后,国人积极提供经济援助,表达了中国人民对日本人民的真挚友谊。

    When the Northeast Earthquake took place in Japan , the countrymen provided actively economic aid , showing of sincere friendship of the Chinese people to the Japanese people .

  5. 第六篇文章以1923年著名的关东大地震和1978年宫城县近海地震为例,介绍了日本城市型地震灾害的特点,以及当前所采取的城市防灾对策。

    The sixth paper provides a brief description of the characteristics of earthquake disasters in Japanese urban areas and the current countermeasures of earthquake disasters in cities by taking the noted the 1923 Kanto earthquake and the 1978 Miyagi-Ken-Oki earthquake as examples .

  6. 1923年关东发生大地震,14万3千余人死于非命,此后为了复兴,日本误入歧途。残垣断壁还未清扫干净,日本人就挥舞刀剑对朝鲜移民进行了屠杀。

    After the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 , in which 143000 people died , the recovery turned poisonous ; amid the wreckage , sword-wielding Japanese set about wantonly killing Korean immigrants .

  7. 根据局部复发时间探索日本关东和东海地区大地震最可能的位置

    Most likely locations of large earthquakes in the Kanto and Tokai areas , Japan , based on the local recurrence times