
  • 网络relation reasoning
  1. GIS中拓扑和方向关系推理模型

    An Integrated Model for Topology & Direction Relation Reasoning

  2. 基于Delaunay三角网的空间邻近关系推理

    Spatial neighborhood relation reasoning based on delaunay triangulation

  3. GIS中由单种细节方向关系推理拓扑关系的方法

    Inferring Topological Relations from Single Detailed Direction Relations in Geographical Information System

  4. 空间方向关系推理计算的NP完全性研究

    Research on the Computational Complexity of Spatial Reasoning with Directional Relationship

  5. 提出的近海环境地物多模态统一认知模型,实现了空间数据组织与空间关系推理的统一,揭示了概念世界到GIS世界的认知转变机理。

    By proposing multimode surface features of offshore environment unified cognitive model , this research achieved the relationship between spatial data organization and reasoning of the unified space , and revealed the change mechanism from the concept world to the GIS world .

  6. 日常生活事件时间关系推理的初步研究

    A Pilot Study on the Temporal Relation Reasoning of Daily Events

  7. 3&6岁儿童传递性关系推理的研究

    On transitive inference making of children aged 3 to 6

  8. 视觉表象对传递性关系推理影响的实验研究

    A Study on How Visual Imagery Affects Transitive Inference

  9. 传递性关系推理的简约模型&诠释传递性关系推理的新理论

    The Minimal Model of Transitive Inference : The New Theory of Transitive Inference

  10. 时间序列关系推理研究概述

    A Review of Researches on Reasoning about Temporal Sequence

  11. 基于常识的亲属关系推理模型

    A Kindred Reasoning Model Based on Commonsense Knowledge

  12. 线型物体方向关系推理的研究

    Research on Direction Relation Reasoning for Linetype Objects

  13. 三段论是量化的间接关系推理。

    It is a quantified mediate relational inference .

  14. 设计三种情境考察被试的推理情况,并试图揭示儿童是怎样进行传递性关系推理的。

    Three kinds of situations were designed to show children 's operation in inference making .

  15. 对时间推理的研究主要有两种范式,习俗周期性时间推理和时间关系推理。

    This research has two kinds of main paradigms & periodical temporal reasoning and temporal relation reasoning .

  16. 本研究在以往研究的基础上,对日常生活事件的时间关系推理进行了研究。

    In this study , we explored the temporal relation reasoning of daily events with college students as subjects .

  17. 基于球面四元三角网剖分的层次空间关系推理

    The atmospheric layer between the mesosphere and the exosphere . Hierarchical Spatial Relation Reasoning Based on Spherical O-QTM Partition

  18. 以往大多数研究集中在习俗周期性时间推理上,而时间关系推理研究则相对薄弱。

    Most of the previous studies are focused on periodical temporal reasoning , but not on temporal relation reasoning .

  19. 在此基础上,通过逻辑关系推理,探讨得知关键客户价值与物流成本之间的内在波动关系。

    At last , it discusses and ontains the rule of inner fluctuation between key customer value and logistics cost .

  20. 传递性关系推理是认知发展的一个重要方面,也是儿童思维发展的重要基础。

    Transitive inference is an important aspect in cognitive development and is also important basis in the development of children 's thought .

  21. 时间序列关系推理是对事件发生的先后顺序关系的推理,是日常生活思维的重要方面。

    Reasoning about temporal relations , a very important aspect in daily life , can be defined as reasoning about the event sequences .

  22. 阐述了儿童传递性关系推理发展的研究状况,分析了传递推理的心理模型,提出了新的心理模型。

    This paper discussed the development law of children 's delivering inference , analyzes its mental model , and puts forward the new model .

  23. 本体由于其能够统一描述领域内概念,使领域内知识得到共享,极大地促进空间关系推理的发展。

    Because Ontology can unify the concept in the domain and share knowledge in the domain , enormously promoted development of spatial relations reasoning .

  24. 目前空间推理主要分为拓扑关系推理、主方向关系推理和距离关系推理等。

    At present , spatial reasoning mainly consists of topological relation reasoning , cardinal direction relation reasoning and distance relation reasoning , and so on .

  25. 视觉表象在认知和思维活动中具有极为重要的作用,但视觉表象在传递性关系推理中的作用却一直存在争议。

    Visual imagery plays an important role in human cognitive and thinking activity , but its role in transitive inference reasoning is still equivocal and controversial .

  26. 在智能导航、机器人、计算机视觉、影像相似性判别、矿产预测中,方向关系推理都具有重要作用。

    Direction relations reasoning are playing animportant role in the intelligent navigation , robot , computer vision , image similarityidentifying , minerals forecasting and so on .

  27. 怎样摆脱这种两难困境?出路就在于正确揭示关系推理的结构关系并将之符号化。

    How to get rid of this kind of dilemma ? The outlet lies in correctly unveiling the structural relation of relational reasoning and symbolizing it .

  28. 2视觉表象中的空间表象有利于促进传递性关系推理问题的解决,而客体表象则会阻碍问题的解决。

    Spatial imagery can promote the process of reasoning whereas visual imagery can impede the process , because irrelevant visual detail can be a nuisance in reasoning .

  29. 在社会关系推理方面,基于语义化访问地点挖掘和接近数据对用户间的相遇模式进行分析,进而估计其可能的真实社会关系类型。

    For social relationship estimation , the approach estimates two users ' social relationship types by analyzing their encounter patterns based on personally semantic places mining and proximity data .

  30. 在系统分析相关文献的基础上,重点针对装配优先关系推理和几何可行装配顺序计算,提出了一种系统化的分析方法&几何约束分析方法。

    Focusing on the assembly precedence relations ′ automatically generating and the geometry feasible assembly sequences planning , a systematical method named Geometry Constraints Analysis ( GCA ) is proposed .