
kē xué jīnɡ shén
  • scientific spirit
  1. 第二,传播内容严重缺失科学精神。

    Secondly , communication content has serious deficiencies in scientific spirit .

  2. 在学校教育中,科学精神与主体间性应是相辅相成的。

    In schooling scientific spirit and subject interval supplement each other .

  3. 高校要重视培养学生的科学精神

    On Fostering Students ' Scientific Spirits in Institutions of Higher learning

  4. 大力加强人文素质和科学精神教育;

    Focusing on the education of humane quality and scientific spirit ;

  5. 科学精神与人文精神融合的必然趋势

    The Unavoidable Trend of Integration of Scientific Spirit and Humanist Spirit

  6. 大力倡导独立思考的科学精神

    Devote Major Efforts to Initiate the Scientific Spirit of Independent Thinking

  7. 物理教学中进行科学精神与人文精神教育的途径

    Ways of Realizing Scientific Spirit Education and Humanistic Education in Physics Teaching

  8. 科学精神与大学生科学素质教育论高校科学素质教育

    Scientific Spirit and the Scientific Quality Education of College Student

  9. 科技传播普及与科学精神培育

    Science and Technology Spreads , Popularizes and Scientific Spirit Cultivation

  10. 人文精神与科学精神的和谐。

    The harmony between humanity 's spirits and science sprits .

  11. 试论我国传统科学精神的伦理特征与价值

    On the Ethical Feature and Value of Spirit of Chinese Traditional Science

  12. 科学精神和人文精神的融通

    The Combination of the Spirit of Science and the Spirit of Humanism

  13. 科学精神内涵及社会功能浅析

    The Study on the Connotation and the Social Function of Scientific Spirit

  14. 科学精神与人文精神的消解与重构

    Mutual Dispelling Between Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit : And Their Reconstruction

  15. 关于科学精神与人文精神结合的思考

    The Thinking of the Combination of the Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit

  16. 王国维文论研究中的科学精神

    Scientific Spirit of Wang Weiguo ′ s Critic Research

  17. 科学精神和人文精神的二重奏&思想政治工作的时代旋律

    The duet of the scientific and the humanist spirits

  18. 大学生科学精神之现实解构

    Way to Realize the Scientific Spirit of College Students

  19. 中国政治学发展的走向:人文精神与科学精神的融通

    The Trend of Chinese Political Science : Blend of Humanistic and Scientific Spirit

  20. 研究生科学精神的培养与探索

    An Approach to Cultivate Scientific Spirit in Graduate Education

  21. 现代化进程中科学精神与人文精神的融合

    The blending of the science spirit and humanity spirit in the modernization process

  22. 试论科技工作者与科学精神

    Talk about S & T Worker and Scientific Spirit

  23. 科学精神是推动科学发展的精神动力。

    Spirit of science is the spiritual power to promote the scientific development .

  24. 9科学精神与人文精神走向结合;

    The spirits of science and humanism are combined .

  25. 论中医的科学精神和人文方法

    Scientific Spirit and Humanities Method of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  26. 科学精神与企业管理

    Discussing the Management of Enterprise with the Scientific Spirit

  27. 试论科学精神与人的发展

    On the Scientific Spirit and the Development of Man

  28. 科学精神与五四文学的理性品格

    Scientific Spirit and Rational Character of May 4th Literature

  29. 关于科学精神与人力资源要素的两点思考

    On Science Spirit and the Elements of Human Resources

  30. 高职院校科学精神和人文精神共融共建研究

    Study of Harmonious Construction of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit in Vocational College