
  • 网络the social function of science
  1. 论科学的社会功能

    Discuss the social function of science

  2. 贝尔纳的《科学的社会功能》的出版,在此以后,以贝尔纳的理论为核心,形成了一个科学学的研究团体,这一团体被称为贝尔纳学派。

    It was the publishing of the social function of science that symbolized the formation of the system of science of science theory .

  3. 第四章从主要方面论述了科学学派的社会功能;

    The fourth chapter briefly debates the social functions of the scientific school .

  4. 试论科学普及的社会功能

    On the social functions of science popularization

  5. 它为人类提供了前所未有的、富足的物质基础,科学强大的社会功能,我们早已领略到了。

    Science has provided affluent material conditions which are unprecedented for our human beings . So its powerful social function has been experienced .

  6. 明确指出科普工作转向的文化依据,充分展示了科学文化的巨大社会功能。论文运用宏观研究与微观剖析相结合、逻辑与历史相统一、比较方法、下定义等研究方法。

    The thesis uses the following research methods : combining the macro-research with the micro-analysis , combining logics with history , comparative law and setting definition .

  7. 本文从科学史和科学的社会功能,探讨科学精神的本质及其社会价值。

    In this paper , we discuss the nature of the spirit of science and its social value from the history of science and scientific social function .

  8. 从分析科学课程与道德教化、科学课程与意识形态的关系入手,借鉴科学社会学、课程社会学最近研究成果,对科学课程的社会功能进行了较为系统的研究。

    Beginning with analysis on the relationship between science curriculum and moral humanization and ideology , this paper has made a systematical research on the social function of science curriculum by drawing on the latest research accomplishments of science sociology and curriculum sociology .