
xīn pī píng pài
  • the new criticism
新批评派[xīn pī píng pài]
  1. 新批评派成员维姆萨特、比尔兹利提出了意图谬见这一批评理论。

    The New Criticism members Wimsatt and Beardsles analysed and criticized the intentional theory .

  2. 新批评派的历史性剖析

    Towards a Historical Aspect of the New Criticism The Aesthetics Observation of Criticism of School of Thought

  3. 新批评派的对立调和思想及其来源

    New Criticism : Thought of Opposites in Harmony and its Origin

  4. 新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评的影响

    The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism

  5. 新批评派有机形式观溯源

    Origin of the Outlook on Organic form in New Criticism

  6. 简析新批评派的文学本质观

    An Initial Analysis of View of Literature Nature of New Criticism School

  7. 新批评派的理论与实践之间的诸种悖论

    Some Paradoxes between the Theory and Practice of New Criticism

  8. 艾略特文学与神学的双重标准以及英国新批评派代表人物I。

    Eliot 's double criteria of literature and theology and I.

  9. 新批评派与美国汉学界的中国现当代文学研究

    New Criticism and American Research on Modern Chinese Literature

  10. 张力论在新批评派内部得到广泛引申,后又受到阿恩海姆的创造性发展。

    It had been used widely in New Criticism School , and was then developed creatively by Arnheim .

  11. 从新批评派反观后理论时代中国文学理论的诸种问题

    The Introspection on Some Issues of Chinese Literary Theory in the Post-Theoretical Era from the Perspective of New Criticism

  12. 英美新批评派则从文本语义结构上所体现出来的多层次、多意义的朦胧性特征来探讨“文学性”;

    The British and American newcriticists discussed " literariness " from the manifest multi-level , the multi-significance dimcharacteristic of text structure .

  13. 沃伦不仅是新批评派的倡导者,也是重农主义、逃亡派诗歌团体的重要成员。

    Warren is not only the New Criticism advocates , and he is also one of the Physiocrats and Fugitive Poets .

  14. 本文简略地介绍了俄国形式主义和英美新批评派在中国文学研究上的运用。

    In this paper are briefly introduced the theories of Russian formism and Anglo-American New Criticism as well as their application in Chinese literary studies .

  15. 引论瑞恰兹是20世纪西方文艺理论流派中英美新批评派的著名理论家,《实用批评》是他的代表性理论著作之一。

    Introduction Richards is a famous theoretician of the new criticism group in the westin the 20th century and Practical Criticism is one of his representative theory works .

  16. 尤其是20世纪40、50年代风靡一时的新批评派,更是把玄学派诗歌奉为英语诗歌的圭臬。

    In the 1940s and 1950s , " New Criticism " became very influential in America , which increased the popularity of metaphysical poetry in the English literary world .

  17. 雷纳·韦勒克(1903&1995),不仅是新批评派后期的核心人物,而且是一个执著于对文学进行内部研究的批评史家。

    Rene Wellek ( 1903 & 1995 ) is not only the core character of the New Criticism , but also a historical critic who insists on the intrinsic approach to the study of literature .

  18. 新批评派关于文学作品意义的对立调和思想,被具体化为“张力”、“反讽”、“悖论”等理论形态和批评实践。

    The thought of opposites in harmony proposed by New Criticism concerning the meaning of literary works finds its expression in the theories and practices about " Tension ", " Irony " and " Paradox " .

  19. 新批评派对惠特曼一首诗歌的解读是其批评理论和批评实践相结合的典范,充分体现了新批评派诗歌批评的特点。

    The interpretation by the new critics of one of Whitman 's poem is a best illustration of the application of their theory to critical practice .