
  • 网络NEW AGE;new-age;New Age Music;NEW CENTURY MUSIC & ART
  1. 在当今中国,靠新世纪音乐只能走这么远。

    In today 's China , New Age music will take you only so far .

  2. 于是我开了电脑,听了些新世纪音乐。

    So I turned on my computer and listened to these new age songs .

  3. 随着CD唱片的日益普及,随着立体声及数字式音乐电视迈开咄咄逼人脚步,随着,尤其是随着仿佛无所不能的计算机网络势力的高速扩张,新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还能有所作为吗?

    With the ever increasing popularization of CDs , with the agreesive march of stereo and digital musical TV , with , and espeacially with the rapid extention of the almighty computer network force , what else can be done on the part of the music broadcasting industry and music broadcasters of the new century ?

  4. 在发展新世纪音乐教育的进程中,儿童钢琴音乐的多种功能将会起到非常重要的作用。

    During the process of developing musical education in the new century , the multi-functions of children piano music will play a very important role .

  5. 第三章里主要研究了乔治.温斯顿创作的具有自然音乐特征的新世纪音乐,通过对他的作品与音乐进行分析。

    The third chapter mainly studies George Winston created with natural characteristics of the music in the new century music , through his works and music analysis .

  6. 新世纪音乐教育事业的蓬勃发展为人们学习音乐提供了有利条件,社会音乐文化环境也促使更多的人感受到音乐的魅力。

    The ongoing new-century music education has provided people with better condition to approach music ; meanwhile , the social musical environment helps more people experience the charm of music .

  7. 再次针对事实,从教学观念、内涵、策略、模式和评价等方面讨论了高中音乐鉴赏课的变革,必将推动新世纪音乐教学改革的发展。

    In fact , the third from teaching concept , connotation , and strategy , mode and evaluation of high school music appreciation class discussed the change , which will push the development of music teaching reform in the new century .

  8. 因此,可以说,新世纪基础音乐教育课程改革的核心,是课程本身的变革,也是人(包括学生、音乐教师、音乐教育研究人员等)本身的变革。

    Therefore , the core of curriculum reform of foundation music education in new century is the change of curriculum itself , also the transform of individual ( including students , music teachers , researchers of music education , and so on ) itself .

  9. 对新世纪高师音乐教学体系的思考

    Reflections on the System of Music Teaching for Normal Universities in the New Century

  10. 本文分析了高师和声课教学的现状以及新世纪对未来音乐教师提出的要求,并探索在和声课教学中加强音乐审美意识的多种方法。

    In the article , the author analyzes the actuality of harmonized music lesson teaching and the request for future music teacher in the new century , explore many kinds of teaching ways which strengthen aesthetic consciousness in harmonized music lesson .

  11. 当历史的车轮带领着我们驶入2001年时,凡关心中国音乐学术发展的人们也许都在思考:在新的世纪,中国音乐学将会怎样?

    Now it is in a new Millenium , those who concerned the development of Chinese music academic are thinking about how will be the Chinese musicology in the new century ?