
  • 网络new energy technology;New Energy Source Technology
  1. 与世界平均水平相比,我国目前人均能耗和单位GDP能耗还有很大差距,节能降耗和发展新能源技术尤为重要。

    Per capita energy consumption and per unit GDP energy consumption lag behind the world average level . It is urgent to save energy and reduce energy use and develop new energy technology .

  2. 10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)是清华大学核能与新能源技术研究院(INET)设计建造的,它有固有安全性好、易模块化、投资相对小及建造周期短等优点。

    10MW High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor ( HTR-10 ) was designed and built by the Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology ( INET ) of Tsinghua University in China . It has desired characteristics such as inherent safety , modularity , relatively low cost and short construction period .

  3. 质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC:protonexchangemembranefuelcell)因其具有能量效率高、低噪音、零污染、设计操作简单、低温启动、安全稳定等诸多优点而成为新能源技术领域的研究热点之一。

    Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell ( PEMFC ) has become one of the hotspot for its high-energy efficiency , low noise , pollution-free characteristics , simplicity in design and operation , low operation temperature and safety .

  4. 这十分有趣,因为Venter博士一直认为合成生物学是新能源技术的来源之一,这个观点也得到了美国能源部的支持。

    That is of particular interest , since Dr Venter sees synthetic biology as a source of new energy-generating technologies & and he has the backing of America 's Department of Energy to prove the point .

  5. 农村新能源技术推广体系建设的思考

    Consideration on Construction of Extension System of New Rural Energy Technologies

  6. 公共选修课《新能源技术》的教学

    Teaching Experience in Common Elective Course & New Energy Sources Technology

  7. 其中太阳能是其中最被看好,并且最有潜力的新能源技术。

    Solar energy is one of the most promising new energy technologies .

  8. 新能源技术开发及应用

    Exploitation and Application on Technology of New Energy Sources

  9. 方兴未艾的日本新能源技术

    New Technology Energy Technology Japan 's Developing Energy Technology

  10. 电子技术、新能源技术成为汽车技术变革的主要动力。

    Electronics and multiple energy technology become the main driving force of innovation .

  11. 因此,世界各国都在积极开发新能源技术。

    Therefore , many countries in the world are actively developing new energy technologies .

  12. 而这一次,新能源技术将可能成为新的动力。

    This time , new energy technology will probably be the new driving force .

  13. 作为新能源技术中的主力军,风力发电技术近些年来得到了飞速发展。

    Therefore , the wind power technology has been developing rapidly in recent years .

  14. 零污染新能源技术&生态能源房

    Non-pollution and New Energy Technology-ecological Energy House

  15. 可靠、高效的风力发电系统的研发己经成为新能源技术领域的热点。

    Reliable and efficient wind power generation systems development has become the new energy technologies .

  16. 中国已成为各种新能源技术的巨大实验基地。

    The country has become a giant laboratory for testing all kinds of clean energy technologies .

  17. 该课题的研究对我国在新能源技术的开发利用上具有非常重要的意义。

    The study has very important significance on the development and utilization of new energy technologies .

  18. 太阳能烟囱热力发电是具有良好发展态势的一种新能源技术。

    Solar chimney thermal electricity is a good momentum of development of a new energy technology .

  19. 风力发电技术作为新能源技术的一种,近几年来在我国已经初步成熟。

    Wind power generation technology as a new energy technology has preliminarily mature in recent years in China .

  20. 近年来新能源技术越来越广泛的应用在发电系统中,特别是太阳能技术的应用。

    New energy technology is widely used in power generating system in recent years , especially the solar energy .

  21. 在目前众多可再生能源与新能源技术开发中,最成熟、最具规模化开发条件、潜力最大的就是风力发电。

    Among all the renewable energy and new energy technological development , wind power is the most potential one .

  22. 随着电力工业与新能源技术的快速发展,工业、民用负荷的需求越来越大。

    With the rapid development of the power industry and new energy technologies , load demand is growing rapidly .

  23. 光伏发电在全世界范围内得到快速发展,被认为是当前世界上最具有发展前景的新能源技术。

    PV generation has made great strides in worldwide , which is thought to be the most developed renewable source .

  24. 热泵技术的发展因其为新能源技术成为世界关注的焦点。

    The development of heat pump technology attracts the world attention because it is as one kind of new energy technology .

  25. 清华核能与新能源技术研究院前期已建立了整个核电站全厂范围主要系统的动态数学模型并通过仿真得到验证。

    A simplified dynamic model has been developed and verified by The Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology in Tsinghua University .

  26. 近几年来,随着各国对新能源技术的大力支持,电动汽车得到了快速的发展。

    In recent years , with the strong support of countries on new energy technologies , the electric vehicles has been developed rapidly .

  27. 有人怀疑,中国不太可能在其汽车工业发展的前期,就把新能源技术投入使用。

    Sceptics say China is unlikely to mandate the use of new fuel technologies so early in the development of its car industry .

  28. 建立高级别与国会,联合国和其他国家政府的联络,协调这些项目和新能源技术的释放;

    Establish high-ranking liaisons with Congress , the UN and other governments to coordinate these projects and the release of the new energy technologies ;

  29. 美国因此可以在新能源技术的开发、交易中获得超额利润,以此来赚回流转出去的美元。

    America can therefore in the development of new energy technology , trade in excess profit , in order to earn $ out of circulation .

  30. 节能环保是未来新能源技术的发展方向,超超临界汽轮机作为该技术的典型代表,具有广阔的应用前景。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection are the development direction of new energy technology , while the ultra-supercritical steam turbine is one of the typical representatives .