
  • 网络xinxiang;Xinxiang City
  1. 对新乡市蜜粉源植物资源进行了调查。

    Preliminary investigation on nectar and pollen plant resources in Xinxiang City was carried out .

  2. 本文对新乡市彩叶植物的种类进行了归纳,并对其应用情况进行了论述。

    The paper induces the colourful leaf plant variety in Xinxiang city and discusses the application of the colourful plant variety .

  3. 加入WTO与新乡市工业结构的再调整

    Joining in WTO and a New Structural Adjustment of Xinxiang Industry

  4. 加入WTO与新乡市对外贸易

    Entering the WTO and the foreign trade of Xinxiang

  5. 新乡市青年人群血清HBsAg阳性率调查报告

    A Report of Positive Rate of Hbsag Serum in the Young Groups of Xinxiang city

  6. 从植物学特征、生长与结果习性等方面,对新乡市优选的金光杏梅(goldenPlum)进行了细致地研究。

    Analysis were conducted on botanical characters , growth and fruiting habits of " Golden Plum " .

  7. 方法用荧光偏振免疫法检测了新乡市100名正常人及50例冠心病患者HCY水平。

    [ Methods ] The HCY level of 100 healthy people and 50 patients with coronary heart disease was tested with fluorescent polarization immunoassay .

  8. 方法用血型群体遗传学研究方法,随机选择新乡市地区无血缘关系的汉族无偿献血者12000名,进行ABO、Rh血型系统的表现型及基因频率分布调查分析。

    Methods Used blood-type-population-genetics method , 12000 blood donors from the Han nationality were enrolled into the investigation at random , and the distribution of ABO , Rh blood type antigen and their gene frequency were analyzed .

  9. 方法采用分层抽样方法,分别抽取新乡市3所大学临床医学、动物医学及体育专业的607名大学生为研究对象,用症状自评量表(SCL-90)分别评定其心理健康水平。

    METHODS : Totally 607 students , majoring in clinical medicine , veterinary medicine and physical education from 3 universities in Xinxiang city , were selected by the method of stratified sampling , and their mental health levels were assessed by using symptom checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ) .

  10. 新乡市面粉中过氧化苯甲酰的抽样检测

    Sampling Detection of Benzoyl Peroxide Content of Wheat Flour in Xinxiang

  11. 花生田蛴螬可持续控制技术研究&以新乡市花生田为例

    Studies on Sustainable Controlling Technique of White Grubs in Peanut Field

  12. 新乡市饮用水中氟化物含量的测定分析

    Determination and Analysis on Fluorid Content of Drinking Water in Xinxiang

  13. 创造为市民交往的城市空间&新乡市怡园规划设计

    Creating Urban Space for Civilian Communication & Yiyuan Planning , Xinxiang

  14. 运用市场经济规律实施历史建筑保护&新乡市历史建筑保护初探

    Using the Rules of Market Economy to Protect the Historical Constructions

  15. 城市广场景观适宜性评价体系研究&以新乡市新建城市广场为例

    Research on the appraise system of city square landscape architect adaptability

  16. 棉花工厂育苗无土移栽密度在新乡市的筛选

    The Cotton Density Trial of Transplanting Seedling Without Soil in Xinxiang

  17. 交通便利的新乡市牧野工业集约发展区内。

    In transportation convenience Hsinhsiang city Muye industry intensive development area .

  18. 河南新乡市唐代墓葬发掘报告

    Excavation of Tang Period Tombs in Xinxiang City , Henan

  19. 新乡市木本双子叶植物气孔类型的观察

    Study on the stoma types in woody dicotyledons in Xinxiang

  20. 新乡市饮用水放射性调查与卫生学评价

    Investigation of radioactivity and hygiene evaluation of drinking water of xinxiang city

  21. 新乡市无公害农产品基地环境状况分析

    Analysis on environmental conditions of non-pollution agricultural production base in Xinxiang city

  22. 新乡市市售散装盐腌菜中亚硝酸盐含量

    Analysis of nitrite content of unpacked salted vegetables marketed in Xinxiang city

  23. 新乡市农村剩余劳动力转移的特征

    The characters of surplus labour force from countrysides of Xinxiang

  24. 新乡市太行山区地质灾害等级预报业务系统

    Rank Forecasting Professional System of the Geological Calamity in Xinxiang Taihang Mountain

  25. 河南省新乡市园林植物蚜虫种类调查研究

    Investigation of the Aphid Species in Garden Plant in Xinxiang

  26. 新乡市1998年街头食品卫生状况调查

    Investigation on the Sanitation of Street Food in Xinxiang City in 1998

  27. 新乡市某医院2008年抗生素使用调查分析

    Investigation on Antibiotic Use in A Hospital of Xinxiang City in 2008

  28. 新乡市职业教育和人力资源研究

    Study of Vocational Education and Human Resource in Xinxiang City

  29. 新乡市1973~1996年食物中毒流行病学分析

    An epidemiological analysis on food poisoning in Xinxiang City during 1973 ~ 1976

  30. 新乡市出市口道路设计浅析

    Analysis Of City - out Road Design in Xinxiang