
  1. 本文介绍了在21世纪出现的生物计算机,分子计算机、光计算机、超导计算机和量子计算机,这些新型计算机将对未来产生重大影响的。

    Living things computer , molecule computer , optical computer , superconductivity computer and quantum computer appearing in 21 centuries the main body of a book has been introduced , these new model computers will produce significant effect 's to future .

  2. 该逻辑门有望应用于多功能光电器件的构建,在纳米生物传感和DNA分子计算机方面有广阔的应用前景。

    This logic gate provided great promising for the construction of multifunctional optoelectronic devices , which had broad prospects in biological sensing and DNA computer .