
  • 网络living world;life world;world of life
  1. 沈从文湘西小说生命世界初探

    The Life World of SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels on Western Hunan

  2. 合作与交往是生命世界的基本存在方式。

    Cooperation and interaction are the basic existing form of life world .

  3. 发展是生命世界的永恒主题,但工业文明时代人们对发展的理解一般集中在经济领域的速度加快、规模扩大、人均GNP提高等意义上。

    Development is the permanent subject of life . But in the times of industrial civilization , Men regarded " development " as speed-increasing , scope-expanding and per capita GNP-raising .

  4. 试论林白对女性生命世界的个体化书写

    On Lin Bai 's Individualized Writing about the World of Feminine Life

  5. 芬丹必须把尼科莱永久驱逐出生命世界。

    Findan must forever banish Nicolai from the lands of the living .

  6. 教师的无字书:蕴育学生的生命世界

    Teachers ′ " Unwritten Book ": Moistening Students ′ Life

  7. 试论文本的意象空间和生命世界&兼论李煜的词

    Image Space of the Text and the Living World

  8. 这一切都表现在他对自然生命世界非人类中心主义的细腻描绘中。

    All of that are expressed in his non-anthropocentric depiction of natural world .

  9. 生命世界不是矿物世界转化的产物。

    The living world is not a product of the mineral world transformation .

  10. 我们生活在一个美丽的生命世界。

    We live in a beautiful world of lives .

  11. 可惜的是,现在还没法解释死后的生命世界。

    Unfortunately , there are no answers to the question of life after death .

  12. 我希望能通过具象绘画语言来描述那难以琢磨的生命世界。

    I wish to describe the elusive living world with the specific drawing language .

  13. 音乐以其强烈的感染力和神奇的效应成为生命世界的共同语言。

    Music has become a common language of the living world with its strong influence .

  14. 我觉得我的四肢因受到生命世界的爱抚而熠熠生辉。

    I feel my limbs are made glorious by the touch of this world of life .

  15. 智能是生命世界中最古老、最复杂和最奇妙的话题。

    Intelligence is the oldest , most complex and most wonderful topic of the living world .

  16. 我觉得我的四肢因受着生命世界的爱抚而光荣。我的骄傲,是因为时代的脉搏,此刻在我血液中跳动。

    And my pride is from the life-throb of ages dancing in my blood this moment .

  17. 生物固氮作用为生命世界提供75%的绿色氮源,根瘤菌是重要的固氮微生物,具有基因组结构简单、培养周期短等特点。

    Biological nitrogen fixation provides all the plants on the globe with 75 % of fixed nitrogen .

  18. 那些不运转的物体给予了人类来自无生命世界的唯一安宁。

    Objects that don 't work have given man the only peace he receives from inanimate society .

  19. 爱的变奏与延伸&冰心与米斯特拉尔文学、生命世界的比较

    Variation and Extension of Love & Comparability of the Literature and Life World of Bing Xin and Gabriela Mistral

  20. 整整上一个世纪,追寻重要问题的答案重新塑造了人类对于物理和生命世界的认识。

    Throughout the last century , pursuing answers to great questions reshaped human understanding of the physical and living world .

  21. 儿童电影用影像传达儿童的精神生命世界,在电影整体格局中是一个独特的存在。

    Kids'films embody the mental world of the children and thus are a peculiar entity in the overall pattern of films .

  22. 这种乏善可陈、老生常谈的陈述掩盖了一种微言大义:生命世界中的任何结构都不是无中生有的。

    This innocuous , quite banal statement conceals a great profundity : that no structure in the living world arises de novo .

  23. 在五十年的纪录片录制生涯中,艾登堡禄游历全球,记录下生命世界的种种奇迹。

    In fifty years of broadcasting , David Attenborough has travelled the globe to document the living world in all its wonder .

  24. 观念的改变会为你打开一扇门,引领你进入一个新的生命世界;

    Your changing philosophies may lead you into new circles and open doors that will give you a unique outlook on life .

  25. 玄妙的梦境,不仅激发着读者的想象力,而且还让人进入更本真的生命世界;

    The abstruse dreams not only stimulate the imagination of the readers but also lead them into the more natural life domain .

  26. 诗与思的对话&沈从文湘西生命世界刍论

    On the Thinking Embodied in Poetry & A Tentative Study on Shen Cong-wen 's " Xiangxi " Fictions ' " Life "

  27. 智能,是指观察、学习、理解和认识的能力,是生命世界中最神奇、最强大的能力。

    Intelligence is the ability to observe , learn , understand and realize . It is the most miraculous and powerful ability in the world .

  28. 是那些一心想要吞噬生命世界能源的无数邪恶生物的巢穴。

    Was home to an infinite number of malefic , demonic beings who sought only to destroy life and devour the energies of the living universe .

  29. 甚至这种完全无视有生命世界和无生命世界的区别的观点也不是合成生物学界最激进的观点。

    Even this definitive erasure of the distinction between the living and non-living worlds is not , however , the most radical idea in synthetic biology .

  30. 为了能回归唯一真实的世界&生命世界,让人“成为你自己”,尼采深刻地揭露了“另一个世界”的真实面目,将人的生命从理性、道德和上帝的世界中解放出来。

    In order to return to real being world , Nietzsche unmasked profoundly the other world and emancipated human life from rationality , morality and God .