- 名biological effect

Biological effect of pH values on 5 species of common leeches
The Biological Effect of Generation by Exogenous DNA Transformation via Ion Beam Treatment in Wheat
Biological effects of low let on recognition functions of plasma membrane of lymphocytes
Biological effects of ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray irradiation on lymphocyte chemoluminescence
Objective To investigate the effects of carbogen plus low concentration oxygen radiotherapy on murine intestinal epithelium .
Preparation and Biological Effect of Recombinant Vaccine of Attenuated Salmonella typhimurium Expressing Helicobacter pylori Urease B Subunit
Biological effects of space flight on sp_1 traits of Fenugreek
The Biological Revolution Biological Technology INFLUENCE OF THE  ̄( 192 ) Ir SOURCE DECAY ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECT
The mechanism of the effect was investigated using specific fluorescent probes staining and fluorescence resonance energy transfer ( FRET ) techniques .
Experimental study on biological effect of He-Ne laser and red fluorescent light on plants
A New Biological Response Modifier Substance-PSP ⅱ The Clinical Research of PSP
Function and Field Test of Compost Inoculated with VT Microbes
Biological Effects of Nd ∶ YAP Laser Irradiation on Liver in vivo Rats : an Experimental Study
Wnt Signal Transduction and Its Biological Effects
The damage degree of radiation brain injury of NPC patients after radiotherapy was related closely to BED of given dose of the tumor .
Objective To investigate the prebiotic effects of fructo oligosaccharide ( FOS ) in an enteral formula for children with malignant tumors .
Among all of moschus ingredients , muscone is one of the most effective , enhancing the biological effect of NGF , at least .
A Study of Network Parallel Computation and Genetic Algorithms in Evaluation of HPM Biological Effects and HPM Antenna Design
Biological effects of the fast meu-tron produced by 35 MeV p-Be reaction and 60co γ ray in single irradiation were compared .
Antagonism effects of caffeic acid , ferulic acids and CA-1201 on ET-1 biological responses
Experimental research of biological effects on a human liver carcinoma cell , line ( BEL-7402 ) in vitro with an argon laser
This may well be an explanation about the relation between the biological effect of Se and its concentration described by the Weinberg principle .
With the reduction in the expression of CD56 and the increase in the expression of CD16 molecules , NK cells are gradually becoming maturation of biological properties .
The development of uterine myoma would be associated with rising of ER but not estrogen . ER could enhance and amplify bioavailability of estrogen , and myoma was caused by this long term effect of ER and estrogen .
The mechanism that biological effect produced by using microwave , x-ray and γ - ray to radiate harmful insects is used to kill them is discussed in the article , which provides theoretical theory for the study of physical control of insects and its practical application .
This paper studied two research topics related to High Power Microwave ( HPM ) . The first is on microwave imaging as an evaluation method for the biological effects of HPM .
Therefore , we aimed to investigate the biological effects of rTMS and focus on the antidepressant-like effect of rTMS as well as the relevant sex difference ;
Utilizing lymphocyte chemoluminescence technique , the biological effects of 60Co 7-ray irradiation on lymphocyte chemoluminescence ( Ly-CL ) stimulated by PHA or ConA in vitro were investigated .
Based on LQ ( linear quadratic ) model of radiobiological effect model , considering repopulation and reoxygenation of 4Rs ' theory in radiobiology , we established a simple LQR model .
Conclusion The thermal coagulation effect is the major and ablation effect is the minor biological effect of Nd ∶ YAP laser . The surface thermal related coagulation and ablation effect is to the power and irradiation time .