
  • 网络vision process;visual processing
  1. 仿视觉过程的相位展开方法

    Phase unwrapping by imitating vision process

  2. 这些结果为我们进一步理解视觉过程提供线索。

    These results may provide clues to fur-ther our understanding of visual process .

  3. 视觉过程中颜色对立特性的研究

    A Study on Color Opponency in the Visual Process

  4. 视觉过程的数学描述

    Mathematical descriptions of vision information processing

  5. 对于顶底加工人们只能靠一般常识,即知识或经验通过激活记忆中的神经表征影响视觉过程。

    Knowledge or experience are recalled from memory by reactivation of their neural representations and affected visual processes .

  6. 这部分的第一个问题设计用来帮助产品团队在开发创意视觉过程参考用。

    The first question in this section is designed to assist the production team consult during the creative visual process .

  7. 知觉编组能用最少的领域知识形成目标假设。当目标满足格式塔准则时,知觉编组可以降低视觉过程中目标检测和识别的计算复杂度。

    Perceptual grouping can form the object hypothesis with the least specific knowledge , and reduce the computation complexity of visual recognition .

  8. 作为一个高智能化的视觉过程,地图综合中存在大量的形象思维和灵感思维内容,现有的理论和方法目前都不能很好地全面解决。

    Automated map generalization is a high intellectualized visual process , abundant visualize thought and inspiration thought exist in map generalization , at present , existing theory and methods can 't solve the problems of automated map generalization completely .

  9. 简要地回顾低级视觉过程对目标的识别的作用,如从阴影或纹理中感知结构等,其主要目的是集中讨论图像理解方法。

    Starting with a brief overview of low-level visual processes , which contribute to the recognition of objects , such as the perception of structure from shading or texture , this component mainly concentrates on the method of image understanding .

  10. 采用基于模型的走廊识别技术,通过模仿人类视觉过程,使用遗传算法,对实时图像进行目标识别和跟踪,实现了一套自主移动机器人系统;

    The paper uses model-based corridor recognition technique and adopts genetic algorithm , which is used like the optical process of human being to recognize and track the target in the real-time image , and realizes an autonomous driving robot system .

  11. 以室内3D场景图为实验材料,采用眼动追踪技术,探讨背景线索对真实场景视觉搜索过程中的注意引导。

    Using3D indoor scenes material and eye movement tracking technique , the study explored the attention guidance of the contextual cueing during the target search in indoor scenes .

  12. NMDA受体在视觉发育过程中的作用

    Effect of NMDA receptor in visual development

  13. 深入研究NMDA受体在视觉发育过程中的作用,对于儿童弱视的治疗具有非常重要的临床意义。

    So , further study on effect of NMDA receptors on visual development has a great clinical significance for therapy of strabismus and amblyopia of children .

  14. 方法记录19名青年男性静态(闭眼及睁眼)和执行视觉作业过程中的EEG,应用脑波频率涨落分析技术分析状态相关的α段频率涨落特征及变化特点。

    Method Nineteen healthy right-handed male volunteers served as subjects , aged 24 ~ 32 . EEG were recorded during rest ( eyes-closed and eyes-open ) and visual task , then analyzed using EEG frequency-fluctuation analysis system .

  15. 儿童自我延迟满足的视觉认知过程

    Cognitive Processing on Children 's Self - Imposed Delay of Gratification

  16. 显著性检测已经成为计算机视觉处理过程中的有力工具。

    Saliency detection has become a valuable tool in computer vision processing .

  17. 视网膜的相对耗氧量高于全身各组织器官,缺氧将直接导致视觉传导过程的严重障碍。

    Retina is the highest oxygen - consuming tissue in the body .

  18. 视觉光化学过程中的构象电子跃迁

    The Transition of Conformation - Electron in Visual Photochemical Processes

  19. 用研究和人物角色来强化视觉设计过程

    Strengthening the visual design process with research and personas

  20. 在线视觉检测过程及图形化输出

    On-line Visual Inspection Process and Graphical Output

  21. 情绪信息刺激对视觉认知过程的影响

    Emotional stimulus in visual cognitive processing

  22. 这就是一种视觉思维过程。

    Thisis a visual thinking process .

  23. 物理空间与心理空间在视觉感知过程中被连接起来。

    The physical spaces and the psychological spaces are combined together during the process of visual perception .

  24. 研究发现,聋人的视觉认知过程和健听人有所不同。

    The literature shows that , the visual cognition of Deaf people is different from the hearing .

  25. 在视觉设计过程中,作者通过分析客户提出的网页视觉传达需求,给出了完整的视觉设计方案。

    Visual design process , by analyzing the pages of customer demand for visual communication , given a complete visual design .

  26. 媒介仪式的象征符号传播是一种集政治、文化、经济和社会效益于一身的视觉感受过程。

    Overall , symbol communication is a process of visual experience which has political , cultural , economic and social benefits .

  27. 本实验结合眼动技术,记录视觉搜索过程中的眼动反应和手动反应。

    Combined with eye movement technology , we recorded tracks of eye movement and the manual response during the visual search .

  28. 制图综合是人脑神经元网络获取、处理、输出地理信息的复杂视觉思维过程,可以用人工神经元网络来模拟。

    Map generalization is a complicated thinking process which deals with geographic information that can also be imitated by neural networks .

  29. 随着新课程改革的推进,图形图像在教材的视觉化过程中起着积极的作用。

    With the process of new curriculum reform , the graphic image plays an active role in the visual teaching materials .

  30. 围绕贝叶斯视觉跟踪过程中的前景观测和滤波方法两大关键技术展开理论和应用研究,结合不同的前景观测模型提出实时、鲁棒的跟踪方法,旨在实现全自主移动机器人在不同环境下的跟踪任务。

    This thesis focuses on the research on foreground measurement and filtering , which are two key techniques in visual Bayesian tracking .