
  • 网络edelman;Ric Edelman;Julian Edelman
  1. 当哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool)研究员本杰明•埃德尔曼(BenjaminEdelman)、迈克尔•卢卡(MichaelLuca)和丹•斯维尔斯基(DanSvirsky)在Airbnb上做田野实验时,他们发现房东和房客都歧视少数族群。

    When Harvard Business School researchers Benjamin Edelman , Michael Luca and Dan Svirsky conducted field experiments on Airbnb , they found that both hosts and guests were discriminating against racial minorities .

  2. 埃德尔曼说:她是一个艺术家。

    ' She is an artist , ' said Mr. Edelman .

  3. 奥纬咨询亚洲金融服务合伙人克里斯蒂安埃德尔曼(christianedelmann)表示,这一点可以从亚洲投行成本与收入之比的恶化中看出来。

    Christian Edelmann , an Asia financial services partner at Oliver Wyman , says this can be seen in the deteriorating cost-income ratio for investment banks across Asia .

  4. 埃德尔曼等人关于意识的惊人假说

    The Astonishing Hypothesis about Consciousness Initiated by Gerald M. Edelman and Others

  5. 埃德尔曼说:“她是一个艺术家。”

    She is an artist , ' said Mr. Edelman ....

  6. 最近,埃德尔曼在华盛顿市中心一座教堂发表演讲之后接受了别人的提问。

    Taking questions recently after a speech at a downtown church in Washington , D.C.

  7. 太多的人认为吸烟具有自我强加的疾病,埃德尔曼说。

    Too many people think of smokers as having self-imposed diseases , Edelman said .

  8. 埃德尔曼表示,有些银行确实与企业客户成功地签订了巨额外汇合同。

    Mr Edelmann said some banks did build significant foreign exchange contracts with corporate clients .

  9. 埃德尔曼说,合成面料通常是永久褶皱,在家里比较容易处理。

    Synthetic fabrics are usually permanently pleated , said Mr. Edelman , making them easier to tend to at home .

  10. 在这一方面,埃德尔曼做出了最为实质性的工作。

    In this regard , Edelman who received the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine made the most substantive work .

  11. 玛丽安。赖特。埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

    The daughter of a poor , black Baptist preacher , Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated south .

  12. 我希望这些项目在议事日程上处于更重大、更高的位置,埃德尔曼说。

    I wish these were bigger and higher on the agenda , said Ms. Edelman , who was at the Oberlin event .

  13. 阿森纳经营总监凯斯。埃德尔曼说温格将得到巨额转会经费来加强球队。

    Keith edelman , the Arsenal managing director , said that much of the funds would go to Wenger to spend on squad strengthening .

  14. 弗里德和负责防务政策的美国国防部次长埃德尔曼在谈到未来美俄关系面临的挑战的时候使用了强硬的措辞。

    Fried and Undersecretary of Defense for Policy , Eric Edelman used strong language in characterizing the challenges ahead in U.S. - Russian relations .

  15. 这种服务他人的精神在当时种族隔离更加猖獗严重的南方密西西比州开始发扬。埃德尔曼成为第一位被允许加入密西西比州律师协会的黑人妇女。

    That service began in the even deeper and more segregated South , in Mississippi , where Marian Wright became the first black woman admitted to the Mississippi bar .

  16. 埃德尔曼建议,如果天气潮湿或者预报有雨,不要穿着100%真丝褶皱的衣服或者褶皱只用蒸汽压制而没有缝制的衣服。

    In humid climates or if the forecast is rain , Mr. Edelman advises against wearing pleats made of 100 % silk or pleats that are only steamed in and not sewn .

  17. 从意识的普遍性质出发,埃德尔曼提出了一个运用神经元群体活动来解释大脑工作的整体理论&神经元达尔文主义即神经元群体选择理论。

    From the perspective of fundamental properties of consciousness , Edelman proposed a global theory in which neuron groups ' activities are utilized to explain the operation of brain & Neural Darwinism or the Theory of Neuronal Group Selection ( TNGS ) .