
  • 网络biocapacity;productivity;biological production;biological productivity;Bioproductivity
  1. 杉木人工林连作生物生产力的研究

    Study on biomass productivity of Chinese fir plantations after successive planting

  2. 板栗不同密度林分的生长发育与生物生产力

    Growth and Biomass Productivity of Chestnut Stands with Varying Planting Densities

  3. 芦苇(PhragmitescommunisTrin.)生物生产力及其对大气CO_2加浓的响应

    Reed ( phragmites communis trin . ) bioproductivity and its response to increased atmospheric co_2 concentrations

  4. 底栖生物生产力现场测试系统(BCSPM)的建立及其初步实验结果

    Establishment of a Benthic Chamber System for Production Measurement ( BCSPM ) in Situ and the Preliminary Results

  5. 基于Δ(17O)评估的生物圈生产力是全球总的生物生产力,打破了以往只能孤立地评估陆地或海洋生物生产力的瓶颈,奠定了在更广时空尺度上评估生物生产力的基础;

    The productivity assessed with Δ( 17O ) is total biosphere productivity . It removes the limitation of only evaluating terrestrial or oceanic productivity individually and establishes a basis for the productivity estimates in a more broad temporal and spatial scale .

  6. 不同自然地带杉木林的生物生产力

    The biological productivity on Chinese fir stands at different zone

  7. 海岸带不同林农复合经营模式的生物生产力研究

    Studies on Biomass Productivity of Three Different Agroforestry Models in Seacoast Area

  8. 水曲柳天然林生物生产力及营养元素的积累与分布的研究

    Accumulation and distribution of productivity and nutrient element in natural Manchurian Ash

  9. 椰子-菠萝复合系统的结构特征与生物生产力

    The structural characteristics and biomass productivity of coconut-pineapple interplantation

  10. 柏木生物生产力与环境因子的典范相关分析

    A Typical Correlation Analysis of the Biological Productivity of Cypress and its Environmental Factors

  11. 中国主要森林类型生物生产力格局及其数学模型

    Patterns of Net Primary Productivity for Chinese Major Forest Types and Their Mathematical Models

  12. 广西不同生态地理区域杉木人工林的生物生产力

    The biological productivity on Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation at different ecological geographic regions in Guangxi

  13. 东太平洋晚新生代生物生产力演化特征的初步研究

    Preliminary study on evolution of Late Cenozoic primary biological productivity in East Pacific Ocean

  14. 长江口和杭州湾海域生物生产力锋面及其生态学效应

    Biological productivity front in the Changjiang Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay and its ecological effects

  15. 中生型与旱生型比较,其生物生产力和营养生产力皆为前者明显高于后者。

    The bio-productivity and nutritive productivity of mesophytism are higher than that of xeromorphy obviously .

  16. 杉木&籽西瓜套种模式的生物生产力及收益的研究

    A Study on the Biological Productivity and Benefit of Interplanting Model in Cunninghamia lanceolata-Citrullus vulgaris

  17. 复合系统的生物生产力是椰子单一种植园的4.3倍。

    Biomass productivity of the interplantation is 4 . 3 times that of pure coconut stands .

  18. 样地法耕地质量分的高低较好地反映了耕地的生物生产力水平。

    It is concluded that the arable land quality ratings calculated by the method can reflect the biologic productivities of land .

  19. 人类的不当活动和气候变化引起的生物生产力的衰退及土地覆盖的破坏,造成了现代沙漠化的快速扩张。

    The loss of biological productivity mainly caused by climate variability and unsustainable human activity leads to the fast expansion of desert .

  20. 但由于盲目开发、泥沙淤积和环境污染,导致野生动植物生境被破坏,生物生产力下降,并造成物种灭绝。

    Yet owning to blind exploitation , silt depositing and pollution of the environment , uncultivated animals and plants habitat were wrecking .

  21. 氮、磷比为124.2∶1,表明磷是该水体生物生产力的限制性营养元素。

    The N / P ratio was 124.2 ∶ 1 , which means that phosphorus was the major nutrient limiting biological productivity .

  22. 湿地具有很高的生物生产力和巨大的资源潜力和环境功能,又是生物多样性和受威胁物种的集结地。

    Wetland has high biological productivity and huge potential for resource and environment features and assembly of biological diversity and threatened species .

  23. 由此可见,碳酸钙和蛋白石含量的变化主要受到钙质和硅质生物生产力以及陆源物质输入量的控制。

    Thus , it is inferred that changes of carbonate and opal are controlled by calcium and silicon productivities and terrestrial matter influx .

  24. 这既是日本柳杉海拔分布的重要因子,也是影响林分生物生产力和碳循环的重要因素。

    They are not only decisive factors of altitudinal distribution of Cryptomeria japonica , but also important conditions of biomass accumulation and carbon cycle .

  25. 根据初级生产力的测定结果,我们对山东近岸水域潜在的各级生物生产力做出了初步估算,旨在为山东近岸水域开展海水增养殖,合理开发海洋资源提供科学依据。

    Also , from these results , we made a preliminary estimation of the potential biological productivity for different tropic levels in Shandong coastal waters .

  26. 根据国内外关于森林生物生产力的研究资料及其对全球气候变化响应的预测结果,本文对中国的森林生物生产力进行了归纳和总结,对其与全球气候变化的关系作了初步分析。

    Based on a literature review , we re-analyzed Chinese national forest biomass and productivity data and response of predicted forest productivity to global climate changes .

  27. 结果表明,随著经营年限的增加,6种退耕还林(草)模式都使土壤肥力、生物生产力明显提高。

    Results show that with the years passing by , soil fertility and biological productivity of the fields under the six models of management were increased significantly .

  28. 湖泊富营养化是湖泊水体在自然因素和人类活动的影响下,逐步由生产力低的贫营养状态向生物生产力较高的富营养状态变化的一种现象。

    Entrophication is a phenomenon that lakes change gradually from poor nutrition and less productivity into rich nutrition and high productivity under the effect of anthropogenic activity .

  29. 农果复合型生态农业中,农业子系统越发达,系统生物生产力越高,经济生产力越小,经济产值越低;

    In the crop-fruit ecological agriculture , the higher ratio the crop subsystem , the higher productivity its biomass , the lower economic productivity and lower economic value was ;

  30. 夏季上升流是上层磷的重要来源,其贡献约占光合作用所需磷的16%,对生物生产力有着不可忽视的作用;

    Up welling was an important source for up layer phosphate in summer , which contributed about 16 % to phytoplankton photosynthetic phosphate and played an important role in biological productivity ;