
shēnɡ chǎn liànɡ
  • output;capacity;production quantity
  1. 并且,分别建立了能源工业生产量及主要能源消费量的灰色GM(1,1)模型,本文定量分析的结果可为定性分析与决策提供可靠的依据。

    Besides , Respectively built grey GM ( 1,1 ) models of en - ergy industrial production quantity and consume quantity . The results of quantified analysis provided reliable scientific for the quantitative analysis and decision .

  2. 经济生产量模型对库存的控制

    How Economic Production Quantity Model to Control Inventory

  3. 工资水平取决于生产量的多寡。

    Wage rates depend on levels of productivity .

  4. PLC软件模型采用分段PID调节,在满足精度要求的条件下,提高生产量的方法。

    The system consists of hardware circuit and software The PLC software adopt section PID adjust in order to demand precision of feed .

  5. 通过对香港草地、芒萁、灌木群落植物生物量和净生产量的研究,探讨这些植物群落的C素动态。

    Carbon dynamics of the grass , fern and shrub communities in Hong Kong were studied based on the estimation of their biomass and net primary production ( NPP ) .

  6. 利用SOM模型有助于对土壤有机质分解机理的研究,并且可通过SOM模型对土壤CO2排放量、植物生产量进行预测,同时也可对农业管理措施做出评估。

    SOM models can also predict CO2 emission and plant growth , and evaluate agricultural management practices .

  7. 利用AIC准则确定模型参数,并根据模型对我国2006年的月度煤炭生产量进行预测。

    Model parameters are defined by adopting AIC criterion and also the monthly coal production in2006 in China is forecasted based on the model .

  8. 建议今后在温室自然通风量和室内有机基质CO2生产量两个方面进行进一步的工作。

    The following points are strongly suggested for nearly further considerations of the Greenhouse Engineers : CO2 caused by air exchanges and inner organic material-rich soil respiration .

  9. 测量代码(Instrumentedcode)能收集完整的应用轨迹,帮助我们计算剩余量(Latency)和生产量(Throughput)的状态,执行应用诊断等。

    The instrumented code can collect complete application traces , enabling us to compute statistics for latency and throughput and to perform application diagnostics .

  10. RationalPortfolioManager提供了对于供应链管理;供应管理,需求管理,消耗和生产量分析的四个关键区域直接和间接的帮助。

    Rational Portfolio Manager provides assistance , both directly and indirectly in four key areas of supply chain management ; Supply Management , Demand Management , Consumption , and Capacity Analysis .

  11. 群落的高增长及地上生产量符合逻辑斯蒂增长模型(Logisticmodel),并主要受环境中水分和温度因子的影响。

    The laws of the height growth and the above-ground production growth of the community conform to the Logistic-model . The height growth and the above-ground production growth are affected by the water factor and the temperature factor mainly .

  12. 线性增长的哺乳种群在Allee效应下的最大持续生产量

    Maximum Sustainable Yield of Linear Growth Population With Allee Effects for Mammals

  13. 然后以此为基础,运用Kuhn-Tucker条件对有生产量限制的产品定价模型进行了探讨,得出该情况下产品定价的一般特点。

    On this basis , the pricing problem with capacity constraints by using Kuhn-Tucker conditions is discussed .

  14. 中国东北部贝加尔针茅(Stipabaicalensis)草原生产量与生态因素的关系及其预测模型

    The relationships between primary production and the major ecological factors and its prediction models in Stipa baicalensis Steppe in northeastern China

  15. 采用温特(Winter)加法模型,建立了省一级邮政汽车运输系统中生产量的预测模型,并从生产实际的应用情况出发,研究了对这一模型的自适应校正方法。

    Using the Winter multiplication method , a prediction model for transportation quantity is built for provincial postal transportation enterprises . Then , a study of the self adapting correction technique of this model is made from the aspect of practical application .

  16. 适量的促芽促苗N肥,可增加再生分蘖成穗数和单蘖叶面积而扩大群体叶面积,提高群体生长率,从而显著增强再生稻的光合生产量;

    The result also indicated that the optimum nitrogen application rate used to promote bud and tiller significantly increased the photo-production of ratoon rice , attributed to increasing the number of productive tillers and the leaf areas , consequently increased leaf areas of population and its growth rate .

  17. 平均蔬菜生产量可以达到60g鲜重·d-1。

    The average vegetable-producing output reached 60 g ( fresh weight )· d - 1 . Conclusion The prototype could operate stably ;

  18. 日本新力公司日前表示,该公司有可能会再次推迟其新型掌上游戏机PSP在欧洲和亚洲的上市时间,原因是PSP目前的生产量尚不能满足其在欧亚两大市场预计的巨大需求量。

    " But because demand for PSPs is surpassing production capacity , we are now reconsidering the timing of sales in Europe and Asia ," said Kenichi Fukunaga , a spokesman for SCE .

  19. 以初级生产力和渔业统计资料为材,分别应用Tait沿岸海域生态系能流分析法、营养动态法和Cushing等3种模式,估算厦门沿岸海域的渔业资源自然生产量。

    Based on the primary productivity , the fishery abundance in Xiamen coastal waters was estimated by three models of Tait energy flow analysis method for coastal ecosystems , trophic dynamic model and Cushing model .

  20. 细根年净生产量20~1317g·m-2·a-1,占林分总净初级生产量的3%~84%,大部分在10%~60%;

    Annual fine-root net primary production ( NPP ) was 20 ~ 1317 g · m - 2 · a - 1 , amounting to 3 % ~ 84 % of total stand NPP , mostly 10 % ~ 60 % .

  21. 按2002年天然气实际生产量和2010年天然气预测产量计算,中国煤层气采用常规煤层生产技术可分别生产103a和40a。

    China 's CBM production by conventional approaches could last for 103 years if calculated in accordance with actual natural gas production in 2002 , or 40 years in accordance with projected gas production in 2010 .

  22. 根据Holdridge模型模拟、NPP估算、AVHRR/NDVI计算和土地覆盖变化等相关研究可知,这种干湿变化还未对植被分布产生质的影响,但可以影响植被覆盖度和净第一性生产量。

    Based on the simulation by Holdridge model , the calculation of NPP and AVHRR / NDVI , along with the research of land use and cover change , this kind of change can affect the net primary productivity and vegetation coverage without much change in vegetation distribution .

  23. 而且提高了原料的浆液浓度,提高了生产量,使其能实现产业化的目的。

    It has raised raw material thickness and improved production capacity .

  24. 战争时期北方的服装生产量翻了一番

    Production of clothing in the North doubles during the conflict .

  25. 无芒雀麦草地营养物质生产量季节动态的研究

    Seasonal Dynamics of Nutrient Content and Production of Smooth Bromegrass Grassland

  26. 能源工业生产量及主要能源消费量的分析与预测

    Analysis and forecast for Production and Main Consume Quantity of Energy

  27. 邮政汽车运输生产量的预测模型与程序设计研究

    Prediction Model and Program Design for Transportation Quantity of Postal Trucks

  28. 水生植物生产量测定的种群统计学方法

    Demographic method for the calculation of the production of aquatic plant

  29. 同时还研究了林分平均净生产量和产量结构。

    The structure of output and productive forces have been examined .

  30. 鱼苗池浮游动物生物量和生产量的初步研究

    A preliminary study on biomass and production of Zooplankton in fry ponds