
shēnɡ huó xínɡ
  • life form
  1. 同时,用主成分分析(PCA)作为排序的方法和系统聚类中的离差平方和法与类平均法,对东灵山植物群落的生活型谱进行了排序和分类。

    Ordination and classification of the life form of plant community were done by principle component analysis ( PCA ) and systemic cluster analysis .

  2. 在生态类型结构的变化上,生活型中隐芽植物在大斑块上的比例较小斑块显著增加(p<0.05);株生长型的莲座型和直立型在小、中、大斑块之间均差异显著。

    In terms of ecological type structures , the geophyte of life form increased significantly on large patches ( p0.05 ) . The bottom of lotus seed type and endlong type had significant difference among small , medium and large patches .

  3. 不同生活型之间其含能量有显著差异(p<0.01)。

    Significant variation of energy content was found among the life forms ( p0.01 ) . 8 .

  4. 常绿阔叶树种不同生活型植物N和P含量存在一定差异,常绿阔叶乔木树种N和P含量高于常绿阔叶灌木树种。

    Deciduous broad-leaved species have consistently higher leaf N and P than evergreen broad-leaved species , but there are no significant differences in stems , branches and roots .

  5. 植物的DNAC-值在不同的分类群和生活型之间存在巨大差异,这种差异与地理分布、生态适应、植物的入侵能力等有一定的相关性。

    A huge difference exist in the DNA C-values of different plant taxa and life forms , which is in relation to their geographic distribution , ecological adaptation , and invasive ability and so on .

  6. 按Raunkiaer生活型分类标准统计,早春植物都属于地下芽植物。

    According to Raunkiaer life type classification standard , early-spring herbs all belong to geophytes .

  7. 在年降水量110mm以下的地区,生活型主要为小灌木或一年生草本;

    While less than 110 mm the plant main life forms are dwarf shrub or annual herbs .

  8. 灌木层平均高0.43m,包括高位芽和地上芽2种生活型层片,根系多分布至1.5m以下的土层中,根幅>2m×2m;

    Asia to C. Asia elements . The average hight of bush layer is 0.43 m and it consists of the phaenerophytes and the chamaephytes synusia , its root system distributes under 1.5 m soil layer .

  9. 为揭示不同生活型植物的营养策略,本文以天童国家森林公园若干种植物为研究材料,探讨不同植物的NUE大小以及不同生活型植物NUE差异。

    To reveal the nutrient use strategy , NUE of several trees in Tiantong National Forest Park were studied in this paper , focusing on the difference of the NUE between different life forms .

  10. 在Raunkiaer生活型谱中,3个植被恢复区均以一年生植物的比例最大。

    In the spectrum of life form of Raunkiaer , the annual plant has the most proportion in al three vegetative restoration areas .

  11. 在不同生境、生活型和物种之间,作为NP与MRI乘积的NUE比NP、MRI的变化相对要小,结果表明植物主要通过延长MRT来适应氮素贫瘠的生境。

    Consequently NUE , i.e. the product of NP and MRT , was relatively constant across species , habitats and life-forms . These results offered support to the hypothesis that adaptation to infertile habitats involves a long MRT rather than a high NUE per se .

  12. 从土壤剖面来看,植被对020cm土壤养分作用大于2040cm;从植被生活型来看,草本对040cm土壤养分的提高作用大于乔木和灌木。

    The content of nutrient in the profile of soil in 0 20 cm was higher than that in 20 40 cm , and the increasing effect on soil nutrient by herbage communities was clearer than by arboreal communities and by bush communities .

  13. 应用由丹麦学者Raunkiaer提出的生活型分类系统,研究了北京东灵山植物群落的生活型,并编制了主要植物群落类型的生活型谱。

    According to the classification system of life form provided by Raunkiaer , Danmark ecologist , the life form of plant communities in Dongling Mountain was analysed , and the life form spectrum was organized .

  14. 依据植物在各海拔带出现的频率和不同海拔带植物种的生活型,对祁连山区草地群落海拔2500~3000m的物种α多样性变化特征进行了研究。

    According to the occurring frequency and life form of plant species at different altitude levels , this paper studied the changing characteristics of the species α diversity of pasture community at the altitude from 2 500 m to 3 000 m in Qilian Mountains .

  15. 对蝎子草属(Girardinia)植物的分布及生态适应性进行了研究,首次揭示了该属植物的世界分布及中国分布的规律性,界定了植物的生活型,阐述了植物的生态特征。

    This paper studied distribution and ecological adaptability of girardinia plant , first brought to light the laws of their world distribution and Chinese distribution , Divided plant life form , expounded plant ecological characteristics .

  16. 不同生活型的藓类植物茎叶的形态解剖研究

    Anatomical Study on Stem and Leaf of Mosses of Different Life-forms

  17. 植物的生活型以多年生草本为主,木本种较少,乔木更少;

    Most of the plants are perennial and poorest of trees .

  18. 陆地植物群落生活型研究进展

    Perspectives of the Research on Life Form in Land Plant Communities

  19. 生活型分析表明一年生植物占优势。

    By the life type analysis , the annual plant gain advantage .

  20. 农田瓢虫生活型初探

    A primary investigation and study to life form of ladybeetles in farm

  21. 我们有各种各样的生活型人工早餐食品

    We have a wide assortment of life-sized artificial breakfast food

  22. 因此,社会主义法治建设必须从“体制型“法治走向“生活型”法治。

    So socialist nomocracy must go to life style from system style .

  23. 河南山地针叶林植物生活型谱的研究

    Study on life-form spectrum of needle-leaf forest community in Henan

  24. 种子植物具有丰富的和多样化的生活型。

    It has plenty and variety living types in angiospermae . 2 .

  25. 各种生活型的粗蛋白含量不同。

    Rough protein content varied among different plant parts and life forms .

  26. 不同干扰样地内生活型组成改变显著。

    ( 2 ) The life-form was changed significantly in disturbed plots .

  27. 小兴安岭东北部植被组成的生活型及生活型谱分析

    Analysis of Life Form and Biological Spectrum of Vegetation Component

  28. 新疆北部森林生态系统地衣植物生活型的初步研究

    Analysis on life forms of lichens in forest ecosystem of northern Xinjiang

  29. 云台山苔藓植物的生活型及其景观价值

    The Life-forms of Bryophyta and Its Value of Landscape at Mt. Yuntai

  30. 安徽大别山野生藤本植物区系与生活型分析

    Flora and Life-form Analysis of Wild Vines in Dabie Mountain , Anhui Province