
  • 网络Savanna;savannah
  1. 木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的研究进展

    Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas

  2. 海南岛西部是我国唯一的热带稀树干草原沙漠化地区,是热带沙漠化土地类型、沙漠化过程十分典型的区域。

    The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .

  3. 从生态系统干扰的角度,讨论了木本植物多度增加机制的复杂性,并指出木本植物幼苗补充和定居的连续性和间断性两种方式,对于草原和稀树干草原木本植物多度增加的贡献。

    From a view of disturbances in ecosystems , we discuss the complexity of mechanisms for the increased abundance of woody plant , and indicate the contributions of episodic and continuous recruitment and establishment of seedling to woody plant expansion in the vegetation .