
xī yǒu dònɡ wù
  • rare animals
  1. 数种稀有动物最近几年在那被发现。

    Several rare animals have been sighted there in recent years .

  2. 许多稀有动物濒临灭绝。

    Many rare animals are at the edge of extinction .

  3. 除了在电影行业名声大噪外,BourneWood也是一个重要的保护区——它是一些稀有动物的栖息地。

    Besides its prestige in the film industry , Bourne Wood is also an important area environmentally - it 's home to several rare animal species .

  4. 稀薄的adv.非常;极其现在老虎在台湾是稀有动物。

    rare Today tigers are rare animals in Taiwan .

  5. 这些奶牛现在被归为稀有动物。

    These cows are now classified as a rare breed .

  6. 相反,一些稀有动物确是人类的好朋友。

    On the contrary , some rare animals are our good friends .

  7. 稀有动物一向被法律保护著。

    The rare animals are always protected by the laws .

  8. 熊猫住在中国,而且是稀有动物。

    Pandas live in China and are very rare .

  9. 有些人喜欢饲养稀有动物当宠物。

    A : Some people like to keep rare animals as their pets .

  10. 如今,熊猫是稀有动物。

    Today pandas are rare animals in the world .

  11. 金丝猴是世界上的稀有动物。

    The golden monkey is a kind of rare animal in the world .

  12. 澳洲有稀有动物,例如考拉熊和鸭嘴兽。

    There are rare animals in Australia , for instance , koalas and duckbills .

  13. 保护稀有动物是全世界关注的问题。

    The protection of rare animals is a problem concerned on a global basis .

  14. 十年前,这种稀有动物有被法律保护。

    This kind of rare animal was protected by the laws ten years ago .

  15. 熊猫现在是稀有动物。

    The panda is now a rare animal .

  16. 必须采取措施防止稀有动物灭绝。

    Something must be done to protect our rare wild animals from becoming extinct .

  17. 这种稀有动物长着像鸭子一样带蹼的脚爪和鸭子嘴。

    This unusual animal resembles a duck with its webbed feet and a duck-like bill .

  18. 所以海龟是稀有动物。

    So sea turtles are rare animals.318 .

  19. 两年后,此种稀有动物将被法律保护。

    This kind of rare animal will be protected by the laws two years late .

  20. 在药剂师手里完成之前,在海里穿梭的稀有动物的东西是什么?

    What very rare animal matter crosses the seas before finishing in the hands of apothecaries ?

  21. 珍贵稀有动物的保护

    Conservation of rare animals

  22. 建立稀有动物虚拟世界,参与者象动物一样行为,学习它们的生存法则。

    A virtual world for human behave like a rare wild animal , learning nature rules of each animal .

  23. 在第二次世界大战前,此种稀有动物在美国就已经被法律保护了。

    This kind of rare animal had been protected by the laws in America for years before World War II .

  24. 热带阳光、稀有动物、环状珊瑚岛&一次冒险,仅有简单的计划、指南针以及我的素描本,正像这个图形展现的一样

    Tropical sun , exotic animals , atolls-adventure only with a paper plan , compass and my own sketchbook-diary like this graphic

  25. 大熊猫是中国的绣有动物,也是世界稀有动物之一。

    The giant panda is a rare animal in China , and also one of the rare animals in the world .

  26. 此外,日益庞大的中产阶级也把稀有动物的肉看做能够彰显自身财富的奢侈商品。

    The exotic meats of rare animals are seen as luxuries by a rising middle class eager to advertise its prosperity .

  27. 尤其是东北虎、豹、驼鹿、猞猁、紫貂、马鹿、梅花鹿等均为国家级稀有动物。

    Especially the east-northern tiger , leopard , moose , lynx , sable and spotted deer are the national scarce protected animals .

  28. 马达加斯加岛因岛上的稀有动物而闻名,尤其是世界其他地方已绝迹的灵长类动物——狐猴。

    MADAGASCAR is renowned for its unusual animals , particularly its lemurs , a group of primates extinct elsewhere on the planet .

  29. 如果你的父母还健在并且没有离婚,即使在美国或加拿大你也是稀有动物之一。

    If your parents are still alive and still married * you are very rare , even in the Unite States and Canada .

  30. 但是一些人为了赚钱而猎杀稀有动物,例如熊猫、金丝猴等。

    But some people kill the rare animals , such as pandas , golden monkeys and so on in order to get money .