
  • 网络Savanna;savannah
  1. 热带海滨砂生植被,5.西部干燥稀树草原。

    The tropical seaside sand dune vegetation . 5.the western dried savanna .

  2. 约二百万年前,这些直立猿人在非洲的热带稀树草原进化

    These upright apes evolved on the African savanna about two million years ago ,

  3. 云南干热河谷植被均为耐旱的旱生植被,主要有以下三种类型:1)半稀树草原(Semisavanna)型植被;

    The floristic characteristic of seed plants in the dry and hot valley of Yunnan is dry-fast , and there are three vegetation types : ( 1 ) The Semi-savanna ;

  4. 想象一下我们早先的祖先在稀树草原寻找食物。

    Imagine our early ancestors roaming the savannah looking for food .

  5. 这里有东非最大最完整的热带稀树草原。

    The largest intact savanna in East Africa .

  6. 概述了澳大利亚对稀树草原的合理利用与保护措施。

    The experience of proper utilization and protection of savanna in Australia was also briefed .

  7. 非洲稀树草原生态系统概况

    Ecosystem of Savanna in Africa

  8. 两者皆生活在茂密的丛林到热带稀树草原,以小家族群形式活动,由年老母象带领。

    Elephants live in habitats ranging from thick jungle to savanna , in small family groups led by old cows .

  9. 新建的保护区环绕成一个马赛克式的稀树草原,覆盖有古老的沙丘,河边的森林以及沼泽森林。

    The new protected areas will encompass a mosaic of savannas covering ancient sand dunes , riverside forests , and swamp forests .

  10. 希腊人将个人奋斗精神带进城市,这是北方稀树草原上流浪生活所培养起来的个人进取思想。

    The Greeks had brought down into cities the individualism , the personal initiative of the wandering life of the northern parklands .

  11. 错误叠加能够解释为何复杂的生态系统(比如雨林)往往比简单的生态系统(比如热带稀树草原)更为脆弱。

    Error cascades can explain why complex ecosystems ( like rainforests ) tend to be more fragile than simple ones ( like savannahs ) .

  12. 这里的区系成分除了与其所处的滇中高原邻近地区关系很密切外,与印度等地的稀树草原也有联系,表现出了区系成分的古老联系和稀树草原植被的残余性。

    The floristic com-position of the river valley and its relationship to the flora of neighboring district , the India savanna , have been discussed .

  13. 从澳大利亚的自然条件出发,简述了澳大利亚稀树草原上植物的生长情况和动物的生活习性;介绍了火对稀树草原的影响,以及目前稀树草原的水土流失状况;

    The plants and animals in savanna in Australia were described and the influences of fire on savanna and the present water and soil loss in savanna discussed .

  14. 如果你是稀树草原上的早期人类,最好是害怕一切种类的蛇而不是仔细检查每种蛇的毒液。

    If you 're an early human on the savanna , you 're better off fearing all snakes than having to closely examine each specimen for venom glands .

  15. 中国东亚飞蝗新类型蝗区&海南热带稀树草原蝗区的生态地理特征及其与大沙河蝗区比较

    A new type of locust area in china ── the ecological geography characteristics of the tropical savannah locust area in Hainan as compared with the river delta type of locust area

  16. 就像一群忿忿不平的秃鹫,目睹属于自己的腐肉被转移到稀树草原的另一个地方,科技和媒体行业面对从这种转变中获利的广阔可能性,是又惊又喜的。

    And like a horde of aggrieved vultures that has just seen its carrion spirited away to some other part of the savanna , the tech and media business is equally panicked and excited about the vast possibilities for making money from the shift .

  17. 木本植物多度在草原和稀树干草原中增加的研究进展

    Increased abundance of woody plants in grasslands and savannas

  18. 毕竟,充满捕食者的热带稀树大草原并不是一个会让人分心的地方。

    A savanna full of predators , after all , was not a place to get distracted .

  19. 理想的热带稀树大草原风景是最显著的例证之一,在世界各地的人都能找到有相似的视觉体验的美。

    The ideal savanna landscape is one of the clearest examples where human beings everywhere find beauty in similar visual experience .

  20. 海南岛西部是我国唯一的热带稀树干草原沙漠化地区,是热带沙漠化土地类型、沙漠化过程十分典型的区域。

    The west of Hainan Island is the only sandy desertification district of the tropical dry grasslands with sparse trees in my country , and it is very typical of the sandy desertification types and course .

  21. 从生态系统干扰的角度,讨论了木本植物多度增加机制的复杂性,并指出木本植物幼苗补充和定居的连续性和间断性两种方式,对于草原和稀树干草原木本植物多度增加的贡献。

    From a view of disturbances in ecosystems , we discuss the complexity of mechanisms for the increased abundance of woody plant , and indicate the contributions of episodic and continuous recruitment and establishment of seedling to woody plant expansion in the vegetation .

  22. 浑善达克沙地稀树疏林草地生态系统研究:生物量、生产力与生态恢复途径内蒙古高原温带稀树草原生态系统特征与成因

    Characteristics and formation causes of temperate sparse forest grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia Plateau