
shī jì
  • Wet season;monsoon;rainy season
湿季 [shī jì]
  • [rainy season] 指多雨的季节

  1. 干季,光补偿深度较高。湿季,补偿深度较低。

    The depth of light compensatory point is higher during dry season , and lower during monsoon season .

  2. 湿季一般为7~8个月,干季一般为4~5个月。

    Generally , wet season lasts 7-8 months , dry season lasts 4-5 months .

  3. 建造方向将与干季和湿季盛行的风保持垂直,并使之保持平衡。

    Building orientations are balanced perpendicular to the prevailing winds of dry and wet seasons .

  4. 在湿季,发洪水的几率更高。

    Now in the wet season , the risks of these floods are even higher .

  5. 在湿季,这些土地是可以对应这个压力的。

    In wet periods , the land may be able to respond to these stresses .

  6. 在肯尼亚的湿季,草原上下气倾盆大雨,此时的猎豹会被淋成落汤鸡。

    Cheetahs get drenched during Kenya 's wet season , when clouds open up over the open plains .

  7. 在雨季,高原土壤湿度的变化主要是高原湿季降水变化的结果。

    In wet season , the soil moisture change is mainly caused by the precipitation in wet season of Qinghaijfibet plateau .

  8. 在一般年份中,大致以7月中旬为界,前、后期分别为土壤干季和土壤湿季。

    The time boundary between soil dry season and the soil damp season is in the middle of July in normal years .

  9. 干季树干液流与水汽压亏缺之间的时滞效应与夜间水分补充量显著相关,湿季则相反。

    The time lag between Js and VPD was significantly related to nighttime water recharge in dry season , but reversed in wet season .

  10. 湿季过后所有的抽屉都如肯特郡的牡蛎一般关得死死的。再是绝不能重复回到过去那样,把经济搞得死死的。

    After the damp weather all the drawers became as fast as a Kentish oyster . And on no account must we go back to the old practice of keeping the economy under rigid control .

  11. 林外自由水面蒸发年平均为11945mm,干季林内蒸散力明显小于林外自由水面的蒸发,而湿季两者又十分接近,因此,两者相比可用来作为该地区划分干湿季的一个参考指标。

    The annual average evaporation of free water is 1194.5 ! mm . The potential evapotranspiration is much smaller than the evaporation of free water in dry season while the both are very close in wet season .

  12. 除此之外,虽然三峡大坝投入使用之后不论是湿季和旱季长江泥沙输运和进入河口的含沙量均趋于减少,湿季相对旱季减少的比较多。

    Besides , although the Yangtze sediment load and SSC entering the estuary in both wet season and dry season tended to decrease after the TGR operation , the decreases in wet season was much larger than those in dry season .

  13. 块菌产地雨季和热季同季,干、湿季明显。生长季节地温19~26℃,雨量900~950mm。

    While the rainy season and hot season appeared in the same season , and the difference of dry season and moist season was significant in the producing area of truffle with the ground temperature being 19-26 ℃ and the precipitation being 900-950 mm .