
  • 网络Hygrophyte;wetland plants;helophyte
  1. 在草本植物中,缠绕草本植物为2种。湿生植物15种,占总数的67%。

    There are two winding herbs in herbaceous plants.15 hygrophyte species occupy 67 % of the total families .

  2. 比较了菖蒲、鸢尾、美人蕉三种湿生植物对铜绿微囊藻的抑制效果。

    The inhibition effect of three kinds of wetland plants on Microcystis aeruginosa was compared .

  3. 水生、湿生植物在湖西综合保护工程中的应用

    The Application of Hydrophytes and Phreatophytes in the Comprehensive Protection Project on the West Area of the West Lake

  4. 在湖池周围多栽植或引导野生滨水湿生植物、湖池中人为栽植水生植物。

    More wild shore water hygrophytes should be transplanted around the lake pond , and the aquatic plant should be artificially transplanted in the lake pond .

  5. 水生、湿生植物是水域生态系统和园林水景园的重要组成部分,其在生态保护和环境美化中所起的作用是其他植物难以替代的。

    S : The Hydrophytes and Phreatophytes are important components of water ecological system and water gardens . Their role in ecological protection and scenery building can not be replaced by other plants .

  6. 根据山东省植被特点,将植被分为农作物、乔木林、灌丛、草地、沼泽湿生植物五种主要类型,研究了不同植被类型的土壤重金属环境容量。

    According to the characteristics of vegetation in Shandong Province , Vegetation are divided into five main types : crops , forest trees , shrubs , grassland , meadow and marsh plants , and environmental capacity of heavy metals in soil of different vegetative types were studied .

  7. 在对蔬菜及药用植物种类进行总结时,将其分为了适宜水生、湿生的植物材料;富有野趣的植物材料;藤本类植物材料,以便于设计运用。

    When carries on the summary to the vegetables and the medicinal plant variety , has divided into being suitable it aquatic , the humidogene plant material ; Rich rural feeling plant material ; The liana class plant material , is advantageous for the design utilization . 3 .