
  • 网络Wettability;Moisture Content;degree of wetness
  1. 每天用清水以及不含化学添加剂的洗面奶清洁皮肤。然后涂抹富含维生素E成分的乳液或面霜,以保持皮肤的湿润度。

    Clean your skin with water and free-chemicals cleansing2 products every day , and moisturize it with skin lotion3 and cream containing high amount of vitamin E.

  2. 本文以LANDSATTM图像为主信息源,对研究区内影响土地持续利用的自然环境要素地貌、地表土壤质地、温度、湿润度和地势进行了遥感判读。

    By using the Landsat TM images as main resources of information , the interpretation and the mapping of physical environment components such as geomorphy , soil parent materials , temperature , humidity and relief for the land use of the study area were taken in this paper .

  3. 利用1958~2005年48a白银市4个站的月降水量、月平均气温和相对湿度资料,计算了各站历年的湿润度指数,并利用湿润度指数对地表干湿状况进行分析。

    Based on monthly precipitation , monthly mean temperature and relative humidity of four meteorological stations in Baiyin city from 1958 to 2005 , the yearly surface wetness index was calculated .

  4. 上海地表湿润度变化特征及成因分析

    Characteristics of Surface Humidity Change and Its Causes in Shanghai

  5. 皮肤湿润度处于与前一个环境相适应的状态。

    The skin wettedness is appropriate to the first environment .

  6. 通过这一理论,能建立煤层注水湿润度与冲击地压灾害发生的更直接的关系,使进一步量化该关系成为可能。

    This theory may establish the relation between rockburst hazard and the wetted extent .

  7. 年平均湿润度计算结果表明各林型均为湿润,但月湿润度差异明显。

    The moisture degree indicated that all the four forests were humid annually , but different monthly .

  8. 湿润度呈现出与降雨量相似的分异规律,且能较好的反映出各地区降雨量的有效性。

    Moisture is similar to rainfall in differentiation , and it is able to indicate the effectiveness of rainfall .

  9. 近三十年湿润度与径流量相关分析表明,气候变化是引起黑河流域上游水资源变化的主要原因。

    Study on moisture and runoff correlation analysis nearly three decades , showed that climate change and water resources in Heihe River Basin was weakly correlated .

  10. 然而,只要是管理得当,在水源充足、或者是土壤湿润度及土壤肥力管理均能跟上的情况下,就有可能带来可观的收益。

    But with good agricultural husbandry , it is possible to realise positive returns when the availability of water or moisture is integrated with soil fertility management .

  11. 胎儿皮手术患者住院时间最短,损伤小,人工阴道湿润度及性生活满意度均高(P<0.005)。

    The patients with vaginoplasty with fetal skin graft had a shorter time of hospitalization , small lesions and a satisfactory smooth sensation of artificial vagina ( P < 0.005 ) .

  12. 使用1961~2000年河南省75个站的月降水量、月平均气温和相对湿度资料,计算了各站历年的湿润度指数,并在对该指数聚类分析的基础上对河南省进行了干湿区划。

    Based on monthly precipitation , mean monthly temperature and relative humidity of 75 ( meteorological ) stations in Henan Province from 1961 to 2000 , the wetness index and the water budget in the surface are calculated .

  13. 结果表明,水分条件是影响中国北方草地生产力的主要气候要素,并在此基础上利用湿润度和降水量分区建立了草地气候生产力模型。

    Results show that the water condition is the primary climatic factor that effects grassland production of the North of China , and based on the conclusion , establishes divisionally the grassland climatic production model with moisture index and precipitation .

  14. 以室内试验为基础,研究了滴头间距对线源滴灌土壤灌湿润均匀度的影响。

    Based on experiments , the influence of drippers spacing on soil moisture uniformity from linear source drip irrigation were studied .

  15. 石粉对水泥在湿润状态的密实度变化的规律,与石粉作矿物掺合料对混凝土抗渗性能的影响有一定的联系。

    The rule of AMF to the compactness of cement with water state , have certain relation to the influence of MAF as mineral admixtures on the impervious performance of concrete .

  16. 继刺人中,向鼻中隔方向斜刺0.3~0.5寸,用重雀啄法,至眼球湿润或流泪为度;

    Secondly , the needle was inserted at Renzhong towards nasal septum for about 0.3-0.5 cun , the manipulation of heavy bird-peck needling was used till the eyeballs were wet or tears fell down ;

  17. 伊犁河流域气候温和湿润,植被覆盖度高,土壤发育充分,土壤类型及适宜性多样,土地资源丰富,质量结构上乘。

    The climate is mild and humid , the vegetation overcast high , soil development fully , soil types and adaptability multiplicity , soil resources abundant , quality and makeup nicer in YILI river basin .

  18. 选择适合的潜在蒸散和湿润环境蒸散的估算式,利用相对潜在蒸散量指标,相对实际蒸散量指标及流域湿润度,通过数据集群技术,完整模拟并展现了蒸散互补相关关系。

    By thoroughly analyzing the concept of " potential evaporation " and " wet environment area evapotranspiration ", using index of comparatively potential evaporation and comparatively actual one , the complementary relationship between actual and potential evapotranspiration was testified entirely with data integration technique .