
  • 网络humidity field
  1. 某陈列柜湿度场的CFD分析

    CFD analysis of the humidity field for a vertical display case

  2. 在此工作基础上,应用B3模型和有限元方法,建立考虑湿度场的钢筋混凝土梁徐变计算方法。

    Based on the drying creep of the Model B3 , this paper analyzes the effects of humidity field on creep of RC beams .

  3. 在论述Bragg光纤光栅传感测试技术独特性能的基础上,提出了一种基于Bragg光纤光栅传感技术测量湿蒸汽两相流湿度场的新方法。

    The paper represents a novel method based on Fiber Bragg Grating ( FBG ) sensor measurement in two-phase wet steam flow moisture field , for FBG sensor takes on particular characterization .

  4. 最后把雷达风场和雷达湿度场同化到MM5四维变分同化系统中。

    Lastly radar wind field and radar humility field are assimilated in the MM54D Variational Assimilation System .

  5. 用一维变分方法同化GMS-5反演湿度场及其在降水预报中的应用分析

    Assimilation of GMS-5 Humidity Retrievals with a One-dimensional Variational Analysis Technique and its Application in the Forecast of Precipitation

  6. 借助于大型有限元分析软件ANSYS模拟了一块混凝土板内部的湿度场与干缩应力场,得出了混凝土内部湿度的扩散规律及应力的分布、发展规律。

    By using the finite element analysis software ANSYS , the moisture field and shrinkage stress field of a concrete slab are imitated . Using this method , the moisture diffusion valu and the distribution and development valu of stress in concrete can be obtained .

  7. 应用FLUENT软件对大空间局域环境的喷雾两相流场进行数值模拟,分析了不同雾化参数和气相参数下的温度场和湿度场。

    Based on the simulations of two-phase flow field of spray cooling in large space of local environment is finished by using software FLUENT , the effect of different atomization parameters and gas-phase parameters on temperature field and humidity field is analyzed .

  8. 对西北地区1961-2000年119个气象站的春季降水,分析了其空间分布和时间变化及其多雨与少雨年的500hPa高度场、OLR场、700hPa矢量风、湿度场的关系。

    For northwest area 1961-2000 the spring precipitation of 119 annual meteorological stations , have analysed its space distribution feature and time change law .

  9. 通过CFD模拟对城市河流周边速度场、湿度场和温度场分布进行了分析评价,初步获得了不同河流区域大小、下垫面温度以及主导风向对周边建筑街区热气候的影响。

    Finally , through the CFD simulation of urban river surrounding wind field and humidity field and temperature field , this paper analyzes and evaluates the effect that different water area size , the ground temperature and the dominant wind direction has on heat climate of the surrounding communities .

  10. 由此提出了一种三维物理统计反演方法,该方法对三维空间的大气温度和湿度场作SVD,用这样得到的基向量来表征大气温度和湿度的空间结构。

    Base on this , a three-dimensional physical-statistical retrieval method is proposed . In this method , by applying SVD to a three-dimensional temperature and moisture dataset , the spatial structure of these atmospheric parameters can be represented by using a few leading eigenvectors .

  11. AMSU-B资料主要贡献在于改进湿度场,湿度正增量伴随温度的负增量,反之亦然。

    AMSU-B data contributes mainly to adjusting humidity , positive humidity increment companies with negative temperature increment , and verso also .

  12. 对模式向前12h预报场而言,同化了卫星反演湿度场后,均方根误差值下降了1.4~9.0,下降比率达到17%~59%,同化后的湿度场与实际大气大大接近。

    As for the 12-h forecasts of RH , the reduction of RMSE when assimilating GMS-5 RH is between 1.4 and 9.0 , which is a reduction of 17 % to 59 % . It is shown that the analyzed fields approach further to the actual atmospheric moisture fields .

  13. 应用一维变分方法对GMS5资料反演的相对湿度场进行了变分同化质量控制试验。

    A quality control experiment was performed for relative humidity ( RH ) fields retrieved from multi-spectral GMS-5 imagery by using an one-dimensional variational ( 1-DVAR ) analysis technique .

  14. 在此基础上建立了一组云天条件下的多元线性回归方程,由此可得到具有卫星图像像素分辨率(8~10km)的9层湿度场。

    Accordingly , we have established a system of multi-variant linear regression formulae that can be used in cloudy sky with the aim to determine standard-level RH fields of satellite imagery pixel resolution ( 8 & 10 km ) directly from multispectral satellite information .

  15. 复合材料层压板稳态湿度场及应力场分析

    Analysis of steady moisture and stress field for composite laminated plates

  16. 人工环境室内湿度场的数值模拟和优化

    Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Humidity Field in Artificially Environmental Chamber

  17. 地基温度场和湿度场数值模拟及人工边界问题

    Artificial boundary conditions and simulation of temperature and moisture of subsoil

  18. 湿度场对膨胀岩巷道围岩变形影响规律的研究

    Study of Deformation Rule of Swelling Rock Roadway Under the Humidity Field

  19. 应用样条插值方法对湿度场进行客观分析的尝试

    An experiment on the objective analysis of humidity field using spline interpolation

  20. 卫星资料反演湿度场改变模式初值对降水预报的影响

    The influence of initial condition adjustment using satellite-derived humidity on Precipitation Forecasting

  21. 高强与高性能混凝土温湿度场应力分析

    Temperature analysis and humidity stress for high-strength and high-performance concrete

  22. 南极长城站温度场和湿度场分析

    A study of temperature and humidity field in Great Wall station , Antarctica

  23. 气液共存区域温湿度场的测量及液相分布的表征方法

    Measurement of Temperature-Humidity Fields and Characterization of Liquid Phase Distribution in Gas-Liquid Regions

  24. 在温度场调整的同时,湿度场也相应受到调整。

    Besides the temperature , the humidity field is also adjusted with this scheme .

  25. 堆石坝混凝土面板湿度场及干缩应力研究

    Research on humidity field and dry contraction stresses of concrete slabs of rockfill dam

  26. 季节性冰冻地区路基内温度场、湿度场耦合计算

    Numerical Simulation of Coupling Field of Temperature and Humidity on Subgrade in Frost Zone

  27. 全自动湿度场测试系统的研究

    An Automatic System for Testing Humidity field

  28. 夏季江淮暴雨过程对大尺度湿度场的敏感性试验

    Sensitivity of summer rainstorm in Yangtze and Huaihe River Valley to large scale humidity fields

  29. 计算结果表明:喷入液滴直径越小、送风温度越低时,湿度场的均匀性越好;

    The calculated results indicate that humidity meliorates with decreasing inlet temperature and droplet diameter .

  30. 夏季金塔绿洲及邻近沙漠地面风场、气温和湿度场特性的对比分析

    Comparative Analyses on Ground Wind Field and Air Temperature-Humidity Characteristics Inside and Outside Jinta Oasis