
  • 网络Moisture resistance;damp obstruction;Ret;Moisture Clog;water-vapour resistance
  1. 加味厚朴温中汤对泄泻湿阻证大鼠胃肠道P物质和白细胞介素2表达的影响

    Effect of Jiawei Houpu Wenzhong decoction on gastrointestinal P and IL-2 expression in diarrhea rats with stasis of dampness syndrom

  2. BP人工神经网络在估计织物热湿阻方面的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network to Estimate Thermal Resistance and Moisture Resistance of Fabric

  3. 本文研究了La(1-x)SrxFeO3的导电特性和湿阻特性。

    The electrical and humidity-resistance properties of La1_xSrxFeO3 have been investigated in this paper .

  4. 然而,此PCM调温服却在很大程度上增加了服装湿阻,降低了汗液蒸发散热。

    This type of PCM clothing , however , increased clothing evaporative resistance to a large extent and deteriorate evaporative cooling .

  5. 实验结果表明,提高Zr/Mg比,并引入某些M2O3(M为三价金属元素)外加剂对湿阻性能有利,但低温下元件的阻值仍较高。

    The results showed that by increasing the Zr / Mg ratio and also by introducing some additives such as M_2O_3 ( M-trivalent metal element ), the humidity-resistance characteristics were improved . But in the case of lower humidity , the resistance of humidity remains high .

  6. 结果与正常对照组比较,湿阻造模组大鼠RBC-C3bRR和RBC-ICR明显降低,有极显著性差异(P<0.001);

    Results RBC-C 3b RR and RBC-ICR in the model group were significantly lower than in the control group ( P < 0.001 ) .

  7. 织物热阻和湿阻的预测研究

    Research on the forecast of heat resistance and moisture resistance of fabrics

  8. 电热针治疗脾虚湿阻型单纯性肥胖症的临床疗效观察

    Clinical Study of Electrothermal Acupuncture on Simple Obesity of Spleen Deficiency and Dampness Obstruction Syndrome

  9. 穴位埋线对脾虚湿阻型单纯性肥胖患者炎症因子的影响

    Effects of Catgut Implantation on Inflammation Levels in the Simple Obese Patients with Dampness Deficiency Type

  10. 益气化瘀方治疗气虚血瘀兼痰湿阻络型颈椎病30例

    Qi-Enriching and Stasis-Resolving Therapy for Cervical Spondylopathy of Qi-Deficiency and Blood-Stasis with Phlegm-Dampness Retention in 30 Cases

  11. 温针灸治疗脾虚湿阻型单纯性肥胖的临床研究

    The Clinical Research in Treating Simple Obesity of Spleen Deficiency and Dampness Stagnation Syndrome with Warming Needle

  12. 兴阳丸治疗肾虚湿阻型阳痿的临床与实验研究

    Clinical and Experimental Effects of Xingyang Pills on Impotence with Retention of Dampness Due to Kidney Deficiency

  13. 湿阻者利之以通;

    The wet anti-advantage passes ;

  14. 实者,气滞、湿阻、火郁、血瘀为病之标。

    And the stagnation of qi , dampness , fire and blood is the incidental of the disease .

  15. 人们对于服装及其面料的热阻湿阻的研究从来没有停止过。

    The research on the thermal resistance and moisture resistance research of clothing and fabric has never stopped .

  16. 目的探讨黄芩正气胶囊治疗湿阻中焦证的作用机理。

    Objective To explore the therapeutic mechanism of Huangqin Zhengqi Capsule for the syndrome of damp retention in middle-jiao .

  17. 湿疹的临床证型有:湿热型,风热型,湿阻型,血虚风燥型。准确的辨证是治疗本病的关键,治以祛风、清热、利湿为要点。

    Precise specification with removal of wind , heat , and damp is the key in curing the disease .

  18. 滞针法治疗风寒湿阻型类风湿性关节炎临床观察

    Clinical observation on needle - sticking method for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of wind - cold - damp retention type

  19. 实证为:血瘀证,痰热症、痰热蕴肺症,痰湿阻肺症。

    Evidence as follows : blood stasis , phlegm-heat syndrome , phlegm-heat retention in the lung disease , pulmonary disease resistance phlegm .

  20. 预测实验表明,热阻和湿阻的平均估计误差分别为0.38和0.18,为研究织物的热阻和湿阻性能提供了一种方便、有效的预测方法。

    The mean error occurred in the thermal and moisture resistance estimation is 0.38 and 0.18.It indicates this method is valuable to some extent .

  21. 结论:中医小肠病复合证型中,气滞血瘀证、湿阻气滞证较常见。

    Conclusion : Among the complex syndrome types , stagnancy of qi and blood stasis , retention of dampness and stagnation of qi were most common .

  22. 因其具有独特的结构和工作原理,实现了无任何假设条件的一步法测量方式来测量服装的两大热舒适性指标:热阻和湿阻。

    Owing to its exclusive structure and principle , one-step measurement method was realized for thermal insulation and evaporative resistance without any assumptions in two-step method used before .

  23. 添加亚硫酸钠0.04%,选择阻湿阻氧性好、内置干燥剂的包装袋包装,选择低温、低湿度的保藏环境,能很好的抑制草莓粉产品的非酶褐变。

    Adding 0.04 % sodium bisulfite , choosing moisture-and-oxygen-proof package with desiccating agent and storing the product in low-temperature-and-moisture circumstances could effectively restrain non-enzymatic browning of strawberry powder .

  24. 平胃散对湿阻中焦模型大鼠血浆抗利尿激素及红细胞内钠、钾浓度的影响

    Effects of Pingwei Powder on Plasma Antidiuretic Hormone and Na + and K + Contents in the Red Blood Cells in Model Rat of Retention of Dampness in Middle Energizer

  25. 目的:验证三子咳喘胶囊对慢性支气管炎(痰湿阻肺证)的疗效,并对其安全性作出客观评价。

    Objective : To certificate the curative effects of Sanzi Kechuan Capsule in treating chronic bronchitis with syndrome of phlegm-dampness accumulated in the lung , and evaluate objectively its safety .

  26. 测量结果可以通过专用程序软件在计算机上输出,使被测面料热阻、湿阻的计算和分析方便可靠。

    The results of measurement are showed on the computer 's screen by specific software . It is convenient and reliable to caculate and analysis the heat and vapor resistance of clothing fabrics .

  27. 新型织物模拟的暖体出汗假人能够测试服装的热阻和湿阻,传统平板式织物保暖仪可以测试各种纺织品热传递性能。

    A novel perspiration imitation thermal manikin is developed to measure the thermal resistance and moisture vapor resistance of fabrics . The traditional guarded hot plate apparatus can be used to measure the thermal conductivity of various textiles .

  28. 方法将219例口腔扁平苔藓患者辨证分为气虚血瘀型、睥虚湿阻型、阴虚火旺型,分别组方用药治疗。

    Method : 218 cases were divided into three types : deficiency of qi and blood stasis , insufficiency of the spleen with retention of dampness , hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency , which were treated by different prescription .

  29. 治疗结束后将两组患者治疗前后的体重、体围、体重指数变化情况进行比较。结果:研究表明,推拿手法治疗脾虚湿阻型单纯性肥胖症取得了较好的临床疗效。

    Treatment after the end of the two groups of patients before and after treatment , body weight , body circumference , body mass index changes compared . Results : The studies show that manipulation therapy the simple obesity Spleen Dampness achieved better clinical efficacy .

  30. 采用透湿杯法、垂直芯吸法、滴水法3种方法测试大豆毛、涤毛、纯毛织物的透气量、湿阻、芯吸速率、润湿面积等指标。

    This paper use upright cup method and vertical wicking method , the dropping water method to compared with the SOP / wool , polyester / wool , and 100 % wool fabric 's quantity of water vapor permeation , water vapor resistance , wicking rate , wetting area etc.