
yǐn shí bù jié
  • improper diet;irregular diet
  1. 食复指热病初瘥,因饮食不节而致原病复发。

    Dietogenous recurrence ( DR ) is recurrence of the heat diseases resulting from improper diet .

  2. 是由于感受外邪、饮食不节、情志失调、及正气亏虚所致。

    The reason is feeling external evil , improper diet , deficiency of vital pneuma and emotional maladjustment .

  3. 常见诱发因素主要为情致失调及饮食不节。

    The major induced factors are emotional disorder , inappropriate diet .

  4. 方法:饮食不节加上劳倦过度复合造模法塑造脾气虚证动物模型。

    Methods : The rat model of spleen-Qi deficiency syndrome was established by the complex methods of improper diet and overstrain .

  5. 方法采用饮食不节、疲劳过度和药物损伤等复合因素建立脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证大鼠模型;

    Methods Rat models of various PDS types were established by such complex factors as improper diet , over fatigue and drug damage .

  6. 慢性萎缩性胃炎的发生多与素体虚弱、外邪入侵、饮食不节、七情过极、劳倦过度等有关;

    It is argued that chronic atrophic gastritis is associated with debility , attack of exogenous pathogens , improper diet , emotional stress and exhaustion .

  7. 模型对照组、中药治疗组和针刺治疗组造模方法采用饮食不节与疲劳过度为造模因素,建立脾气虚模型。

    Model control group , treatment group and the acupuncture group with eating unclean modeling approach for the modeling and the fatigue factor , the establishment of spleen-deficiency model .

  8. 痛风多由于禀赋不足、饮食不节、痰湿内阻、血行不畅、痰瘀互阻,内伤于肾,外阻于骨骼、络脉、关节而成。

    Gout results from weak constitution and improper diet and subsequent phlegm obstruction and blood stasis , which internally impair the kidneys and externally stay in bones , collaterals and joints .

  9. 前言:《内经》对于“生病起于过用”的认识有:饮食不节、七情太过、劳逸过度、药物过用四个方面。

    The understanding about disease occurrence is caused by exceed using include four aspects : Improper diet , the disorder of seven emotions , maladjustment of work and rest , drug abuse .

  10. 结论:1.根据中医病因理论,采用劳倦过度结合饮食不节的方法可成功诱导脾气虚大鼠模型,在此基础上施加药物损伤法可以成功诱导脾阳虚和脾阴虚大鼠模型。

    Conclusion : 1.According to the etiology theory in TCM , the overstrain , improper diet and drug injury combined method can successfully induced Pi-qi deficiency , Pi-yang deficiency and Pi-yin deficiency rat model . 2 .

  11. 凡饮食不节、劳役过度、精神刺激可令气火失调,升降失常,导致脾胃内伤,而精神因素起先导作用,治疗注重升发脾胃阳气;

    Improper diet , overwork and mental stimulation resulting in the disorder of qi and fire and disturbance in ascending and descending may cause the internal injury of stomach , in which the emotional factors play an important role .

  12. 痰一般分为有形之痰和无形之痰两类,其生成涉及五脏六腑。外感六淫,饮食不节,或情志不畅等,均可导致脏腑功能失调而生痰。

    Phlegm is generally divided into tangible and intangible ones , of which the formation involves the insides , the six evils of the monograph , not festival dieting , or modern , all can cause Phlegm viscera dysfunction .

  13. 通过对胸痹心脾两虚证的病因、病机及证候特征探讨,提出胸痹心脾两虚证病因病机特点为:饮食不节,思虑过度,脾胃受损,心失所养;

    By discussing pathogenic factor ^ pathogenesis and characteristics of syndrome , the article also puts forward that the trait of the pathogenic factor and pathogenesis are immoderate diet , over thinking , and that , spleen and stomach are damaged , heart deprived of nourishment ;

  14. 本病的病因多是外感湿热之邪、饮食不节加之以脾胃虚弱、劳倦过度以及情志失调,导致湿热之邪停滞于肠道之中,与肠道气血相搏结,损伤血络发而为病。

    The cause of the disease and more humid by the exogenous evil , improper diet combined with a weak stomach overstrain and emotional disorders , caused by damp heat evil stagnation in the intestine among Competing with intestinal blood knot , damage blood network and for the disease .

  15. 任继学教授提出禀赋薄弱是慢性肾衰发生的重要原因,并认为饮食、情志不节均可化毒。

    He believes that weak constitution is an important factor in the occurrence of CRF and improper diet and emotion can produce toxin ;