
yǐn shí wèi shēnɡ
  • dietetic hygiene
  1. 这种习惯既不利于饮食卫生,又会从心理上增添反感情绪。

    This habit not only goes against dietetic hygiene , but also adds your aversion .

  2. 注意饮食卫生和加强鼠害防制是控制本病感染和传播的重要措施。

    Noticing dietetic hygiene and managing mouse are the important measures to control this disease .

  3. 野外作业饮食卫生HACCP管理关键点的调查与分析

    Application of HACCP system in the management of canteen in field work site and performance analysis

  4. 中国北方游牧民族的饮食卫生保健与饮食理论

    Diet Health and Diet Theory of Chinese Northern Nomadic People

  5. 高等学校不同经营类型食堂饮食卫生状况

    Dietetic Hygiene Status of Dining Halls of Different Managements Types in Colleges

  6. 我们应该对人们进行再教育使之重视饮食卫生。

    We must re-educate people to eat more healthily .

  7. 培养幼儿不偏食、不挑食的饮食卫生习惯。

    Cultivate good habits about choice of food and not to be too selective .

  8. 常用来提醒人注意饮食卫生或劝人说话注意。

    Often used to remind others of hygiene of food and drink or persuade them to talk cautiously .

  9. 结论:加强饮食卫生及食品卫生管理是控制食物源性寄生虫病的关键。

    Conclusion : Control thd food parasitoids of the key that enhance the diet hygiene and foodstuff hygiene management .

  10. 加强健康教育,注意饮食卫生,控制食源性寄生虫病流行。

    Strengthen the education for health and pay enough attention to food sanitation to control endemic of foodborne parasitic diseases .

  11. 四成的学生对学校食堂的就餐环境和饮食卫生状况表示不满意。

    40 % of the students expressed their discontents with the repast environment and the dietetic status of the school ;

  12. 由于艾滋病病毒感染者和患者的免疫功能较差,平时应格外注意饮食卫生。

    As the HIV-infected people and patients with poor immune function in normal times should pay special attention to food hygiene .

  13. [结论]进一步加强餐饮业卫生安全的管理,特别是小型餐饮单位,要完善卫生设施,严格卫生标准,以保证广大消费者饮食卫生安全。

    [ Conclusion ] It was necessary to strengthen the sanitary administration and supervision of catering enterprises , especially the small ones .

  14. 疾病常因为不注意饮食卫生而发生,灾祸多因为说话不谨慎而引起。

    Illness usually finds its way in by the unhealthy food and drink , and disaster usually finds its way in by the incautious words .

  15. 随着高校后勤社会化和高校扩招,大学生的饮食卫生安全问题逐渐暴露出来。

    With the socialization of logistic work of universities and the extended enrollment of universities , the food safety problems of university students have been emerging .

  16. 1912~1927年这一时期我国已有食品卫生工作的萌芽,很多学者提倡向西方学习,讲求饮食卫生。

    The primary food hygiene work had been conducted from 1912-1927 in China . Some scholars advocated learning from the West to pay attention to food hygiene .

  17. 炎炎夏日,患肠道疾病的人群大幅增加、特别是儿童的肠胃疾病频发,通常医生会给的建议都是建议患儿平时加强注意饮食卫生,特别是每日必须摄入的食物,比如牛奶、面包等等。

    Increasing numbers of children need hospital treatment for gut allergies caused by reactions to everyday foods such as milk and bread , claims a leading doctor .

  18. 结论加快农村改水工作,加强校内饮食卫生管理是有效控制疫情发生的主要措施。

    Conclusion The main effective measures to control the outbreak of the disease lie in hastening improvment of water sources in rural areas and strengthening the management of food hygiene .

  19. 目的为了解梅县中小学与职业学校食堂饮食卫生状况,预防和控制学生食物中毒的发生。

    Objective To understand dietetic hygiene status of elementary and middle school refectories and the vocational school refectories in Mei County and to prevent and control the occurrence of students food poisoning accidents .

  20. 近年来,随着城市的发展、人口的增加,宠物饲养队伍不断地扩大,加上忽略饮食卫生等因素,弓形虫感染潜在危险性极度上升。

    In recent years , as urban development , population increase , pets team continues to expand , coupled to ignore factors such as food hygiene , infected with Toxoplasma gondii a potential risk of extreme rise .

  21. 逐步回归分析表明影响消化系统疾病的因素有五类,其中三类为行为因素,不良饮食卫生习惯因子1、饮酒和个人卫生因子2为最重要的三个因素。

    By the step-wise regression , there are 5 kinds of factors on the digestive system diseases and 3 kinds are from behavior , the most important of them are harmful dietetic habits , drinking-alcohol , personal health habits .

  22. 结论我市中年以上人群除定期体检外,应加强对环境污染、饮食卫生、卫生防护、健康教育等环节管理,改变不良生活习惯和保持乐观心态是降低癌症发病的有效手段。

    Furthermore , strengthening the management of environment pollution , the safety of food and drink , health protection , healthy guidance and improving the bad living habit , keeping good mood were effective ways to cut down the incidence of malignant tumor .

  23. 析李渔的饮食营养卫生观

    On View of Li Yu 's Diet Nutrition and Hygiene

  24. 我们期待在他们的饮食,卫生,毛皮

    We look at their diet , health , fur

  25. 随着与中原文化的交往,开始注重饮食的卫生与保健,并在生产和生活的实践中形成一套独具特色的饮食理论。

    Along with the interaction with culture of Middle Plain , they started to pay attention to sanitation and health of the diet , and shaped a set of unique diet culture in practice of production and real life .

  26. 而且农民工长期从事脏、苦、累、险工作,居住、饮食、卫生等条件也比较差,因此他们比城市居民更需要医疗保险的保障。

    Migrant workers has long-time been engaged in dirty , bitter , tired , insurance work , and the conditions of their housing , food , health are relatively poor , so they need medical insurance more than city residents .

  27. 菏泽市农村饮食店餐具卫生状况调查

    An Investigation on Hygienic Conditions of Catering Trade in Countrysides of Heze City

  28. 结论中小学生是不良饮食行为和卫生习惯预防的重点人群。

    Conclusion Primary and secondary school students are one of the focal target people for preventing unhealthy dietary behaviors and habits .

  29. 结论学龄前儿童的饮食习惯、卫生、习惯与龋病的发病有关。

    Conclusions The pattern of dietetic habit and degree of oral cavity cleanness were strongly related to dental caries of preschool children .

  30. [结论]应加强饮食企业的卫生监督管理工作,餐饮具消毒工作应选用正确有效的消毒方法,消毒后应采取保洁措施,防止二次污染。

    [ Conclusion ] Hygienic supervision work should be strengthened . Effective sterilization . method should be taken to prevent second contamination .