
  • 网络Outbound tourism;Outbound Travel
  1. 关于我国开放出境旅游市场的思考

    Reflection on Open in g Ch in ese Outbound Tourism Market

  2. 中国出境旅游变动趋势分析

    An Analysis of the Trends of Ch in a 's Outbound Tourism

  3. 减少不必要出行提醒广大游客,元旦、春节期间合理安排行程,减少不必要出行,非必要不安排出境旅游,不要前往国内中高风险地区旅游。

    Residents are urged to carefully plan their trips for the New Year and Spring Festival holidays , reduce unnecessary travel , and avoid nonessential outbound travel as well as travel to medium - or high-risk areas in the country .

  4. 作为世界上最大的出境旅游市场,中国一直是Airbnb的一个重点,该公司表示,明年它在中国的投资将翻一番。

    As the world 's biggest outbound tourist market , China has been a focus for Airbnb , and the company has said it will double its investment there next year .

  5. 中日公民出境旅游消费行为比较

    Comparative on Chinese and Japanese citizens ' outbound travel consumption behavior

  6. 基于情景实训教学的出境旅游领队快速培养模式

    A Fast Cultivation Mode of Tour Leaders Based On Situational Training Teaching

  7. 俄罗斯、乌兹别克斯坦已经是中国公民出境旅游目的地国。

    Russia and Uzbekistan are both now tourist destinations for Chinese citizens .

  8. 近年来,我国国内旅游和出境旅游快速发展。

    In recent years , China domestic and outbound tourism developed rapidly .

  9. 中国大陆公民出境旅游市场研究综述

    A Survey of the Outbound Tourism Markets Study for Mainland Chinese Citizens

  10. 我国出境旅游者不文明行为改变的策略研究

    The strategies of changing Chinese out-bound tourists ' uncivilized behavior

  11. 亚洲出境旅游市场发展综述

    A Summary of the Development of the Outbound Tourism Market in Asia

  12. 旅游产业包括国内旅游、入境旅游和出境旅游三大板块。

    Tourism industry , including domestic tourism , inbound tourism and outbound tourism .

  13. 社会学视角下中国公民出境旅游的文化价值&对旅游社会文化影响的案例研究

    On the Cultural Value of Chinese Outbound Travel under the Perspective of Sociology

  14. 中国公民出境旅游业务和国内旅游等业务。

    Chinese citizens outbound tourism business and domestic tourism , and other businesses .

  15. 我国出境旅游市场的现状与发展

    Present Situation and Trend of Chinese outbound Travel Market

  16. 数据还显示,17.7%的中国游客选择了出境旅游。

    It also said 17.7 percent of the Chinese tourists chose overseas destinations .

  17. 旅游可为出境旅游、入境旅游和国内旅游。

    Tourism can be divided into outbound 、 inbound tourism and domestic tourism .

  18. 报告预计2009年中国出境旅游将继续增长。

    Report is expected in2009 China 's outbound travel will continue to grow .

  19. 消费主义与中国公民出境旅游高消费行为探析

    An Analysis of Consumerism and High Expenditure Behavior of China 's Outbound Travel

  20. 出境旅游服务管理学的初步探讨

    Discussion about the Service Management of Outbound Tourists

  21. 游戏者应该努力保持游戏进行的快速和流畅。出境旅游人数迅速增加,已经成为旅游大国。

    Players should make every effort to keep the game running quickly and smoothly .

  22. 中国出境旅游发展及其影响的初步研究

    An Initial Study on the Development of China 's Outbound Travel and Its Impact

  23. 中国出境旅游市场失效性分析及其对策

    An Analysis of the Inefficiency of China 's Outbound Travel Market and Some Countermeasures

  24. 中国公民出境旅游文明行为指南

    Tourism Etiquette Rules for Chinese Citizens Traveling Abroad

  25. 这位分析师还用日本出境旅游的发展来佐证他的预测。

    The analyst is basing his forecasts on how overseas tourism developed in Japan .

  26. 对出境旅游押金现象的思考

    Thoughts on the Phenomena of Outbound Tourist Deposit

  27. 中国出境旅游市场份额管理法

    Managing Method Quotation of Exit Tourism Market

  28. 春节黄金周是中国出境旅游业的旺季之一。

    Spring Festival is one of the peak seasons for the Chinese outbound tourism industry .

  29. 近年来,我国出境旅游出现了一股热潮,社会给予了极大的关注。

    In recent years , there was an upsurge of out-bound tourism , which community greatly concerned .

  30. 学会如何应付突发事件是出境旅游的众多益处之一。

    One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected .