
chū bǎn
  • publish;publication;issue;appear;come out;put out;come off the press
出版 [chū bǎn]
  • (1) [publish] 把书刊、图画等编印出来

  • 日报没有出版

  • (2) 泛指书刊、图画等的编辑、印刷、发行等工作

  • 出版社不打算出版新版本

出版[chū bǎn]
  1. 它明年上半年可以出版。

    It will come off the press in the first half of next year .

  2. 每个月我都翘首期盼着《男孩世界》的出版。

    I could hardly wait for ' Boys ' World ' to appear each month .

  3. 她朗诵了她最近出版的诗集里的一首诗。

    She gave a reading from her latest volume of poetry .

  4. 他们最新出版的单曲唱片体现了这支乐队的新尝试。

    Their latest single represents a new departure for the band .

  5. 他们用新的版式出版这杂志。

    They 've brought out the magazine in a new format .

  6. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。

    The third book in the series is currently in preparation .

  7. 他在伦敦推销他新出版的肯尼迪传。

    He was in London publicizing his new biography of Kennedy .

  8. 出版日期括于书名后面。

    Publication dates are given in brackets after each title .

  9. 他最近出版的小说比其他的小说都好。

    His latest novel is a cut above the rest .

  10. 他在一家工具书出版公司工作。

    He works for a company that publishes reference books .

  11. 她的成就已载入本周出版的一本新传记中。

    Her achievements are chronicled in a new biography out this week .

  12. 这本书在近期出版史上是空前的成功。

    The book has enjoyed a success unparalleled in recent publishing history .

  13. 这本书是与英国传统出版社联合出版的。

    The book was published in association with British Heritage .

  14. 他们只出版迎合大众市场的小说。

    They only publish novels which cater to the mass-market .

  15. 评论家对她最近出版的一部小说作了详细剖析。

    Her latest novel was dissected by the critics .

  16. 这家公司一年出版二十种新书。

    The company publishes twenty new titles a year .

  17. 这本书出版时将附有注释和索引。

    It will be published with annotations and index .

  18. 最近出版的一本书推翻了这种理论。

    A recent book has demolished this theory .

  19. 这本书的平装本什么时候出版?

    When is it coming out in paperback ?

  20. 像这样的书早就该有人出版了。

    A book like this is long overdue .

  21. 这个国家的新闻出版事业受到严格控制。

    The country 's press is rigorously controlled .

  22. 她的新书什么时候出版?

    When does her new book come out ?

  23. 他的传记特别安排在他的70寿诞庆典时出版。

    Publication of his biography was timed to coincide with his 70th birthday celebrations .

  24. 这书去年以精装本出版。

    It was published in hardback last year .

  25. 这份报纸每周出版两次。

    The newspaper is published twice weekly .

  26. 这部小说是他写的系列惊险小说中最近出版的一部。

    This novel is the latest of a long line of thrillers that he has written .

  27. 我们出版一份通讯月刊。

    We issue a monthly newsletter .

  28. 从两部新传记的出版可以看出,人们对她的生活和工作越来越感兴趣。

    There has been increasing interest in her life and work , as witnessed by the publication of two new biographies .

  29. 3位编辑负责文章的修订出版工作。

    Three editors handled the work of revising the articles for publication

  30. 他的出版社刚刚开始就她随后几本书的出版问题进行商谈。

    His publishing house had just begun negotiating for her next books