
  • 网络Enterprise Architecture;TOGAF
  1. 对我而言,这才是最初创造企业架构(EnterpriseArchitecture)这个差劲词汇的本意所在。

    To me that is what was designated by the term enterprise architecture when it was first , poorly , coined .

  2. 其中,企业架构(EnterpriseArchitecture,EA)是最核心的组成部分。

    Among them , Enterprise Architecture , EA is the most integral part of the core .

  3. 该阶段可能会生成为企业架构工作的后继循环设置目标的架构工作请求(RequestforArchitectureWork)。

    The phase might produce a Request for Architecture Work that sets targets for a subsequent cycle of enterprise architecture efforts .

  4. 尽管SOA是企业架构的一个非常重要的组成部分,但是它不能代替企业架构。

    SOA does not substitute Enterprise Architecture , though it may be a significant part of it .

  5. 框架完善了主流企业架构以及方案实施方法学,及其特定SOA的任务与工件。

    The framework complements mainstream enterprise architecture and solution implementation methodologies with its SOA-specific tasks and artifacts .

  6. 本文首先给出了基于Web服务的数据挖掘系统的总体架构,将Web服务这一优秀的面向服务的企业架构的实现技术引入了数据挖掘系统中。

    Firstly , this thesis gives a general architecture about data mining system based on Web Services and introduces Web Services technique which realizes Services-Oriented Architecture .

  7. 他同时也经常写关于企业架构,SOA,云计算等主题方面的博客和文章。

    He is also frequent blogger and noted analyst on enterprise architecture , SOA and cloud computing topics .

  8. 在给SOA治理定位之前,我必须要先解释这里所指的SOA和企业架构。

    I have to explain what I mean by SOA and by Enterprise Architecture before positioning SOA Governance .

  9. 采用SOA和Web2.0的策略:考虑用数据联邦(DataFederation)和企业架构集成(Enterprisearchitectureintegration)的模式,降低总的拥有成本。

    Adopt SOA and Web2.0 Strategies : consider the Data Federation and Enterprise architectural integration patterns to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership .

  10. 服务可以通过结合SOA、组织治理、企业架构和基于云的运算环境得以实现。

    Services can be realized though a combination of SOA , organizational governance , enterprise architecture and cloud based operational environments .

  11. 企业架构EA成熟度模型比较研究(Ⅰ)

    A Comparison of Enterprise Architecture Maturity Models (ⅰ)

  12. TOGAF的一个关键组件是架构开发方法(ArchitectureDevelopmentMethod,ADM),是用于具体到组织的企业架构实现和裁减的过程。

    A key component of TOGAF is the Architecture Development Method ( ADM ), which is the process used for organization-specific enterprise architecture implementation and tailoring .

  13. 这卷书中涉及了许多方面,从基本的SOA定义到SOA架构以及其与企业架构的关系,到SOA治理等等。

    The book covers a lot of ground from SOA definition to SOA architecture and its relationship to the enterprise architecture to SOA Governance .

  14. 况且“SOA已死”并不意味着企业架构、分布式系统、面向服务和应用集成都完蛋了。

    Moreover " SOA is Dead " does not mean that Enterprise Architecture , distributed system , services orientation and application integration are dead .

  15. John拥有三个IT技术行业认证,拥有企业架构和开发的重要背景,以及9年的管理经验。

    John holds 3 industry certifications in IT Technology and has a significant background in enterprise architecture and development ( including 9 years in management ) .

  16. 此外,它还提供洞察力、模式和构建块,来将SOA的基本元素集成到一个解决方案或者企业架构中。

    Additionally , it provides insights , patterns and the building blocks for integrating fundamental elements of an SOA into a solution or enterprise architecture .

  17. 一个EA工具允许这些原则能够运用到企业架构元素中去。译者杨晨对数据库和搜索引擎有深入了解,尤其擅长经典计算机科学理论,对历史学兴趣浓厚。

    An EA-tool allows these principles to be related to the enterprise architecture elements to which they apply .

  18. 如何评估企业架构的CBS就绪程度

    How to assess Enterprise Architecture readiness for CBS

  19. 在企业架构(EA)的背景之下,面向服务架构(SOA)不仅仅是一个集成框架。

    In the context of enterprise architecture ( EA ), service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) is more than just an integration framework .

  20. 如果谷歌(Google)高管在传统的白板上画出新的企业架构,他们可以裱一个金框。

    If Googleexecutives mapped out their new corporate structure on something as antediluvian as a white board , they could stick a gold frame around it .

  21. Sessions还说道,一个企业架构成功的关键是技术和业务团体必须合作。

    Sessions also says that one key to successful enterprise architecture is that the technology and business groups must be partners .

  22. 一个好的EA工具不仅仅提供了建模能力,而且还能够提供对企业架构准则的描述。

    A good EA-tool offers support not only for modeling but also for the description of enterprise architecture principles .

  23. OSGi功能包提供了一个整合应用程序框架,有助于JavaEE应用程序开发人员利用OSGi企业架构。

    The OSGi feature pack delivers an integrated application framework to help Java EE application developers leverage OSGi enterprise architecture .

  24. 为了适应IBM的CBS基础参考架构,需要设计一个评估过程来评估企业架构。

    An evaluation process is designed to assess enterprise architectures for purposes of alignment with IBM 's CBS foundation reference architectures .

  25. 评估企业架构的第一步是完成一个RequestforInformation(RFI),在其中处理前面提到的4个维度。

    The first step in assessing enterprise architecture is to first complete a Request for Information ( RFI ) that addresses in it the four disciplines mentioned above .

  26. 另外,RationalSystemArchitect是最广泛使用的企业架构方案,以支持防御架构框架部(DoDAF)。

    In addition , Rational System Architect is the most widely used enterprise architecture solution in support of the Department of Defense Architecture Framework ( DoDAF ) .

  27. 他还是一位SOA主题专家,帮助客户进行基于SOA的业务转换,并重点关注复杂和大型的企业架构。

    He also works as an SOA subject matter expert , helping clients in their SOA-based business transformation , with a focus on complex and large-scale enterprise architectures .

  28. 尽管企业架构概念已经出现了二十多年,但是EA规程最近刚获得动力。

    Although enterprise architecture concepts have been around for more than two decades , the EA discipline began gaining momentum more recently .

  29. 串行化,并且在基于MOF的仓库中保持XMI企业架构模型。

    To serialize and persist in XMI enterprise architecture models in the MOF-based repository .

  30. Unisys团队使用RationalRose作为元模型工具以对基于MOF的企业架构元模型(EAML)进行定义。

    Unisys Team used Rational Rose as a meta-modeling tool for defining the MOF-based enterprise architecture meta-model ( EAML ) .