
  1. 论文本着实事求是态度,从个性案例中寻找共性,力求通过对ABC公司财务调研,揭示民营企业财务活动规律,并探索相应的财务管理转型措施。

    This paper sticks to reality , seeks common character from individual cases , tries to reveal the comprehensive internal economic principles of private enterprises , and gives out it 's solutions to solve the financial management problems in the transition period .

  2. 企业财务活动过程中的纳税筹划研究

    Research of Tax-Paying Plan in Process of the Financial Affairs

  3. 加强企业财务活动中的风险管理

    Strengthening the risk management of financial operation in enterprises

  4. 互联网对企业财务活动的影响

    Internet affecting in finance action of enterprise

  5. 财务管理目标决定企业财务活动的基本方向。

    The basic direction of enterprise financial activities is determined by the aims of financial management .

  6. 急剧的环境变化导致企业财务活动在每个环节中都面临许多的不确定性。

    Rapid changes in the environment of enterprise financial activities in each link will face many uncertainties .

  7. 首先,论述了企业财务活动及企业财务关系的战略思想;

    First , we discuss the strategic ideas on the financial activities and financial relationships of the enterprises .

  8. 股利政策与筹资决策、投资决策被公认为是企业财务活动的三个核心内容。

    Dividend policy , financing decision and investment decision are considered as three core elements of corporate financial activities .

  9. 摘要民营企业财务活动的风险,较之其他性质的企业更为突出,产生几率更高,不良后果更大。

    Financial activities in private enterprises involve greater risks than in other enterprises , with higher probability and worse consequences .

  10. 财务管理系统是组织企业财务活动、处理企业财务关系的一种专业管理系统。

    Financial management system is a professional management system of the organization of corporate finance activities and dealing with financial relationships .

  11. 财务风险客观存在于企业财务活动的全过程。企业财务风险的产生,既有企业外部原因,也有企业内部原因,不同种类的财务风险形成的具体原因也不相同。

    The emergence of enterprise finance risk has external reasons as well as inner reasons , the formative reasons of mixed financial risk are not same .

  12. 产经营过程中财务活动进行管理的过程。财务控制是对企业财务活动的控制,也就是对企业资金的取得、投放、使用和分配的控制。

    Financial Control is the control of the company 's financial activities , namely the control of Company Capital obtaining , putting in utilization and distribution .

  13. 财务管理目标是评价企业财务活动是否合理的标准,它决定着财务管理的基本方向。

    Financial management target , which is the criterion of evaluating whether enterprise 's financial activities are rationale or not , determines the fundamental direction of the financial management .

  14. 资本结构是企业财务活动的结果,不仅受制于外界宏观市场,还是诸多利益相关者和企业自身特征权衡和博弈的过程。

    The capital structure is the result of the financial activities of enterprise , except affected by external macro market , for the process of weighing and game between many stakeholders and the enterprise themselves .

  15. 企业的财务活动和财务管理都是在一定环境和条件下展开的,加入WTO后,我国企业财务管理面临的外部环境将随之改变。

    Both financial activities and financial managements of enterprises are carried out under certain circumstances and conditions . The external surroundings of our country 's enterprises'financial management will change accordingly after China entering WTO .

  16. 市场经济环境下,企业的财务活动会遇到各种各样的风险。

    In market economy environment , the financial activities of enterprises will encounter all kinds of risks .

  17. 第6章财务治理机制。财务治理机制是财务治理体系的自动调节装置,依据财务治理结构安排和一定制度设计,财务机制能够对企业财务治理活动进行有效调节和规范。

    The purpose of finance governance is to form rational finance governance mechanism , institution and behavior standard .

  18. 财务管理是企业组织财务活动,处理与各方面财务关系的一种主要经济管理活动。

    Financial management is important for an enterprise to organize its financial activities and deal with financial relations .

  19. 自我国2009年初实施增值税从生产型转为消费型的税收体制改革以来,对我国企业财务管理活动产生了重大影响。

    Since the beginning of2009 , the reform on added-value tax from production to consumption has affected China 's financial management greatly .

  20. 风险无处不在,无时不有,每个企业在财务活动过程中都有可能发生风险。

    Risk is everywhere and at all times there , every business has the possible to occur risks in the course of financial activities .

  21. 在复杂的市场经济体制环境下,企业的财务活动具有很大的不确定性,这既可能给企业带来收益,也可能使企业蒙受损失。

    In a complex market economy environment , the financial activity is in a great uncertainty , which can give businesses the proceeds , or the enterprises may suffer .

  22. 本文从界定税收筹划的概念和内容入手,对企业财务管理活动中的企业所得税税收筹划问题进行了初步的探讨。

    Starting with determining the concept and contents of tax planning , this thesis has made the first exploration on several enterprises income tax planning issues in the financial management .

  23. 财务战略理论的发展要求战略管理的思想方法融入到传统的财务管理理论中,对企业的财务活动进行战略规划,制定出适合企业发展的财务战略。

    The development of strategic management theory combines with the strategic management thinking and the traditional financial management theory , and plans the overall financial activities of enterprises from the perspective of long-term .

  24. 而成本控制是企业财务管理活动中永恒的主题,成本控制的直接结果是降低成本,增加利润,从而提升企业管理水平,增强企业经济实力和核心竞争力。

    In addition , cost control is the eternal theme in enterprise financial management activity , and the direct result for carrying out it are lower costs and increasing profit , then improve the management level , and enhance the economic strength and core competitiveness of the enterprise .

  25. 因此,大部分企业对财务管理活动都非常重视。

    Therefore , most enterprises attach great importance to financial management activities .

  26. 在企业整个会计财务活动中起着统领和指导的作用。

    Throughout the accounting and financial activities in the enterprise plays a guide role .

  27. 军队企业如何驾驭财务活动风险

    Controlling financial risks in military enterprises

  28. 所以,企业可以从财务活动的角度进行整体税收筹划,以获得更多的税后收益。

    Therefore , enterprises from the angle of financial activities to make tax planning may be more suitable .

  29. 筹集资金是企业的基本财务活动,筹资管理是财务管理的重要内容。

    Financing is the basic financial activity of a business . Financing Management is the important contents of the Financial Management .

  30. 企业在组织财务活动和处理财务关系过程中时时处于不确定性状态中,极易遭遇财务风险。

    In the process of organizing financial activities and dealing with financial relationships , enterprises would be in the state of uncertainty and easily suffer from financial risk .