
  • 网络corporate finance;Corporate Financial Management;management
  1. 新会计准则对企业财务管理的影响及对策

    The Influence of New Accounting Standards on Corporate Finance Management and Its Countermeasures

  2. 企业财务管理目标的多样性

    On the Multi Objectives of Corporate Finance

  3. ERP系统在企业财务管理中的应用

    ERP System in Financial Management in Enterprises

  4. EVA思想与企业财务管理目标

    EVA Thought and the Financial Management Target of Enterprises

  5. CIMS信息集成环境下轧钢企业财务管理系统的实现

    Financial Management System of the Strip Mill Work Enterprise under CIMS Information Integrated Environment

  6. GF银行理财业务风险的防控策略研究金融危机下的企业财务管理应对策略

    Researches of the Risk Prevention and Control Strategies on GF Bank Financing Services

  7. ERP系统与面粉加工企业财务管理的有机融合,能够提高企业财务资源配置的效率,促进企业管理的不断完善与发展。

    The integration between ERP system and financial management of flour processing enterprise can improve efficiency of financial resource deployment , promote development of enterprise management .

  8. 本文在研究ERP对企业财务管理影响的基础上,研究建立适合我国企业集团的集中式财务管理模式。

    Based on the study of the impact of ERP on Financial Management , this article researches the establishment of enterprise groups in China for a centralized financial management .

  9. 从经济结构、金融市场、财税法规政策和人才环境4个方面,深入分析了加入WTO对企业财务管理带来的挑战。

    From the aspects of economical structure , financial market , regulations and policies of financial and tax and human resources , this paper analyzes the challenges to financial management that caused by it .

  10. 基于Internet环境,应用数据仓库和数据挖掘技术,本文构建了一个企业财务管理决策支持系统框架,提出了系统的体系结构。

    Based on the environment of Internet , adopting methods of Data warehouse and Data mining , this paper introduces the framework of DSS of an industrial financial information management system , and proposes the architecture of the system .

  11. 第三,本文进一步运用SWOT战略分析法以及杜邦分析法对企业财务管理的问题及财务战略选择进行了探讨。

    Third , this article further used the DuPont analysis method and the SWOT strategy analysis method to discuss the enterprise financial control problems and the financial strategy choices .

  12. 在知识经济时代,RD资金的管理成为高新技术企业财务管理的核心,如何加强高新技术企业RD的财务管理成为大众关注的焦点。

    In the knowledge-based economy era , managing of the capi tal throwing into R & D becomes the core of financial management of a new high-tec h company and people turn to focus on how to manage it .

  13. 一个基于集团式企业财务管理信息系统(ACMIS)的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Accounting Mangement Information System in a Corporate Enterprise

  14. 创新企业财务管理,改变传统财务管理观念、制度与技术(方法),不仅有利于企业建立和完善现代企业制度,以适应WTO大环境带来的冲击,而且也是提升企业核心竞争力的重要因素之一。

    To develop new management of financial affairs and improve the traditional financial management , system and methods can not only help the enterprise to set up a complete modern enterprise system to meet the challenge of the WTO but also can strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise .

  15. 我国高科技企业财务管理环境分析与完善

    Analysis and Improvement of the Finance Management Circumstance of High-Tech Companies

  16. 论委托-代理理论与企业财务管理

    On entrusting - acting - for theory and business financial management

  17. 现代企业财务管理总目标探析

    Probe into the General Objective for Financial Control of Modern Enterprises

  18. 勘察设计企业财务管理与电算化

    Financial Administration and Computer Processing in Prospecting and Designing Company

  19. 信息时代的企业财务管理

    On the Management of Financial Affairs of Enterprises in Times of Information

  20. 我国西部企业财务管理机构设置分析

    On the Set-up of Business Financial Administrative Organizations in the Western Regions

  21. 增强现代理财意识加强企业财务管理

    Heightening Modern Sense of Finance and Tightening up Financial Management in Enterprises

  22. 知识经济条件下企业财务管理的目标&企业财富最大化

    The Target of Financial Management in Enterprises in the Knowledge Economy Era

  23. 试论现代企业财务管理目标的特征

    On the Characteristics of Modern Enterprise 's Financial Management Target

  24. 理财环境对企业财务管理水平的提高起着重要作用。

    Financial condition plays an important role in enhancing business finance management .

  25. 企业财务管理是企业管理的一个子系统。

    The administration of financial affairs is a subsys-tem in enterprise management .

  26. 家族制企业财务管理问题的探讨

    Probe in the Problem of Accounting Managing in Family Enterprises

  27. 加强会计基础工作规范化建设努力提高企业财务管理水平

    Strengthening the accounting standardization work to improve financial management level

  28. 企业财务管理理念在高校成本管理中的运用

    Applying the Concepts of Enterprise Cost Management in the Universities

  29. 国有高校企业财务管理若干问题及对策研究

    Research on the Financial Management in State-owned University : Problems and Solutions

  30. 建筑企业财务管理存在的问题、影响因素及管理对策

    Construction Enterprise Financial Management Problems , Factors and Management Measures