
  • 网络Flexibility of the Enterprise Finance System
  1. 企业理财系统柔性测度研究

    Research on the Measurement of the Flexibility of the Enterprise Finance System

  2. 论网络财务与企业理财系统柔性

    Network Financing and the Flexibility of Enterprise Financing System

  3. 并购后期企业理财系统柔性建设研究

    Corporate Financial Flexibility Construction Research in the Post-Acquisition

  4. 运用弹性预算原理提高企业理财系统柔性研究

    Research on How to Improve the Flexibility of Business Financial System by Utilizing Flexible Budget

  5. 论文第一章对企业理财系统柔性理论进行了回顾与概述,简述了弹性预算的原理及其编制方法;

    The first chapter reviews and summarizes the theory of business financial system , sketches the principle of flexible budget and its preparing methods .

  6. 企业理财系统柔性就是快速而经济地处理企业理财活动中环境变化或由环境引起的时时、处处不确定性的能力。

    Flexibility of business financial system is the capability of dealing with the uncertainties deriving from the financial environment rapidly and economically , anytime , anywhere .

  7. 本文的目的在于以对企业理财系统柔性理论为基础,通过对弹性预算的编制原理与方法的综合概述,重点研究如何运用弹性预算原理来提高企业理财系统柔性。

    The aim of this paper is to study how we can improve the flexibility of financial system by utilizing flexible budget , based on summarizing the theory of business financial management system and flexible budget .

  8. 论述了企业理财系统柔性的时间运动原理由企业理财信息不确定性递减原理、企业理财方案数量递减原理和企业理财系统的不确定性传递原理构成。

    The principle of flexibility in a business finance system with the change of time consists of the principle of declining uncertainties of business finance information , the principle of declining quantities of business finance alternatives , and the principle of uncertainty in the transmission of a business finance system .

  9. 掌握和运用其原理,对提高企业理财能力和水平,增强企业理财系统柔性,获得最佳企业经济效益,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    The mastery and application of these principles are of important theoretical significance and application value , and help improve the financial ability and flexibility of a business finance system and optimize economic benefits in an enterprise .