
  • 网络Production capacity
  1. 基于系统动力学的炼油企业生产能力仿真研究

    A Simulation Approach to Production Capacity of Oil Refining Enterprises Based on System Dynamics

  2. 装配线平衡的效率对提高企业生产能力和竞争能力有着重要的影响。

    The efficiency of the assembly line balancing produces an important influence on improving the production capacity and competitive power of the enterprise .

  3. 这些个平衡关系分别是:中小企业生产能力与市场能力的平衡;

    That is : the equilibrium between the manufacture capacity and marketing capacity ;

  4. 为企业生产能力评价进行了一些有意义的探索。

    It provides some investigation for enterprise to evaluate the capacity of production .

  5. 本篇考虑了一种企业生产能力不对称的情形,发现后动优势仍然存在。

    In addition , we analyze an asymmetric case and find the second mover advantage still exists . 2 .

  6. 通过大力提升铜行业产业结构,提高冶炼企业生产能力,降低消耗。

    Wo should do the efforts to upgrade industrial structure , improve the capacity of smelting companies to reduce consumption .

  7. 该部分从企业生产能力与市场能力的平衡;

    In this part , we analyze the listing enterprises from eight aspects : the equilibrium between the manufacture capacity and marketing capacity ;

  8. 服装企业生产能力弹性估算方法的探讨水平轴风力机优化设计与最大性能估算

    On Elastic Estimate of Productivity in Cloths Industry ; An Analytical Approach to Optimum Design and Peak Performance Prediction for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

  9. 怎样科学正确的评价企业生产能力,一直是企业生产管理者研究探讨的主要问题之一。

    That how to evaluate the productive capacity correctly , is always one of the important issues discussed or studied by managers of enterprises .

  10. 中国能成为世界家电制造基地,一方面源于中国家电企业生产能力及国际经营能力的提高;另一方面是由于全球家电制造业向中国的战略转移。

    Reasons for which include the raising of productivity and international operating capabilities of Chinese enterprises and the strategic transfer to China of international manufacturers .

  11. 客户订单解耦点的定位主要通过权衡定制成本、客户需求、定制时间以及企业生产能力之间的关系来考虑。

    Position of customer order decoupling point is mainly determined by the relations among customization cost , customer need , and customization time and enterprise production ability .

  12. 综合销售预测、产品竞争力、企业生产能力和成本效益等因素,提出综合预测的概念,以降低库存成本,提高企业效益。

    Integrate the factors of market forecasting , product advantage , throughput and product benefit and bring forward the concept of integrated-forecasting to attain to reduce stock capital and increase benefit .

  13. 近年来随着企业生产能力提升,全球范围内产能过剩趋势日益凸显,在这一外部形势下,拥有众多销售渠道和巨大规模优势的零售连锁垄断企业深刻影响着产业链中博弈结构和利益分配。

    Under this kind of economic situation , retail chain enterprises with huge advantage of scale and lots of sale channels influence gambling structure in industry chain and the allocation of profit profoundly .

  14. 以大规模定制在批量流程工业中实现为背景,讨论了单机批量生产情况下,满足企业生产能力,客户需求和成本等约束,建立生产指派模型使得客户定制满意度最大化。

    Under mass customization practiced in batch processing , a production assignment model for single machine batch processing , constrained by production ability , customers ' demands and costs , is presented to maximize customers ' satisfaction .

  15. 从影响企业生产能力的技术因素这一角度对此过程进行分析,就可以发现,资本产出弹性、技术进步和企业家的才能等对产出的贡献这些企业内部因素对改制产生了重要影响。

    An analysis of the process in terms of the technical factors that influence enterprise production shows that the elasticity of capital output , technological progress and the contribution of entrepreneurship to production are important impetuses for institutional change .

  16. 实施国际化经营战略可以发挥企业生产能力,开辟国际市场,可以学习国外企业的先进技术和管理经验,经济全球化也要求企业实施国际化经营战略。

    The implementation of internationalized operating strategy can make full use of the productive capacity , develop the international market , and learn the new technology and management experiences from foreign countries . The global economy needs the implementation of internationalized operating strategy .

  17. 基于Web本体语言的横向型企业集群生产能力建模

    Modeling of productive competence for horizontal enterprise cluster based on OWL

  18. 在申请数量上的年基变化可能是由多种因素造成的,包括在面对强有力的FDA时企业的生产能力增加,或者反之亦然。

    A year-over-year change in the number of approvals could result from numerous factors , including increased drugmaker productivity in the face of a tougher FDA , or vice versa .

  19. 这成为了企业提高生产能力和管理水平的瓶颈。

    This became the enterprises to improve productivity and management bottlenecks .

  20. 机械制造企业的生产能力及能力计划研究

    Research on the Capacity and Its Plan of Mechanical Manufacturing Enterprises

  21. 基于制造型企业的生产能力评估方法研究

    Research on Production Capacity Evaluation Method Based on the Manufacturing Enterprises

  22. 企业生产运作能力的多层次综合模糊评判

    Multi-level fuzzy synthetical evaluation model for operation ability in enterprise

  23. 虚拟企业剩余生产能力管理问题探讨

    Discussion on the Management of Unused Capacities in Virtual Enterprises

  24. 核心生产技术是高技术企业核心生产能力的基础。

    Key technology is the base of a high-tech enterprise 's core productivity .

  25. 高技术企业核心生产能力的建设与评估

    Development and evaluation of core productivity of high-tech enterprises

  26. 我们必须充分发挥现有企业的生产能力。

    We must give full scope to the production capacity of the existing enterprises .

  27. 同时也为汽车零部件企业的生产能力的扩容提供了一种思路和解决方案。

    Meantime , it has offered a fresh idea and solution for improving the throughput of the car enterprises .

  28. 冲压技术水平的高低,已在相当程度上决定了企业的生产能力和在总体行业中的地位。

    To a great extent , stamping technical level determines the capacity of such enterprises in the status in this field .

  29. 生产调度一直是生产管理中最为重要的环节,良好的调度方案可以有效地提高企业的生产能力和生产效率。

    As the most important link in production management , a better production scheduling method can improve the capacity and efficiency for production .

  30. 将基于市场预测的部件主生产计划和面向订单的组装计划相互结合,共同协调企业的生产能力和资源需求,以加强企业对市场的快速响应和满足用户多样化需求的能力。

    Combine market-forecasting-based MPS and order-based assembling plan to adjust throughput and resource-requirement , so as to strengthen the ability of quick market response and satisfy variety requirements of customers .