
  • 网络Financing;Corporate finance
  1. 基于IPO择时视角的辽宁老工业基地企业融资问题研究

    Research of Corporate Finance in Liaoning Province Based on IPO Market Timing

  2. 1979年毕业后,他加入高盛(goldmansachs),先在企业融资部门工作,然后又转到投资银行领域。

    Upon graduation in 1979 , he joined Goldman Sachs , working in corporate finance , then investment banking .

  3. 企业融资方式选择的AHP模型及其应用

    An AHP Model Applied to the Selection of Enterprise Financing Means

  4. 现代企业融资结构理论中MM定理及修正理论在一系列的假定条件下认为100%负债最优。

    Modem enterprise financing structure MM theory and revising theory think that complete debt financing is the best .

  5. “内外结合、综合治理”解决中小企业融资难问题综合基追踪和AR模型内插的多频带数据融合

    A Solution to the Financing of Chinese SMEs : Overall Governance with Concerted Efforts Inside and Outside ; Multi-band Data Fusion Combining Basis Pursuit and AR Model Interpolation

  6. 针对已有研究在企业融资效率评价方法的选取上,摒弃了传统的采用一些财务指标或对这些指标进行加权平均来评估的模式,采用了DEA研究方法。

    Existing research in corporate finance for the efficiency evaluation method selected , abandoned the traditional use of some of the financial indicators or a weighted average of these indicators to assess the model , using DEA research methods .

  7. 论金融危机与中小企业融资风险:冲击与应对

    On Financial Crisis and SME Financing Risk : Impact & Countermeasure

  8. 信托与私募基金:现代企业融资新方式

    Trust and Privately Raised Fund : Modern Enterprise Financing New Way

  9. 我国企业融资制约与宏观经济发展的关系研究

    Research on Relation of Financing Restriction of Chinese Enterprises and Macroeconomics

  10. 我国中小企业融资策略的选择

    The Financing Strategy Choice of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of China

  11. 我国民营科技企业融资障碍分析

    An Analysis of Barriers to Private Technology Enterprise Financing in China

  12. 担保投资&中小企业融资新渠道

    Guarantee investment & New financing channel of small and middle enterprises

  13. 垄断型信贷市场融资担保问题分析&以民营中小企业融资为例

    Collaterals in Monopolistic Credit Market : an Example From Private SMEs

  14. 中国中小企业融资:供求、效率与机制分析

    Studies on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise ' Financing Problem in China

  15. 这是无法忍受的工具,为家庭和企业融资。

    It is unbearable tool for home and business finance .

  16. 我国民营企业融资风险预警系统研究

    The Research of Private Enterprises Financing Prediction in Our Country

  17. 高新技术企业融资及政策支持研究

    A Study of Financing and Policy Support for High-Tech Enterprises

  18. 金融发展与民营企业融资体系建设

    Financial Development and the Establishment of Private Business Financing System

  19. 企业融资新渠道&中国信保向市场推出内贸险产品

    Credit insurance for domestic trade : a new financing channel

  20. 建立社区银行&解决中小企业融资难问题的路径选择

    To Resolve Problem of SMES ' Raising Money by Establishing Community Bank

  21. 信贷配给视角下的农村中小企业融资担保

    Financial Guarantee for Rural SMEs : From an Angle of Credit Rationing

  22. 中国小企业融资担保发展的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Bail out for Small Enterprises in China

  23. 欠发达地区中小企业融资难问题研究

    Study on Financing Problems of SME of Low Developed Area

  24. 中国私营企业融资瓶颈及对策分析

    An Analysis of Financing Bottleneck for Chinese Private Businesses and Countermeasures Hereof

  25. 同时还阐述了促进中小企业融资的几种模式。

    At the same time it describes several models for SMEs financing .

  26. 社区信用制度创新与中小企业融资

    The Innovation of Community Credit System and SMEs Financing

  27. 企业融资以股权直接融资为主。

    Enterprise financing is mainly by direct ownership financing ;

  28. 小企业融资与金融创新小企业融资困难原因及对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures on Financing Difficulties of Small-sized enterprise

  29. 高新技术中小企业融资的战略博弈

    The Strategy Game Theory in Financing of Hi-Tech SME

  30. 信托&优化企业融资结构新途径

    Trust and Financing Is a New Way of Optimization of Enterprise Financing Structure