
  • 网络unpredictability;unpredictable;non-predictable
  1. 现实世界的不可预测性可能会使一个令人担心的软件问题浮出表面。

    The unpredictability of the real world may bring to the surface a troubling software problem .

  2. R基因类型的多样性和不可预测性,使基于同源序列的候选基因法克隆R基因带有一定的盲目性。

    The blindness of homology-based candidate gene method for cloning resistance gene originated from diversity and unpredictability of resistance genes .

  3. 作家、瑞银(UBS)前首席经济学家乔治•马格纳斯(GEORGEMAGNUS)表示,更大的不可预测性是可喜的。

    George Magnus , an author and former chief economist at UBS , said greater unpredictability was welcome .

  4. 证明了b1时能够产生具有不可预测性的优良随机序列{xn}.在此基础上设计了一个用于数据加密的随机数发生器。

    It is proved that it will generate an unpredictable good random sequence { x_n } when b1 . Then , a random number generator is designed for data encryption .

  5. 对这个行业的监管仍具有不可预测性,但亚博表示,通过收购shiningchina彩票子公司,公司将能够在江西、湖南和重庆各建立至少1000个固定彩票销售网点。

    Regulation of the sector remains unpredictable , but AGTech says that through its acquisition of lottery unit shining China it will be able to establish at least 1000 fixed-lottery outlets in each of the provinces of Jiangxi and Hunan and the provincial-level city of Chongqing .

  6. 研究三个典型的混沌系统:Logistic映射、统一Lorenz混沌系统和四阶超混沌系统,通过对其进行数学计算和仿真,证明混沌运动的高度初值敏感特性、不可预测性。

    Discussed three typical chaos systems : Logistic mapping , unified Lorenz chaos system and Fourstage hyperchaos system . It is proved that chaotic motion has the characteristics of the high sensitive initial value and unpredictability by mathematical calculation and simulation .

  7. 在红外动目标序列图像跟踪过程中,由于目标本身的红外特征具有较大的不可预测性,使ATR系统在目标探测阶段产生大量的虚警讯息。

    In the course of tracking IR motive targets , a large number of false alarm signals might appear in the target detection stage of an IR ATR system because of the non-prediction of IR targets signature .

  8. 该文提出了一种新的安全随机数发生器结构,该结构是基于SHA-2(512)哈希函数,该函数的强度确保所生成随机数的不可预测性。

    This paper presents a new and security random number generator . The philosophy architecture is based on SHA-2 ( 512 ), whose security strength ensures the unpredictability of the produced random numbers .

  9. 针对配电系统网络结构及运行方式的特点,在给出分布式配电管理系统(DDMS)计算机体系结构模型基础上,考虑DDMS数据信息通信延迟的不可预测性,提出并构造了DDMS潮流分布式异步迭代算法。

    In accordance with the characteristics of the physical structure and operating mode of distribution power system . the computer system structure model of distributed distribution management system ( DDMS ) is firstly built . and by taking the unpredictability of the communication time delay of DDMS into account .

  10. 第二,它是一种具有高度的随机性、风险性、不可预测性的技术。

    Secondly , it is Random , risky and unpredictable technology .

  11. 他们还对经济的不可预测性和神秘性感到迷惑。

    They are also confused by its unpredictable and mysterious nature .

  12. 服装设计师制定的新潮服饰法规有着一种不可预测性和专横跋扈性。

    The fashion decrease of the designers are unpredictable and dictatorial .

  13. 数据流的本质特征为变化性及不可预测性。

    Data stream has two essential characteristics : mutable and unpredictable .

  14. 这种复杂的不可预测性让气候变化成为了一个特别不确定的科学。

    This complex unpredictability makes climate change a particularly uncertain science .

  15. 现实案例还强化了学生对商业不可预测性的认识。

    They also reinforce awareness of the unpredictability of business life .

  16. 选民们只能容忍在政治家身上有一定的不可预测性。

    Voters can tolerate only so much unpredictability in a politician .

  17. 提醒他们这些事情的不可预测性。

    And remind them of the unpredictability of these things .

  18. 不过这里海域的险情和不可预测性也是人们熟知的。

    But it is also known for its treacherous and unpredictable seas .

  19. 一个棋题也有其不可预测性和简约性;

    A chess problem also has unexpectedness , and a certain economy ;

  20. 混沌系统设计中的基频变换及不可预测性估计算法

    Fundamental Frequency Transformation and Unpredictability Estimation Algorithm of Chaotic Systems

  21. 一种具有不可预测性的随机延时引信延迟时间的总体分布

    The Distribution of the Unpredictable Delay Time Sequence of a Random Delay Fuze

  22. 不可预测性是生活最伟大的一点。

    That unpredictability is the great thing about life .

  23. 而这也大大增加了世界杯比赛的不可预测性。

    That 's also what makes it so unpredictable .

  24. 非常清楚地展示了这种力量以及破冰一刻的不可预测性

    of the power and unpredictability of breaking ice came

  25. 为了降低科研项目的不可预测性,减少研发的风险,必须进行有效的过程管理。

    Process management must be effectual , in order to reduce the high unpredictability .

  26. 并研究了压力波动预测指数分离过程的长期不可预测性。

    The long-term unpredictability of pressure fluctuation and its exponent separation were also studied .

  27. 这导致了不可预测性,且过程是不可重复和被动的。

    This leads to poor predictability , and the process is not repeatable and reactive .

  28. 由于混沌序列长期演化的不可预测性和伪随机性,极具密码学应用价值。

    Due to the unpredictability and pseudo-random , chaotic sequences are very suitable for encryption .

  29. 而就目前的科学技术水平而言,地震灾害仍具有不可预测性。

    The earthquake disaster is still unpredictable on the current level of science and technology .

  30. 可预测性是高级状态:不可预测性似乎是人类的默认设置。

    Predictability is the advanced class : unpredictability seems to be the default human condition .