
  1. 从去年9月开始,我国CPI上涨迅速,部分学者认为我国已经发生了通货膨胀,或呈现通货膨胀预期,本文就是否发生通货膨胀及当前的宏观调控的手段展开论述。

    From last September CPI of our country rise quickly many scholars think inflation or inflation sign has already happened , this thesis discuss whether inflation has already happened in our country and macro-economic adjustment of government .

  2. 完善矿产资源市场体系是宏观调控的手段。

    Improve mineral resource market system is the effective means of macro-control .

  3. 可作为宏观调控的手段;

    It is a means of micro - economic regulation ;

  4. 间接宏观调控的手段有经济手段、法律手段、行政手段。

    There are economic means , legal means and administrative means in the means .

  5. 改革和宏观调控的手段要灵活,水平要高超。

    Furthermore , the reform and control means should be flexible and with learned expertise .

  6. 房价飞速上升,国家通过一系列宏观调控的手段也无法有效的控制。

    Rapid rise in prices , Country by a series of macro control measures could effectively control .

  7. 中国民族经济政策,是指导和影响我国少数民族和民族地区经济活动所规定并付诸实施的准则和措施,是宏观调控的手段。

    China national economic policy is a criterion and implement of directing and influencing the economic activities of minority nations .

  8. 通过结合微观规制和宏观调控的手段,在时间上结合,在实施的方法上结合共同干预经济。

    Through combining the regulation and macroeconomic control means , combine on time , intervene economy together on the method is implemented .

  9. 市场失灵的存在要求政府对市场进行干预,而除了宏观调控的手段外,政府还可以对市场实行规制。

    The effectiveness of market economy appeals to the governmental interference , in the way of governmental regulation as well as macro-control .

  10. 财政赤字是宏观调控的手段,对其评价,关键是看宏观经济状况和社会总需求小于总供给,财政赤字就是好的;

    The financial deficit is a means of macro adjustment and control , the key to appraise it is to see the macro-economic situation .

  11. 政策性担保制度作为政府宏观调控的手段具有较大的优越性,其所涉及的领域也可能因经济的发展、国家政策的变化而发生变化。

    As the means of macro-control , policy-based guarantee has great advantages , and it 's appplication varies with the development of economy and government policy .

  12. 利率市场化是我国改善宏观调控的手段和效果的有效途径,也是我国进行金融市场改革的重要环节之一。

    Interest Rates Liberalization is a means of improving macro-control and effects effective way , meanwhile it is one important step for financial market reforming in our country .

  13. 另外,随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立和逐步完善,财政政策作为国家宏观调控的手段之一,它必将是促进西部民族地区经济发展的助推器。

    Besides , with the establishment and gradual consummation of socialism market economy system , the finance policy , as a meaning of macroscopic adjustment , must advance the economics development of the western region .

  14. 不适当的利率与汇率政策是引发金融风险的重要因素,同时利率和汇率作为国家宏观调控的手段,对维护国家经济安全又有很大的作用。

    Unsuitable interest policy and exchange rate is an important factor of causing financial crisis . As the instrument of national economy adjustment , interest policy and exchange rate have effect on protecting national economy safety .

  15. 公平而更加稳定、快速地发展经济主要使用宏观调控的手段,宏观经济调控法律制度也主要以公平而更加稳定、快速地发展经济为目的。

    Fair and more stable and rapid development of economy mainly use the means of macro-control , macro economic control Jaw system is mainly to fair and more stable and rapid development of economy for the purpose .

  16. 第二章主要分析了房地产价格的形成与调控。包括房地产价格的影响因素、影响房地产价格的主体、房地产价格宏观调控的手段等。

    The second chapter analyzes the complexity of real estate price formation and the means of the macro-control by the analysis of the influence factor , the elasticity of the real estate price and the subjects that can influence the real estate price .

  17. 缩小贫富差距,维护社会的和平稳定,成为当今世界各国关心的热点问题,为了应对因为市场火灵所出现的收入分配不公,均采取了各种宏观调控的手段。

    Narrowing the gap between rich and poor and maintaining social harmony and stability are hot spots in the modern world . To solve problems concerning unfair income distribution caused by market failure , governments of all countries have taken sweeping measures to enhance macroscopical control .

  18. 而汇率(ExchangeRate)作为一国主要的经济杠杆和宏观调控的重要手段,在宏观经济中起着重要的作用。

    As the main economic lever and an important means of macroeconomic control of a country , exchange rate plays an important role in the macro-economy .

  19. 公债杠杆:市场经济中政府宏观调控的重要手段

    State Treasury Lever : An important Method for the Government to Exercise Macro-control

  20. 财政政策作为政府进行宏观调控的主要手段之一,在山东经济增长的历史实践中发挥了相当重要的作用。

    Fiscal policies as one of Macro-control means have played quite vital role in Shandong economic growth .

  21. 在传统的货币政策理论中,再贴现都被作为金融宏观调控的重要手段。

    In traditional theory of monetary policy , discount is regarded as an important instrument of financial macro-regulation .

  22. 税收政策作为宏观调控的重要手段之一,我国运用它来促进东部沿海地区的开放、西部地区的大开发,就在最近还落实了振兴东北老工业基地的税收政策。

    , and also has carried out tax policy to promote the old industrial base in northeast area recently .

  23. 政府采购是各国政府财政支出的重要形式,是实现宏观调控的重要手段。

    National government procurement is an important form of government spending that is an important means to achieve macro-control .

  24. 国债是国家筹集资金缓解财政压力,实施宏观调控的重要手段。

    Publishing national debt is an important means to raise funds , alleviate financial tension and implement macroscopic modulation .

  25. 由此可见,城乡规划正在成为宏观调控的重要手段之一。

    In other words , planning of towns and countries is gaining its role as an approach for macro-control .

  26. 税收作为宏观调控的重要手段,在经济运行过程中发挥着重要的调控作用。

    Taxation as an important means of macroeconomic control in the process of economic operation plays an important regulatory role .

  27. 财政政策对一国经济社会发展有重要作用,也是国家进行宏观调控的主要手段。

    Fiscal policies as effective measures to control the macro economy play an important role in the economic and social development .

  28. 税收,作为政府宏观调控的重要手段之一,自然会对非正规就业产生影响。

    Tax , as one of government 's important macroeconomics adjustment means , will exert an influence on informal employment naturally .

  29. 当代的经济是全球化的经济,汇率政策越来越成为政府对经济进行宏观调控的重要手段。

    The present economy is a global economy , the exchange policy by which the government adjust macro-economy become more and more important .

  30. 税收作为国家取得财政收入、进行宏观调控的重要手段,在社会财富分配的过程中发挥着不容忽视的作用。

    As a important role to obtain revenue , and for macro-control , tax has the important means for the distribution of wealth .