
  • 网络Macroeconomic effects;effects of macro economy
  1. 首先从公开市场业务的操作原理入手,深入分析了其产生的宏观经济效果。

    Proceed with operating principle at first , analyses its effects of macro economy produced in depth .

  2. 文章还分析了农业机械化发展的宏观经济效果并提出了发展的七项战略措施。

    This article analysises also macro-economic effect for developing agricultural mechanization and proposes seven strategic measures involved .

  3. 同时在调整收入分配、提高就业水平、社会福利等方面具有显著的宏观经济效果。

    Furthermore , it has an outstanding macroscopic economic effect on improving employment standard , adjusting income allocation and improving the whole social warfare , etc.

  4. 中央银行通过公开市场业务操作会产生一系列的宏观经济效果:对货币供应量有较好的控制;

    Open market operation ofthe central bank can produce a series of macro economy effects : having better control to the total amount of money supply ;

  5. 我国宏观经济调控效果的辩证分析

    The Dialectical Analysis on the Regulation and Control Effect of Macro-economy

  6. 宏观经济政策效果,取决于诸多因素,比如健全的(金融)市场体系,明晰的产权。

    Macroeconomic policy effects depend on many factors , such as right ( financial ) market system and well - defined property rights .

  7. 并指出了农村非正规金融存在的主要问题,包括非正规金融运作制度不规范、无担保和抵押的信用方式、利率较高、无政府监管以及削弱了国家宏观经济政策效果。

    And points out the main issues of informal finance , including that the operation of informal finance system is not standardized , unsecured credit , high interest rates and beyond the supervision of government and undermine the effectiveness of national macroeconomic policies .

  8. 中国宏观经济政策的效果分析

    Analysis of China 's Macroeconomic Policy Effect

  9. 同时资本充足性管制会导致银行贷款供给的下降,从而对宏观经济产生紧缩性效果。

    And constraints on capital requirements put a contractionary effect on macroeconomy through reduction in bank lending .

  10. 这在很大程度上削弱甚至扭曲了货币政策调节宏观经济的作用和效果,同时也加大了各地区经济发展的差距,阻碍了区域经济的协调发展。

    Those effects of monetary policy seriously weaken at some extent even distorted the role and effectiveness of macro-economic regulation , but also increased the gap among different regions .

  11. 结合当前宏观经济形势,运用修正的蒙代尔&弗莱明模型对名义汇率升值条件下的宏观经济政策搭配效果进行了研究,并提出了相应的政策建议。

    Raised policy proposals after study the effectiveness of policy combination of the macro-economy policies by using the widened Mundell-Flemming Model .

  12. 本文从货币发行局制度的演变及其主要特征入手,分析了这种制度对一系列宏观经济变量的影响机制,并以中国香港特别行政区、阿根廷为个案分析了这种制度的宏观经济效果。

    From evolution and characteristics of this system , the paper analyses the mechanism in which currency board system influences the macroeconomic variables and the actual macroeconomic effect of Hong Kong and Argentina .