
  • 网络Macro Data
  1. 要成为一名基本面投资者,你需要良好的宏观数据&眼下我们的确没有。

    To be a fundamental investor , you need good macro data . We don 't really have it .

  2. 检验结果证明,从全国范围的宏观数据方面看,对外直接投资与就业间呈正相关。

    Test results with the macro data from nationwide show that foreign direct investment and employment are positively correlated .

  3. FDI对国有工业企业技术外溢效应的实证研究&基于宏观数据的联立方程模型分析

    Empirical Research on Technology Spillover Effects of FDI to State-owned Industrial Enterprises : An Analysis of Simultaneous Equations Model Based on Macro-data

  4. 本研究对CGE模型的宏观数据与微观模拟模型中的微观住户调查数据的结合方法的应用做了一次探索性的尝试研究。

    The study tries to combine the CGE model with micro-simulation model for application .

  5. 例如,有人仓促宣布民意调查机构未能预测到唐纳德.特朗普(DonaldTrump)在美国大选中获胜,但预测失败的原因更有可能是不可靠的一对一调查,而不是宏观数据收集方面的巨大缺点。

    For example , the hastily declared failure of pollsters to predict a Donald Trump victory in the US election is more likely to be due to unsound one-on-one surveys than yawning deficiencies in wider data-gathering .

  6. 研究了面向产品的CAD/CAPP集成原理,提出了面向产品的CAD/CAPP两级集成模式:基于PDM的宏观数据管理集成及基于特征的微观数据流集成;

    The integrated theory of CAD / CAPP for products is studied , and the two integrated methods of CAD / CAPP for products are presented : one is the integration of macrocosmic data manage based on PDM , and the other is microcosmic data stream based on feature .

  7. 研究数据方面,本文主要应用了宏观数据。

    Research data , this paper mainly applied macroeconomic data .

  8. 应用压力传感器电阻应变仪光线示波器系统实测了压榨过程滤饼内液压分布,并测定了不同过滤压力和压榨压力下的压榨宏观数据。

    The hydraulic pressure distribution in cake during filtration and compression is detected .

  9. 在核算出准确的宏观数据的基础上,下一步的任务就是要考虑如何将数据转化为信息,为此我们引入了数据分析的理论。

    Data Analysis Theory is introduced into the field of how to dig out information from the data .

  10. 通过一个应急联动辅助决策系统的工程实例证明了所做的工作在提高辅助决策系统的宏观数据分析和预测能力上具有重要意义。

    Through a engineering instance of the Integrated Emergency Response System , the signification of the work is proved .

  11. 通过对宏观数据和微观个案的分析和总结,中国企业对东盟的投资有着自身的特点。

    Through analysis and summary of macro data and micro cases , Chinese enterprises investment in ASEAN has its own characteristics .

  12. 然而众所周知,加总后的宏观数据不能够觉察出经济现象微观机制所在,甚至会得出某些误解或错误结论。

    As is known , the aggregated data cannot notice the micro mechanism of economic phenomena , which may often draw out misunderstanding or even wrong conclusions .

  13. 但是,有关宏观数据均为月度数据,本文以月度数据作为样本数据,将存在样本数据过短的问题。

    However , the macroeconomic data are monthly data . If this paper take monthly data as the sample data , the sample data will be too short .

  14. 从宏观数据出发来分析经济金融因素对基准利率和信用利差的影响,本文提供了一个内部一致的分析框架。

    Proceeding to analyze the data from the macro-economic and financial market on benchmark interest rates and credit spreads , the article shows a internally consistent analytical framework .

  15. 本章基于我国扩招后的宏观数据,从大学生需求视角挖掘大学教育溢价变动的原因。

    Based on our enrollment macro data mining from college students demand perspective . This chapter is to analyze the reasons why the changes in university education premium occur .

  16. 二是从搜集宏观数据建立模型,从实证的角度来验证房价上涨先促进后抑制消费这一假说。

    The other is from the collection of the macro data model , from the perspective of evidence to verify the prices rise to promote inhibition after consumption of this hypothesis .

  17. 这是首次尝试利用宏观数据,理论与实证相结合研究不同年龄组生产率的差异和人口老龄化对劳动生产率的影响。

    This is the first attempt to use macroeconomic data to study the impact of aging on labor productivity between different age groups and population by combining theoretical and empirical study .

  18. 第五章本文将针对我国各省宏观数据进行实证分析,意图构造一个较为合理的、较明确反映养老保险支支出与居民消费关系的模型。

    Chapter Five of this paper will focus on empirical analysis of provincial macro-data , intended to construct a more reasonable , more clearly reflected models between the pension expenditure and consumption .

  19. 第三章利用中国的实际数据验证了银行贷款对企业自主创新有着积极的影响。无论是宏观数据,还是省际面板数据都表明银行贷款与企业自主创新呈正相关关系。

    The third chapter use Chinese actual data to take empirical test and shows that bank loans has a positive influence on firm independent innovation based on macro data and provincial panel data .

  20. 从宏观数据来看,我国和江苏省的医疗卫生行业履行了较好的社会责任,为我国、江苏省的居民健康发挥出了巨大的作用。

    From the macro data point of view , China and Jiangsu Province had a good performance on hospitals ' social responsibility , which plays a huge role in improving the health of residents .

  21. 尽管如此,技术效率的改善对乳制品业绩效的提高有积极作用,宏观数据分析显示,规模效率对乳制品业的绩效产生明显的负作用,乳制品市场部分满足效率结构假说的条件。

    In despite of this , improvement of technical efficiency will increase performance of dairy industry . The macro-data analysis shows that dairy product market fulfils efficiency structure hypothesis partly but the micro-data results exist it .

  22. 选取我国上市公司数据和国家统计局宏观数据,对所构建的固定资产折旧通用模型进行了统计检验和结果分析,以验证模型的适用性。

    To test the depreciation of the fixed assets on a generic model . Select some listed company data and National Bureau of Statistics data on accruing depreciation , we test the built model and analysis the results .

  23. 基于宏观数据的研究结果与农户微观行为分析结论的矛盾意味着劳动力转移对农户的生产和技术行为的影响在不同地区甚至不同农户间存在差异。

    Contradiction between the findings from macro-data and the analyses of farmers ' microscopic behavior means that the impact of labor transfer on farmers ' production and technologies are varied in different regions , even among different farmers .

  24. 尽管宏观数据显示,美国已经从最近的一次经济衰退中恢复——2015年工作机会增长幅度达到自1990年代以来不曾有过的程度——但有调查问卷显示,很多美国人觉得自己的工作和财务状况并不稳固,并为此感到焦虑。

    Though the macroeconomic statistics suggest the United States has recovered from the last recession - job growth in 2015 reached levels not seen since the 1990s - surveys show that many Americans feel vulnerable and anxious about their jobs and finances .

  25. 这些研究都无一例外的认为房地产繁荣对居民总体消费存在着单一不变的影响,财富效应和挤出效应的大小关系是不随房价上涨而有所改变,并利用宏观数据给予实证支持。

    These studies all without exception that the real estate booming on residents ' consumption overall has a single constant effect . The relationship between wealth effect and extrusion effect does not change by the housing price and the macro data give empirical support .

  26. 文章基于中国1998~2004年的宏观数据,较为严密地利用协整检验、脉冲响应与方差分解等宏观计量方法,分析了不同货币政策工具对宏观经济变量影响的差异性。

    Based on the macroscopic data from the year 1998 to 2004 in China , this paper strictly uses macroscopic calculating methods such as co-integration test , impulse response and variance decomposition to make an analysis on the difference which various monetary policy tools affect the macroeconomic variables .

  27. 每次我们试图评估美国经济的健康状况时,通常都会看国民生产总值(GrossDomesticProduct,GDP)等宏观性数据。

    Whenever we try to assess the health of the economy , we usually go by data sets that look at large groups , such as gross domestic product , or GDP .

  28. 运用BP神经网络预测技术对季节性宏观经济数据进行了预测,筛选出效果优良的模型,提出了对于季节性时间序列一般的神经网络建模步骤。

    By using BP neural network forecasting technology , this paper forecasts the seasonal macro economy , chooses better models and puts forward the normal steps to establish neural network .

  29. 系统构建了以microsoftSQLserver2000为平台的宏观金融数据仓库,不仅能对业务数据进行查询等事务型处理操作和简单的统计汇总,而且还能对各种数据进行复杂分析;

    The finance data warehouse based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 , not merely operate transaction process such as data inquire , and can carry on complicated analysis to various data ;

  30. 基于统计资料对中国东西部地区建筑业GDP、建筑业总产值、基本建设投资、城市基础设施建设等宏观经济数据进行实证比较分析。

    Based on the statistics , this paper gives comparative and positive analysis of the construction GDP , total output value of construction , infrastructure investment , cities infrastructure construction in both the east and west regions of China .