
  • 网络Macronutrients;macronutrient
  1. 男性吸烟者的能量及宏量营养素的平均摄入量均高于不吸烟者和轻度吸烟者,但是女性吸烟者有相反的趋势。

    Male smokers consumed more energetic stuff and macronutrients than non-smokers , but female smokers had opposite trends .

  2. 此外我国标准不涉及液态婴幼儿配方产品,而且对宏量营养素的规定也不够细化。

    Other differences are our Standard requires both fortifiered amount and release level in final product , liquid formula is not covered by standard and the requirements about macronutrients is not in detail .

  3. 采用化学与仪器分析法测定了盱眙龙虾肌肉中的宏量营养素、氨基酸、脂肪酸、维生素以及矿物质的含量。

    The macro nutrients , amino acids , fatty acids , vitamin and mineral content in muscle of it were determined through the common chemical and instrumental analysis methods .

  4. 【结论】肥胖儿童具有各种食物摄入多、膳食宏量营养素的摄入量大,早餐、午餐、晚餐的能量摄入量多的特点,这可能是儿童肥胖的一个主要原因。

    [ Conclusion ] The diet of the simple obese children appear the characteristics which they eat more all kinds of food , more energetic nutrients and more energy from breakfast , lunch and supper . This may be a main reason of obesity of children .