- 网络macroeconomic balance

Macroscopical Quantity Balance of TCP Packets
Macroscopical Quantitative Balance of TCP Packets
Introduces aspects of statistical thermodynamics as they relate to macroscopic equilibrium phenomena .
An Assumption of Setting up China 's Balance System of Macro Regulation and Control
The forming of some new minerals during the experiment indicates that the melting reaction may neither need a long time nor macroscopic equilibrium state .
According to the concept of macroscopic thermal equilibrium , the author has derived a new calculating method and expression .
A preliminary research of the macroscopic water balance over the oasis zone of Heihe experimental area in the 1987 / 1988 year
We will bring into play the important role of import in achieving macroeconomic balance and economic restructuring , and promote basic balance of our trade .
There exist macro-balance and micro - imbalance in the development of artistic production and material production , and dialectical unity of absolute imbalance and relative balance .
A macroscopic momentum balance model for formulating the velocity voidage relations and ascertaining the bed expansion mechanisms is presented with the intended use of the expanded bed techniques for purification of proteins .
It is , above all , neither desirable nor sustainable for global macroeconomic balance to be achieved by recycling huge savings surpluses into the excess consumption of the world 's richest consumers .
Regional market division not only leads to distortion of economic operating system and market signals , interferes in macro economic balance , harms operating quality of national economy , but also virtually restricts our raise of international competitiveness .
Symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems arise in many science computing and engineering applications , such as dynamic analysis of structures , structural vibration , electronic structure calculations , quantum chemistry , circuit network , chemical reaction , macro-economical balance .
The objective of these programs is on the one hand the economic restructuring to restore macroeconomic balances , to increase the mobilization of domestic resources , and secondly , to reduce the dominance of the state in the conduct of economic activities while rehabilitating the private sector .
Trade Liberalization , Exchange Rate Policy and the Internal Balance of Chinese Macro-economy
Often presented as a matter of macroeconomic rebalancing , this one has micro implications , too .
As one of major macroscopic policy tool , exchange rate policy is important for government in pursuing internal and external equilibrium .
As the central bank , the people 's Bank of China is required to assure the macro-financial balance by using its monetary policy instruments .
The basic conclusion of this paper is that appropriate nominal devaluation policy is necessary to maintain internal equilibrium after China 's entry into the WTO .
In the macro level of university self-discipline balances " serve " and " limited ", and in the micro-level requires university research personnel growth characteristics and regularity .
The existence of cointegration relationship suggests that the adjustment of exchange rate can meet the requirement of reaching both the internal and external economic balance during the last decade .
This subject deals primarily with equilibrium properties of macroscopic systems , basic thermodynamics , chemical equilibrium of reactions in gas and solution phase , and rates of chemical reactions .
However , the development of special fertilizer depends on the regulation of fertilizer structure , balanced fertilization technology research and the perfect in fertilizer process , market and agricultural service etc.
The government should take the equilibrium of the macroscopic labor force supply as the first aim of social development .
In an open economy , the central task of government macroeconomic control is to realize the internal and external balance .
From the view of national income accounting , the paper analyses the formation and impacts of China 's trade balance situation , with driving much attention on internal and external balances of macro economy . Then , an empirical study is made to validate .
The paper gives a better model of the optimal tax rate of the dynamical equilibrium economic system in terms of the coordinated growth state and scientific tax calculating .
Karl Marx 's theory concerning the reproduction of the aggregate social Capital , which expounds the laws of the macroeconomic equilibrium and the macroeconomic movement , essentially is fundamentals of macroeconomics .