
  1. 结果表明:供应商努力成本的边际替代率在信息共享以及正常供应活动的激励中起着关键性的作用。

    The conclusion shows that the marginal substitution rate of the supplier 's effort cost is critical in the incentive of the information sharing and the supply activity .

  2. 除了其在投资运营,巴尔的最近更新了它的IT系统和供应链活动。

    In addition to its investment in operations , Barr 's has recently updated its IT systems and its supply chain activity .

  3. 建立食品及其供应链活动准确、及时的可追溯体系已经成为食品行业健康发展的一个主要因素。

    The accurate and timely traceability of products and activities in the supply chain has become a new factor in food industry development .

  4. 产品及供应链活动的准确、及时的可追溯已成为影响食品和农业综合企业健康发展的一个新因素。

    The accurate and timely traceability of products and activities in the supply chain has become a new factor in food and agribusiness .

  5. 比方说,汽车零部件厂商可以参与汽车商的供应链活动中,而不论它正在运行什么样的应用程序。

    So , for example , an automobile parts manufacturer can participate in the supply chain activities of an automaker , regardless of the applications it 's running .

  6. 研究该鸟类的科学家们认为,现应严肃认识到这一特定物种的脆弱性,他们也希望能看到人们采取措施,以缓解帝企鹅所面临的其它压力,比如影响它们食物供应的捕鱼活动。

    Scientists who study the birds believe it 's time their particular vulnerability was formally recognised , and they want to see measures taken to ease other pressures faced by Emperors , such as the fishing activities that impinge on their food supply .

  7. 因此,汽车供应链管理活动显得越发重要。

    Therefore , supply chain activity has become more and more important .

  8. 企业产品(或劳务)在销售、资源供应等交易活动中发生着一定的交易成本。

    The enterprises transaction activities such as products sale and resources provision will take transaction cost .

  9. 然而,在正常情况下,实际供应是银行放贷活动的副产品。

    In normal times , however , actual supply is a byproduct of lending activities of banks .

  10. 代表客户和供应商所定制的信息服务包,用来管理和控制供应链中的活动。

    Bespoke packages of information services used to manage and control supply chain activities on behalf of customers and suppliers .

  11. 基于供应链,利用活动的成本分析法对钢铁企业物流管理的业务流程进行重构。

    Based on supply chain , activity-based cost analysis method is applied to reengineer the business processes of the company 's logistics management .

  12. 并探讨了森林枯枝落叶层在森林土壤生态系统中对水源涵养、养分供应、促进生物活动强度和土壤发育等方面的功能。

    Finally , the function of forest floor on wate conservation , nutrient supply , promoting biological respiratory intensity and soil development are discussed .

  13. 然而,供应链知识共享活动普遍难以开展,或开展的效果不理想,这与其理论上的可行性相比,相距甚远。

    However , the activities of knowledge-sharing in supply chain are generally difficult to carry out , or that effect being unsatisfactory ; the fact is far from the feasibility on theory and the results to which people look forward .

  14. 食品生产经营:指从事一切食品的生产(不包括种植业养殖业)、采集、收购、加工、贮存、运输、陈列、供应、销售等活动。

    " Food production or marketing " means all operations in the production of food ( other than planting and breeding ) and activities such as the gathering , purchase , processing , storage , transport , display , supply and sale of food .

  15. 供应链后勤系统的性能对供应链总体活动的有效性以及供应链中各成员的行为都将产生重大影响。

    Performance of supply chain logistics system has a significant impact on the effectiveness of its holistic activity and the behavior of its business entities .

  16. 供应链金融,是指在供应链业务活动中,运用金融工具使物流产生价值增值的融资活动,是集约化产业链中的重要环节。

    The supply chain finance refers to the operational activities in the supply chain , using financial instruments to produce value-added logistics financing activities which are intensive industry , an important link in the chain .

  17. 随着市场竞争从企业间竞争向供应链间竞争的转变,企业的采购供应活动已成为企业的一个重要利润源泉,本文从集成供应链管理的角度探讨如何在供应链中实现增值采购。

    With the change from enterprise competition to supply chain competition , the purchasing activity is becoming one important source of profit for enterprise . The following paper discusses how to achieve value-adding purchasing in supply chain from the points of integrated supply chain management .

  18. 其中,供应物流是连接一级供应商与制造企业之间物料供应的重要活动。

    Supply logistics is the important linkage between the first-tier suppliers and manufactory , as one of the fundamental value-adding activities of manufactory .

  19. 工程项目的建设是一个不均衡的生产过程,项目资源供应是有限的,为保证资源的组织、供应,使生产活动能连续而正常的运作,需对工期-资源进行优化。

    The construction of the project is not a balanced production process , the limited supply of project resources , to ensure the organization of resources , supply , so that production can be continuous and normal operation , the need for time to optimize resources .

  20. 在上述基础上,提出了企业集成供应系统的设计目标,设计了集成供应遵循的一般过程和供应的内容,对每个过程的供应活动进行了分析。

    Putting forward the aim of enterprise integration provisioning system , and then designed a common process of the integration provisioning .

  21. 供应链管理就是通过建立各实体间的战略性合作伙伴关系,集成供应链中的资源,优化整个供应链活动的物流、商流、信息流和资金流,从而提高整条链的竞争能力。

    Supply chain management is among the entities through the establishment of strategic partnerships , integrated supply chain resources ; optimize the activities of the logistics , business flow , information flow and cash flow , thereby enhancing the entire " chain " competition .

  22. 区域生态供应链是一条包括了企业、政府和个人的占据了一定地理面积的供应链,该条供应链的各项活动都对二氧化碳排放造成了直接和间接的影响。

    The regional eco-supply chain contains enterprises , government and individuals and its activities have influenced the carbon emission directly and indirectly .