
  • 网络Equilibrium of Supply and Demand;the equilibrium of demand and supply
  1. 论完全信息与高等教育供求均衡

    On Perfect Information and Equilibrium of Supply and Demand in Higher Education

  2. 第五章我国长期护理保险供求均衡探讨。

    The equilibrium of supply and demand of long-term care insurance in China .

  3. 基于供求均衡要求,根据商业银行的特点及其人力资源管理的特殊性,设计了一个商业银行人力资源管理的6P模式。

    In view of equilibrium requirement and the characteristics of commercial banks as well as special requirement of human resource management , a 6-P pattern is designed for human resource management of commercial banks .

  4. 基于构建的CWARMEM模型实证分析了三种可能的农村劳动力跨区域流动情景对主要流入省区和流出省区的粮食供求均衡格局的影响效应。

    The effects of three kinds of possible rural labor flow between different provinces on Chinese grain supply and demand equilibrium are analyzed by CWARMEM model .

  5. 最后,本文对农电市场供求均衡模型和供求均衡判断方法进行研究,提出了基于GA-MPT最优购电策略的农电市场均衡模型。

    Finally , the equilibrium model of supply and demand and balanced judgment method were studied in this paper and the rural power market equilibrium model based on optimal power purchase was put forward in this paper .

  6. 军人福利的供求均衡分析

    An analysis of supply and demand balance of armyman 's welfare

  7. 我们必须努力保持供求均衡。

    We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply * D demand .

  8. 环境生产要素市场的供求均衡及其对厂商生产的影响

    Analysis of Market Equilibrium and its Impact to Firm on Environment Production Factor

  9. 高等教育供求均衡与策略选择

    Equilibrium of Supply and Strategy Choice in Higher Education

  10. 合理配置教育资源与教育供求均衡

    China ′ s educational resources : rational disposal and parity between supply and demand

  11. 我国货币内生性问题的实证研究我国农村金融供求均衡调节研究

    A Study on the Balance Adjustment of Financial Demand and Supply in Chinese Rural Areas

  12. 公共卫生产品的基本属性与供求均衡分析

    Analysis of the basic properties of public health products and the balance between their supply and demand

  13. 因此,必须重视农村电力市场供求均衡分析。

    Therefore , we must pay attention to the rural power market supply and demand equilibrium analysis .

  14. 促进农村金融供求均衡发展的政策建议。

    Fourthly , policy suggestions about promoting balanced development of rural financial supply and demand are put forward .

  15. 第一步,按照市场供求均衡框架,研究特定区域市场的报纸发行总容量。

    Firstly , study the total circulation scale of certain regions according to the " balance of supply and demand " .

  16. 价格管制导致了市场中存在套利机会,但是本文应用一个动态博弈模型论证了:对于火车票这种特殊商品,即使价格升高到供求均衡价格,依然可能存在套利机会;

    This paper , however , shows that arbitrage opportunities still exist even in a market with equilibrium ticket price under certain circumstances .

  17. 从经济系统结构的角度,借助两部门经济结构框架,运用一个简单的农产品供求均衡模型,考察国际贸易对农业增长的作用。

    In this paper the influence of open economy upon agricultural growth is discussed from the angle of the structure of economic system .

  18. 货币政策主要是通过影响总需求,从而让经济形成新的供求均衡,最终使经济总量达到新的水平。

    Monetary policy pushes economy to a new equilibrium point through influencing total supply , making total output reach a new level finally .

  19. 然后从供求均衡分析、边际效用规律、需求弹性特点和市场结构类型等几个方面探讨了软件产品相对于传统物质产品的定价理论悖论。

    From the point of view of the supply and demand proportionally , marginal utility law , demand elasticity characteristic and market structure type .

  20. 在此基础上,对农电市场供求均衡模型和供求均衡判断方法进行了研究。

    On the basis of that , the paper studied the equilibrium model of supply and demand and balance judgement method of supply and demand .

  21. 这也必然决定了黄金价格形成机制的复杂性,其价格不是由某种属性特征单方面决定的,而是由黄金现货供求均衡商品属性和黄金市场投资投机货币属性两种机制共同作用的结果。

    So the gold price mechanism is complex , its price is not determined unilaterally by a certain attributive character , but by two attribute together .

  22. 就创造、实现公共卫生产品供求均衡提出建议:①建立双层并行的运作机制;

    It also puts forward some suggestions for realizing balance between the supply and demand of public health products : ① establishing a parallel operational mechanism ;

  23. 这样,在需求和供给两方面的共同努力下,最终才能逐步实现我国长期护理保险的供求均衡。

    With the joint efforts on demand and supply , we will achieve the balance between supply and demand of long-term care insurance in our country gradually .

  24. 价格因素对市场供求均衡的作用有限,非价格因素成为市场供求均衡的要素;

    The price factor has little impact on balancing the market supply and demand and the non-price factor became essential factor to balance the market supply and demand .

  25. 森林环境存量、经济发展水平与国家环境政策是影响森林环境供求均衡状况的主要因素。

    The forest environmental supply and demand equilibrium is affected by the main factors of the forest environmental stock , the level of economic development , national environmental policy .

  26. 第一部分对教育供给和教育需求两个概念进行了界定,并提出实现教育供求均衡存在的一般问题。

    The first part gives the definition of education demand and supply and poses the common questions existed during the procedure in reaching equilibrium of education demand and supply .

  27. 审计的供给方是独立审计人员,需求方是委托者及相关利益集团,双方围绕被审查会计资料及财务报表的真实公允问题寻求供求均衡。

    The supply side of audit is independent audit worker and demand side is trust agency and the two sides seek balance around audit accounting materials needed and financial statements .

  28. 离开了对公共物品需求的考察,则无法确定公共物品的供求均衡点。

    Far away from the review of the demand of public goods , we have no way to confirm the equilibrious point of the demand and the supply of public goods .

  29. 通过对人力资源的供求均衡分析,阐述我国新兴产业人才短缺性问题的解决方案;

    Through the supply and demand equilibrium analysis of human resources , elaborated the solution of the shortage problem about the talented person in new industry of 21 century in China .

  30. 利率市场化的实现表现在两个层面上:一是在宏观层面上,表现为借贷市场资金的供求均衡决定利率总水平;

    Marketization of interest rate is represented on two levels : one is on macro-level , where equilibrium of capital demand and supply in loan market determines the general interest rate level ;