
ɡōnɡ yǎnɡ rén
  • provider
  1. 她生病前一直是家里的主要供养人。

    Until her illness she was the main provider in the family .

  2. 父亲在孩子的生命中扮演着许多不可或缺的重要角色:供养人、保护者、养育者、导师和朋友。

    Fathers have indispensable roles to play in the lives of their children : provider , protector , nurturer , teacher , and friend .

  3. 河南洛阳永宁寺塔出土供养人、菩萨像。

    The figures of Bodhisattvas and their worshiping offerers excavated from Yongning temple .

  4. 唐宋时期艺术捐资者&供养人研究

    Research on Art Supporters in Tang and Song Dynasties

  5. 敦煌莫高窟第138窟供养人画像再认识

    Further research on the donor portraits in Cave 138 at Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang

  6. 内容多为经变画、佛像画、和供养人画像等的表现。

    Mostly by changing the content of paintings , Buddha paintings , portraits , etc. and support for the performance of people .

  7. 一般来说,税务局不会要求纳税人提交受供养人日常开支的单据。

    Generally speaking , the IRD will not require taxpayers to submit the bills and receipts in respect of the daily expenses of their dependants .

  8. 第七章就河西地区的佛塔、塑像和绘画进行详细论述,透过洞窟题记、供养人画像及新材料等就某些历史问题阐述自己的观点,对个别洞窟的分期提出一些思考。

    Chapter Seven elaborates pagodas , figures of Buddha and paintings found in Hexi Region and then gives attention to some historical problems and the existing period of certain grottoes by analyzing epigraphs in the grottoes , the portraits of patrons and new materials .

  9. 第四部分:通过对唐宋时期具体的个案的分析,揭示出供养人特殊的身份地位、个人事迹,家族风格、审美情趣和出资情况等对艺术作品自身的创作所产生的具体的深刻的影响。

    Part Four : Through the case study of Tang and Song dynasties the author reveals the concrete and profound influence of the supporter 's specific status , personal affairs , family styles , aesthetic interests and donating performances on the creating of art works .

  10. 我无意供养任何人。

    I don 't intend to be a meal-ticket for anyone .

  11. 那位政治家说,对于那些期待政府供养的人来说,时间正在流逝,人人都得加紧工作才是!

    The politician said that the sands of time were running out for those who expected the state to support them , everyone must work harder !

  12. 专家表示,要供养这些人也非常困难。

    Experts say it will be difficult to feed them .

  13. 他就是那个我们必须供养的人。

    He 's the one who must provide .

  14. 我用尽一生一世来将你供养,人世间有太多的烦恼要忘。

    I would sacrifice my life , whole , to worship you , in life there 're sundry worries to discard .

  15. 人口老龄化逐渐成为人类社会的常态,人口老龄化带来的诸多问题中,如何解决供养老年人的问题就成为这些问题的核心之一。

    Aging of population is gradually becoming a regular social situation all over the world , which brings along many problems .

  16. 在中国,独生子女家庭已经成为了一种社会模式,由于生活费用增加,许多家庭无能力供养多人。

    Single-child families are the social norm in China , and many couples cannot afford to have more than one child due to the high cost of living .

  17. 然而,出生率普遍很低,导致照料老人的子女减少,纳税供养老年人的劳动人口下降。

    Birth rates are often low , however leaving fewer children to look after parents in their dotage and a smaller workforce to pay the taxes that also support them .

  18. 相对于经济供养,老年人在生活照料和精神慰藉方面面临的问题更加突出。

    Compared to the economic support , life care and spiritual solace problems become more prominent .

  19. 把照顾开支列为可扣除的项目,便可让申请人和其配偶继续工作,而在他们离家上班时,受供养的幼年人也可得到照顾。

    The care allowance is hence included as deductible to enable the applicant and his her spouse to continue to work , with their infant dependant taken care of during their absence .

  20. 他们努力工作以供养一大家子人。

    They worked hard to provide for their large family .

  21. 丽奈特:你要知道,雷尼,我有过一份事业,并供养一大家子人。

    Lynette : You know , Renee , I have had a career and raised a family .

  22. 他说,世界必须以更少的土地,水和资源来供养更多饥饿的人。

    He says the world will need to feed more hungry people with less available land , water and other resources .

  23. 子女外出务工对留守老人经济供养的影响青年人去打仗,老年人则留在家中。

    Statistic Analysis on Influence of Egress Laboring of Offspring for Economic Support of Remained Elderly The old stayed at home while the young went to war .

  24. 同时,在养老金覆盖面扩大之前,各国可以考虑建立一种可负担的非缴费方案(零支柱),同它来供养脆弱的老年人。

    In the meantime until pension coverage expands , countries could consider creating an affordable non-contributory scheme ( zero pillar ) to provide for the vulnerable elderly .