
  1. 宋代的队舞等等,都可以归纳在这个范畴之内。

    As well as the team dance of the Song Dynasty can all be put into the sphere of jiyue .

  2. 2006年春节晚会上,唐山俏夕阳舞蹈队表演的皮影舞是一道最亮丽的风景,新颖独特的风格和精湛优美的舞姿使人几乎忘记了舞蹈者是一群年过半百的中老年妇女。

    Many people will agree the highlight of the Special Program on CCTV during the 2006 Spring Festival was the dance performed by the Beautiful Sunset Dance Troupe , from Tangshan , Hebei Province .