
duì xínɡ biàn huàn
  • transformation ;evolution
  1. 复杂并且流动性强的队形变换是成套总体设计的创编趋势之一。

    Complex and highly liquid formation transformation is complete sets of design creation trend of .

  2. 规则中没有对舞蹈啦啦队的队形变换做出特殊的分类与规定。

    And rules to dance in the cheerleading of formation and transformation of the special provisions made .

  3. 队形变换种类较为单一,以稳定性队形为主,缺乏流动性与复杂性。

    Formation conversion type is relatively single , to the stability of formation , the lack of liquidity and complexity .

  4. 本文将舞蹈啦啦队队形变换整体划分为两种类型:集中型与分散型。

    This article will dance is between the whole transformation into cheerleading formation of two types : concentration and dispersed .

  5. 目的:观察以徒手体操为主,以简单的技巧单个动作、基本的舞蹈单个动作、部分素质、柔韧练习及队列队形变换为辅的幼儿基本体操练习对幼儿6项体能指标的影响。

    AIM : To probe into the influence of the newly born sports-Children 's basic gymnastics on the six indexes of physical ability .

  6. 采用闭环控制,根据附近机器人的位置信息进行队形变换,仿真结果表明了其有效性。

    According to the position information of the neighbor robots , a closed-loop control strategy is used to transform each other . Simulation results show the effectiveness .

  7. 针对如何形成群体机器人以及如何实现其队形变换和行走等技术内容,本文进行了相关研究。首先,本文研究了群体机器人的协调机制。

    In this paper , how to aggregate swarm robots and realize theirs formation and walking is researched . Firstly , the coordination mechanism of swarm robots is researched .

  8. 队形变换是群体机器人拥有良好环境适应能力的一个体现。参考多机器人所采用的队形变换实现方法,依据群体机器人特有的协调机制,本文对群体机器人的队形变换实现方法进行了研究。

    Formation embodies the strong adaptive ability of swarm robots . Reference to formation algorithms used in multi-robots and based on particular coordination mechanism of swarm robots , some methods to realize formation of swarm robots have been proposed .

  9. 针对局部群体机器人,本文提出了基于环境的被动变形法。通过理论分析和实验仿真,证明该算法可以依据环境变化实现该群体机器人任意形状的队形变换。最后,本文研究了群体机器人的行走。

    For local swarm robots , a normal passive formation method based on its environment has been proposed and it is proved that this method can randomly change swarm robots ' form based on its environment . Finally , the walking of swarm robots is researched .

  10. 最后针对编队队形的变换与躲避威胁等特殊情况对无人机编队单元之间的协调优化进行了仿真验证和分析。

    Finally , the formation alternation and threatening obstacle avoidance of UAVs are taken into account within the coordinative optimization procedure by simulated verification and comparative analysis .

  11. 最后研究了四种队形之间的变换策略。

    The thesis also researches the transformation among four formations .

  12. 杂志特意策划了大片,40位明星大腕身穿维多利亚设计的裙子列队上镜,其队形以彩虹的变换颜色排列。

    The publication has put together a fun rainbow montage of 40 A-listers who have worn 40 of Victoria 's stunning dress designs .