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  1. 我们向一个自称“大学运动员”的队下了战书。

    We challenged a team who called themselves ' College Athletes ' .

  2. 在三个星期前,他还曾被尼克斯队下放到NBDL球队宾州伊利海鹰队。在这个赛季加盟尼克斯队之前,林书豪曾被两支其他的NBA球队裁掉。

    He was sent by the Knicks to play for their D-League team 3 weeks ago in Erie , PA. Hed already been cut by two other NBA teams before joining the Knicks this year .

  3. 熊队下一个击打手,托比怀特伍德。

    Next up for the bears , Toby whitewood .

  4. 利兹联队和曼彻斯特市队下星期有一场友谊赛。

    There 's a friendly between Leeds United and Manchester City next week .

  5. 我们队下定决心取胜。

    Our team made a stern resolve to win .

  6. 这并不是一个好兆头他们对休息良好的休斯敦火箭队下一个比赛。

    That doesn 't bode well for their next contest against the well-rested Houston Rockets .

  7. 他曾代表意大利国家队下19级看作是一个光明的前景。

    He has represented the Italian national team at under-19 level and is considered a bright prospect .

  8. 《天空新闻》报道称,维拉队下一任主帅候选人之一是曾在切尔西队效力、执教的罗伯特·迪马特奥。

    Sky News said former Chelsea player and manager Roberto di Mateo was being tipped as the next Villa manager .

  9. 派往洪灾地区的医疗队下个月即将起程。

    The medical team to be sent ( which is to be sent ) to the flooded-stricken areas will start off next month .

  10. 很多人认为金州勇士队下赛季将会蝉联总冠军,但也可能出于某种原因而分崩离析。

    Many believe the Golden State Warriors are going to win the title again and will still break up in some way next season .

  11. 篮网队下个赛季情况依旧不容乐观,这很有可能是个前三顺位的选秀权。

    The Nets are expected to again struggle this season , meaning the selection has the potential to be in the top three of the draft .

  12. 在目前的市场环境下,他们大概找不到其他合适的下家,而总经理加尔-福曼得到的三名球员都有机会进入公牛队下赛季的轮换阵容。

    In a market where there were presumably no other serious takers , GM Gar Forman obtained three players who all have an opportunity to be on the Bulls rotation next season .

  13. 西班牙队在下半场加强攻势,攻进了一球。

    Spain attacked more in the second half and deserved a goal .

  14. 英格兰队在下半场一开始就被攻入一球。

    England conceded a goal immediately after half-time .

  15. 明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。

    The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys

  16. 如果他处理得好,说不定都能当上英格兰队的下任教练。

    He could even be the next manager of the England team if he plays his cards right .

  17. 然而,因弗内斯队在下半场经受住了考验,踢出了很长一段时间以来的最佳水平。

    Inverness , however , rose to the occasion in the second half , producing some of the best football they have played for some time .

  18. 在过去的四个赛季里,这位39岁的老将带领北京队拿下三个总冠军,被公认为是CBA历史上最成功的外籍球员。

    The 39-year-old veteran , who steered Beijing to three titles in past four seasons , is recognized as the most successful foreign player in CBA history .

  19. 尽管在这个赛季中他没能带领克利夫兰骑士队拿下NBA季后赛的总冠军,他仍使球队在联赛中表现出最佳状态,取得了最好成绩。因此“小皇帝”詹姆斯也在本赛季中被评为年度常规赛的最有价值球员。

    Though he failed to take his Cleveland Cavaliers to the NBA finals , he managed to lead the team to the best record in the league -- the feat garnered King James this year 's NBA Most Valuable Player award .

  20. 赛后,PJ塔克打出了职业生涯季后赛最高的22分,替补出场的埃里克·戈登进了27分,本赛季NBA排名第一的火箭队在下半场以29分的优势领先,这是勇士队在本次季后赛中落后最多的分数。

    Behind a playoff career-high 22 points from forward PJ Tucker , and with 27 points off the bench from guard Eric Gordon , the NBA-best Rockets led by as much as 29 points in the second half , the largest deficit Golden State has faced this postseason .

  21. 法国队在下半场发动了反攻并最终赢得了这场比赛。

    France counterattacked in the second half and won the match .

  22. 该队在下半场重新领先。

    The team recovered its lead in the second half .

  23. 英格兰队在下半场开始时将比分扳平。

    England equalized at the beginning of the second half .

  24. 狗仔队拍下了他们在世界各地度假的照片。

    paparazzi Paparazzi took photos of them on vacations around the world .

  25. 这个队签下了一名新队员。

    The team has just signed a new player .

  26. 如果你不喜欢小牛队,下周二,湖人队。

    If you don 't Iike the mavericks , next tuesday , lakers .

  27. 该队在下半场突然有了生气。

    The team 's sluggish attack sprang to life in the second half .

  28. 1991年时,贝克汉姆和他心爱的曼联队签下了一份青训合同。

    Beckham signed a Youth Training Scheme contract in 1991 with his beloved United .

  29. 整个湖人队上下都弥漫着这种气息。

    On these lakers , it 's spreading .

  30. 印度的三军乐队集队走下了山坡。

    Down the slope came the massed bands of the three Indian armed services .