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  1. 北京队命中率高于广东队,表现出显著性的差异。3分球投篮得分情况统计,北京队与广厦队比赛时,投篮次数少于广厦队,表现出显著性的差异。

    Beijing hit rate is higher than guangdong , show the significant differences.3-pointer shooting scores statistics , Beijing ducks with guangsha game , shooting number less than guangsha , showing significant differences .

  2. Q:在前两场比赛中,你们的三分球命中率是21-60,而在常规赛,你们整个队的命中率将近40%。

    Q : You guys , I think you 're 21-60 from three in the first two games and you shot close to 40 as a team during the regular season .

  3. 结果:该队平均打击率滑落到0.217。

    Result : The team batting average plummets to . 217 .

  4. 病例多集中在摔跤队,发病率为39.29%,占病例总数的73.33%。

    The most patients were in wrestler team , its incidence rate was 39.29 % , Which took up 73.33 % of the total number of the patients .

  5. 中国队进攻成功率低的主要原因是投篮命中率低和前场的失误、违例、犯规多造成的,而投篮命中率低则是因近投命中率低。

    The main reasons of low attacking success average of the Chinese team were lower shooting rate , especially lower close shooting rate , and more faults , violation and fouls in the front cout .

  6. 上半场比赛,日本队的控球率达到了78%,射门次数达到了14次。

    Japan controlled the first half with 78 % ball possession and 14 shots .

  7. 非典医疗队工作人员感染率调查报告

    Investigation report on the SARS infection rate of the Second Medical Team of Peking University First Hospital

  8. 中国队的扣球失误率高于欧美强队;

    The error rate of the Chinese team is higher than that of European and American teams ;

  9. 火箭队的投篮命中率是41.2%,这是联盟中第二糟糕的。

    The Rockets are shooting 41.2 percent from the field , which is the second-worst in the league .

  10. 结果表明:中国队的突破射门率明显低于韩国队;

    The result shows that the rate of break through for shot of Chinese team is lower than that of Korea team .

  11. 场均罚球次数和场均罚球命中次数略高于与赛队,但命中率低于与赛队。

    The averaging number of free throws and field were slightly higher than the other team in competitions , but the hit rates were less than them .

  12. 结果表明,中国队的射门得分率明显低于丹麦队和韩国队,得分差距主要体现在上半时;

    The result shows that the percentage of goals of Chinese team is lower than that of Danish and Korean teams and the difference of goals is mainly on the first half .

  13. 骑士队将76人队的命中率降到了赛季最低的37.5%的命中率,这已经是他们连续第二场比赛,将对手的命中率控制在40%以下。

    The Cavs held the Sixers to an opponent season-low 37.5 FG % , their second game in a row holding an opponent to under 40 FG % .

  14. 同样是一胜四负的国家还有波多黎各和科特迪瓦,他们与中国队形成三角关系,最后中国队凭借得失分率挺进16强。

    The countries who have the Similar situation , one win and four defeats , are Puerto Rico and Cote d ' Ivoire , and so they form the three-cornered relation with China . Finally China relies on losing and gaining points pushing onward 16 .

  15. 认为,虽然中国队小组出线进入前8名,但中国队的投篮命中率、失误、身体对抗、整体配合等方面与世界强队存在明显差距,是阻碍中国男篮实现历史性突破的重要因素;

    It was pointed out that though the Chinese team was one of the top eight teams , there were still obvious disparities between Chinese team and world strong teams in the aspects of field goals , turnover , cooperation etc.

  16. 但“林疯狂”的到来却可以增加火箭队主场的场内销售和观赛人数,毕竟上个赛季,火箭队主场的上座率在全联盟垫底。

    But he could provide a greater boost for in-stadium sales and attendance in his new home arena , as the Rockets had one of the worst attendance rates in the League last season .