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héng xíng
  • be on a rampage;crab;run wild;run amuck;overrun;advance freely and quickly;cross field
横行 [héng xíng]
  • (1) [cross field]∶不循阡陌,跨越田亩而行

  • (2) [run amuck]∶依仗暴力做坏事

  • 在世界上横行的邪恶势力

  • (3) [proul]∶以掠夺的方式游遍 [地区]

  • 曾在西部公路上横行一时的恶棍

  • (4) [advance freely and quickly]∶纵横驰骋,所向无阻

  • 当横行天下。--《资治通鉴》

横行[héng xíng]
  1. 他家的粮仓、厨房,任凭老鼠怎么横行,也从来不去过问。

    He allowed rats to run wild in his granary and kitchen and never bothered about them .

  2. 由于器材和其他技术发展的飞速跃进,赝品伪作一时横行的机会更多。

    Thanks to the rapid advance of equipment and other technology , the opportunity for fakes to run wild is immense .

  3. 这房间里虱蚤横行。

    The room was crawling with vermin .

  4. 几只螃蟹沿着泥泞的河堤快速横行。

    Crabs scuttle along the muddy bank .

  5. 这是一个不折不扣的强盗横行的国家。

    This is real bandit country .

  6. 军阀混战,盗贼横行,真是昏天黑地。

    Ridden with warlordism and banditry ; the country was in a state of chaos .

  7. “有一个古老的传说:只要一直制作彩蛋,恶魔将不会在世上横行作乱,”加拿大的彩蛋绘制师琼·布兰德说道。

    " There 's an ancient legend that as long as these eggs are made , evil will not prevail in the world , " says Joan Brander , a Canadian egg-painter who has been painting eggs for over 60 years , having learned the art from her Ukrainian relatives .

  8. 城南,有一户人家闹鼠患,老鼠成群结队,到处横行。

    In the south of the city , one house was plagued with rats . The rats ran amuck .

  9. 结论:对于横行或相对大块的粉碎性骨折,AO张力带法应视为有效、可靠的选择;

    Conclusion : Tension-band method is applicable for transverse fracture or comminuted fracture .

  10. 取正常成年SD雄性大鼠42只,按体重配对后随机分入处理组和对照组,所有动物均制备成双侧胫骨中上段横行骨折髓内针固定模型。

    42 adult male SD rats were randomly allocated into treatment group and control group after weight by weight .

  11. 胸前神经主要支配横行纤维,并在其中部形成一“U”形的神经襻。

    The former innervated cross fibers mainly , it penetrated the middle of muscle belly and formed a " U-Shaped " nerve ansa .

  12. 在这个Wi-Fi和蓝牙横行的时代里,使用闪光可能有点像回到用奥尔迪斯手提信号灯发送信息的年代。

    In an age of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth , flashing lights might seem like going back to sending messages with an Aldis lamp .

  13. 一周前,电视中播放KFC/TacoBell餐馆中老鼠横行的录像。此录像拍摄时,KFC/TacoBell刚于前一天通过了市卫生部检查。

    The video broadcast on television a week ago showed rats running wild at a KFC / Taco Bell restaurant just one day after the outlet had passed a city Health Department inspection .

  14. 结果:常规X线对各种类型的髁突骨折均有显示不准确现象,横断位的二维CT对3例髁突横行骨折有不准确显示,三维CT可清楚地显示各种类型的髁突骨折。

    Results : Conventional X ray film is poor in showing the mandibular condyle fractures . 2D CT of the cross section is not accurate in showing 3 cases of the mandibular condyle horizontal fractures . 3D CT is the best method in showing the mandibular condyle fractures .

  15. 部分病例骨折线有向骨折两端移位趋向,晚期呈0.5~2cm的横行致密组织骨带;

    Lines of fracture has moved in some cases , with 0 . 5 ~ 2cm transverse highdensity bone - band in advanced stage .

  16. 它与少数其它英国独立出版商共同证明,在这个iPad和Kindle横行的时代,人们仍然能够通过往往较为昂贵的实体书赚钱。

    Along with a handful of other independent UK publishers , it shows that in an era of iPads and Kindles , there is still money to be made from physical , and often quite expensive , books .

  17. 它是在保证元素的原子序数顺序连续性之下,严格按元素的原子基态核外电子排布相同的列为一组,F族因其特性合为二个组。横行为周期,共八个周期。

    Under guarantee the continuity of atomic number order , it has been done strictly according to the same electron configurations of the gaseous atoms of the elements arrange in a group , F group of elements is divided into two coloumn because of the analogy in properties and electronic .

  18. 他说:如果你认为那些带着黑面罩、手持卡拉什尼科夫(即AK-47突击步枪&译者注)在基辅街头横行霸盗的人是政府,那么我们很难同这样的政府打交道。

    If you consider people who plough Kiev in black masks and with Kalashnikovs a government , then we will have difficulty working with such a government .

  19. 我的导游马卡·卡里奥(MaykelCarillo)说,当地人习惯远离水边,因为这里一度公牛鲨(bullsharks)横行。截至20世纪80年代,过度捕捞和鱼翅交易使得公牛鲨灭绝,但是有些人说仍然有几只潜伏在水下。

    My guide , Maykel Carillo , saidlocals used to stay out of the water because it was once infested with bull sharks.By the 1980s , overfishing and a shark fin trade wiped-out the population , butsome say a few still lurk under the surface .

  20. 方法:将30具胫骨标本制成中段横行无缺损骨折模型,行单侧外固定支架(UADF)、Crosse-Kempf钉、TCP三种器材固定后,测试各项生物力学性能。

    Methods : Thirty tibial specimens were made indefectible in middle part . The fracture samples were fixed differently by unilateral axial dynamine fixation ( UADF ), Grosse-Kempf nail and trapezoid compression plate ( TCP ) . Each performance of biomechanics was done .

  21. 骨折类型:横行骨折3例,粉碎性骨折13例。

    13 cases were comminuted fractures and 3 was transversal fractures .

  22. 列联表是由横行和纵栏构成的。

    A contingency table is made up of rows and columns .

  23. 世界上到处都是罪恶横行。

    There is a deal of wickedness going about the world .

  24. 它好象传说中的一头恣意横行的野兽。

    It was like a beast long fabled for its ferocity .

  25. 这是一个时间设定在盗墓横行时期、内容恐怖的故事。

    A grim tale set in the days of body snatchers .

  26. 那是个骗子和庸医横行的年代。

    It was the age of horse sense and the quack .

  27. 没错,这个季节蚊子横行。

    Yes , the mosquitos are swarming this time of year .

  28. 克劳德,你在这儿横行了多少年?

    Claude , how many years you been riding this territory ?

  29. 横行徇知己负羽远从戎&浅谈初、盛唐侠义诗的繁荣

    The flourishing of the chivalrous poems in the early prosperous Tang Dynasty

  30. 包虫病棘球绦虫感染用来治疗十二指肠、蛲虫和蛔虫横行的杀虫。

    An anthelmintic used to treat hookworm and pinworm and roundworm infestations .