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tíng bó
  • berth;mooring;anchor;call;be moored at a port
停泊 [tíng bó]
  • [berth;anchor;be moored at a port] 船只停靠;在泊位停住

  • 这个码头可以停泊五十艘货船

停泊[tíng bó]
  1. 我们可以在码头附近下锚停泊。

    We could anchor off the pier

  2. 那停泊着的船在大浪中颠簸。

    The vessel at anchor surged in the heavy sea .

  3. 那艘船在夜间漂离了停泊处。

    The ship had slipped its moorings in the night .

  4. 船在离岩岸两英里处抛锚停泊。

    The ship lay at anchor two miles off the rocky coast .

  5. 我们停泊在岛的北部岸边。

    We moored off the north coast of the island .

  6. 港湾里停泊着几条船。

    Several boats lay at anchor in the harbour .

  7. 我们在西班牙沿海抛锚停泊。

    We anchored off the coast of Spain .

  8. 船停泊在离岸不远的地方。

    The ship was anchored off shore .

  9. 船停泊在南安普敦。

    The ship is berthed at Southampton .

  10. 他们傍晚抛锚停泊。

    They cast anchor at nightfall .

  11. 这艘船停泊在离该半岛北部海岸不远的地方。

    The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the peninsula

  12. 他那条25英尺长的小船停泊在看得见西教堂的地方。

    His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church .

  13. 该船获准在波士顿港口停泊。

    The ship was permitted to tie up in Boston harbour .

  14. 轮船在横渡10个小时后停泊在了斯旺西。

    The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing .

  15. 帆船停泊在狭窄的水道上。

    Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway .

  16. 她把驳船停泊在河右岸。

    She had moored her barge on the right bank of the river

  17. 这艘游艇现停泊在利明顿的一处船坞里。

    The yacht now lies in a boatyard at Lymington .

  18. 我决定在一些观光船附近停泊。

    I decided to moor near some tourist boats .

  19. 将会有免费停泊区。

    Free moorings will be available .

  20. 一艘轮船在码头锚地停泊。

    A steamship was moored to its berth at the pier .

  21. 我们把帆船停泊在港湾里。

    We anchored our sailing boat in the bay .

  22. 大船横靠着码头停泊。

    The big ship lies alongside the pier .

  23. 港内停泊着一艘远洋巨轮。

    An oceangoing ship is lying at anchor in the harbour .

  24. 他们从近海处抛锚停泊的船只上以管道输送油于贮藏罐内。

    They piped oil into storage tanks from ships anchored offshore .

  25. 夜里,所有的船只都停泊在港口。

    All the boats were in the haven at night .

  26. 船在码头停泊。

    The boats hauled up at the pier .

  27. 船停泊在干船坞里时水手们都上岸去了。

    The crew was on the beach while the ship was in dry dock .

  28. 还有五、六只独木舟停泊在碧绿的湖边,象一尾尾闪闪发光的鱼。

    And the half dozen canoes beached like bright fish along the grassy shore of the lake .

  29. Windowlooker指看到建筑物、商店或者停泊车辆的窗玻璃就忍不住想要照一照,检查一下自己的发型、牙齿,或者整个外表状况,我们可以称之为“照窗族”。

    A window looker refers to someone who compulsively looks into windows of buildings , stores or parked cars to check out their hair , their teeth , and everything about their appearance .

  30. 有一天他非常高兴地看到一艘大船停泊在海湾了。

    One day he was very pleased to find a ship anchored in the day .